Share your story

If you would be happy to share your story with us, then we want to hear from you. At Releaf, we believe that the most powerful way we can educate people about medical cannabis is through the voices of our patients.

Did you know?

It was the stories of individual patients and their journeys with medical cannabis that led to the change in law in 2018, allowing the first prescriptions of full spectrum cannabis-based medicines to be issues on the NHS.

There remain so many misunderstandings and a great deal of stigma when it comes to medical cannabis in the UK, we know that sharing the journeys of our patients is key when it comes to supporting others with deciding whether medical cannabis might be a suitable treatment option for them. That’s where you come in.

Record a short testimonial

Tell us about your experience with Releaf! How is your medical cannabis treatment journey going? What did you think of your Starter Kit? How have you found the level of care from our team?

Chloe's Journey

Condition Endometriosis

Subscriber 5 months

Maxim's Journey

Condition Chronic Pain

Subscriber 5 months

Jess' Journey

Condition Fibroymyalgia

Subscriber 5 months

Daisy's Journey

Condition PTSD

Subscriber 5 months

Daryl's Journey

Condition Anxiety & Depression

Subscriber 5 months

Carla's Journey

Condition Endometriosis

Subscriber 6 months

Wojciech's Journey

Condition Insomnia

Subscriber 5 months

Hollie's Journey

Condition Chronic Pain & Anxiety

Subscriber 5 months

Tips for recording:

  • Use a plain background
  • Wear a light neutral-coloured top
  • Have your phone camera on selfie mode, portrait orientation
  • Place your phone on a stable surface at eye level (use a tripod if you have one)
  • Make sure your face is well lit, ideally by natural light (sit in front of a window if possible)
  • Video should be no more than 45 seconds long

Not sure what to say? Here’s a suggested structure for your video:

  1. Introduce yourself: your name, your condition(s), how long you’ve been a patient with Releaf

  2. Let us know what you love most about being a Releaf patient. Some ideas might include:

    • The care you’ve received from our team

    • Your experience with our prescribing doctor

    • Our online patient platform

    • The Welcome Box and its contents

    • Your Releaf medical cannabis card

  3. How is your medical cannabis treatment impacting your life? Can you do things now that you were unable to do before?

Submit your video

Patient Stories

This patient interview series delves into the personal stories of our patients, shining the light on what life was like for them before they had access to medical cannabis, exploring what it was like to discover Releaf and how their treatment has improved their quality of life.

Request a call
Maxim's Diary: A new chapter

This is Part 1 of Maxim's Diary Series, a series of articles following the journey of Chronic Pain patient with Releaf, Maxim, as he tries medical cannabis treatment for the first time to combat his severe nerve pain.

Maxim's Diary: Integrating medical cannabis into my lifestyle

This is Part 3 of Maxim's Diary Series, a series of articles following the journey of Chronic Pain patient with Releaf, Maxim, as he tries medical cannabis treatment for the first time to combat his severe nerve pain.

Matt's Story: From curly kale to medical cannabis, how Michelin star chef Matt manages his MS

As humans, we like to learn from others because we feel inspired by them, because there is strength in numbers, and that’s something we’re naturally comforted by. And, at Releaf, sharing patient voices and their experiences with medical cannabis is something we’re committed to, for exactly these reasons. We want to champion our patient’s voices to diversity the conversation, covering all sorts of health conditions treatable with medical cannabis, by speaking to patients one on one about how their health, life, and overall wellbeing, has changed since becoming a Releaf patient.

Lauren’s Story: Freedom from anxiety and arrest

For far too many patients in the UK, finding legal treatment options that are effective and without the burden of heavy side effects can be difficult. To add to the struggle, navigating the complex healthcare and legal systems can often leave patients feeling lost and alone.

Maxim's Diary: Starting my treatment

This is Part 2 of Maxim's Diary Series, a series of articles following the journey of Chronic Pain patient with Releaf, Maxim, as he tries medical cannabis treatment for the first time to combat his severe nerve pain.

Daisy’s Story: Prejudice, professionalism, and PTSD

As human beings, it's part of our intrinsic, instinctual nature to learn from those around us, and to use the experiences others have had to help guide or inform our own. And in the world of medical cannabis, this is no different.

Ryan’s Story: Taking strides treating sciatica with medical cannabis

One of our core values at Releaf is pushing patient voices to the forefront, and to continue our commitment to doing so, this week we spoke to Ryan, a 31-year-old Brightonian who recently took the plunge, and became a Releaf patient.

If you would like to share your perspective with us, get in touch today.

Are you a content creator?

Whether you’re a patient with Releaf already or interested in beginning your journey with medical cannabis, we’re on the look out for influencers and content creators to help us share the patient experience. Want to get involved?

Request influencer guide
Chloe filming a video about Releaf
Mari filming a video about Releaf
Jess filming a video about Releaf
Zoe filming a video about Releaf