Autism medical cannabis treatment
It is important to remember that autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is not an illness, and it doesn’t need ‘curing’. Autism just causes people to experience the world in a different way. While traditional therapies and medications can help with some challenges and symptoms associated with autism, medical cannabis is also available in the UK as an option when conventional treatments fail - and many are unaware of this.
Am I eligible?700,000
700,000 people, or 1 in every 100 people, are believed to have autism in the UK.
50% of adults with autism are also diagnosed with some kind of anxiety disorder.
1 month
1 month into medical cannabis treatment, patients with autism report improvements in quality of life.
⅓ of T21 participants with autism stopped using benzodiazepines after starting medical cannabis
Anxiety in social situations
Difficulties with communication
Encountering extreme emotional changes
Hyperfixation or highly focused hobbies
Repetitive or restrictive routines
Sensitivities to sounds/smells/lights/taste/touch
Trouble expressing emotions
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, please speak with your GP to find out more.
Treatment options:
There are different therapies that can be recommended to help people with autism during their day-to-day lives, and in some cases medications may be considered to help control depression, angry outbursts, or seizures. The conventional approaches taken in the UK usually involve:
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Occupational therapy
Find out if you may be eligible for medical cannabis Autism treatments here
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Whether you’re new to cannabis-based medicines, switching from another medical cannabis clinic, or self-medicating, we’ll put you back in control of your health.
A word from our specialist
"People with Autism spectrum disorder present with different features. Sometimes, this can include difficulties with new situations, change of routines, dealing with an overload of sensory stimuli – sights, smells, noise etc. These can manifest in anxiety, which is distressing and lead to other behavioural problems. Cannabis based treatments can provide symptomatic relief and help to reduce the distress associated with the anxiety."

Dr Vijay Delaffon
Find out if you may be eligible for medical cannabis Autism treatments here
Am I eligible?Articles on Autism
Can I get medical cannabis for autism symptom management in the UK?
Yes. In the UK, medical cannabis can be prescribed to people with autism when other treatments have not been effective at managing their symptoms.
Autism can affect how a person interacts or perceives certain situations and environments, and can impact how they communicate with the world around them. This in turn can cause them to experience symptoms such as stress and anxiety, or emotional mood changes.
While it’s important that medications are not prescribed to treat the core features of autism because they do not need ‘curing’, there are treatment options available to help manage symptoms if they are poorly influencing a person’s quality of life.
Medical cannabis was legalised in the UK in 2018 as a prescription only medicine, and while there is still ongoing research into the use of medical cannabis as a complementary treatment option for autism symptom management, the evidence available so far appears promising.
When the compounds within medical cannabis enter the blood stream, they interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating a number of homeostatic functions - including mood regulation, and sensory processing - and influence the signals, or responses, it would typically issue.
For those with autism, this could mean improving quality of life by helping to manage stress and anxiety, or stabilising mood and improving sleep. Our specialist doctors can legally prescribe medical cannabis to those who have been struggling to manage these symptoms with conventional medicines and therapies.
To find out if medical cannabis autism treatments could be right for you, assess your eligibility here.