Patient StoriesChaos’s Story: From Fibromyalgia Pain to Relief with Medical Cannabis

Patient Stories

Chaos’s Story: From Fibromyalgia Pain to Relief with Medical Cannabis

For years, Chaos has lived with the debilitating effects of anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. Fibromyalgia is only just starting to be properly recognised in the conventional medical community, even though it affects millions of people worldwide.

Chaos knows all too well the struggles of living with an invisible illness. The constant battle to explain and justify her condition, the frustration of not being able to receive proper treatment, and the isolation caused by managing symptoms that others cannot see. But despite all these challenges, she never gave up hope.

After years of relying on prescription painkillers that offered little relief with side effects that she couldn't bear, Chaos stumbled across Releaf. This marked a turning point in her health journey, offering her a natural and effective alternative to manage her symptoms and reclaim her independence.

Chaos Releaf Medical Cannabis Patient

Could you tell us a little about your diagnosis, and your health journey before joining Releaf’s community?

Anxiety and depression have been with me for a few years now. And these mental health struggles have been, I guess, at least slightly worsened by fibromyalgia and plantar fasciitis - both of which cause pretty intense pain at times. 

The fibromyalgia was originally misdiagnosed as tendonitis in my hips, and it took quite a while before my doctors were willing to even consider the possibility that it was something else. I would be out walking around in town and, just completely randomly, my hip would have this extremely sharp pain seemingly out of nowhere, and thankfully I walk with a crutch, otherwise, I would have been struggling to stay on my feet.

But fibromyalgia can present with so many different symptoms (which is why it can be challenging to diagnose), and soon, other issues started popping up. It affects your nerves, and I started getting pains all through my body. One day it could be my hands are really bad, the next it's my hips, and then it's my feet.

And it's not only pain. I was getting these weird symptoms, where I would get a sensation of water running down my legs (even though there was no water) and my eyesight started to be affected, with the nerves in my eyes being impacted. It was just really bizarre, and I didn't know what was going on. And then there is the fatigue - which is just a whole other layer of struggle on top of everything else.

Before finding Releaf, what treatments had you tried to manage your conditions?

At first, my doctor prescribed me one heavy painkiller (sorry, the name escapes me right now). As soon as I started on it, I realised that I hated the way it made me feel, even though it did help, to a certain extent anyway. If the pain was mild, it made a difference, but if it was severe, it wasn't doing much.

I told the doctor that I really didn't like taking the pills and that the side effects were too much for me. The doctor suggested that maybe a different option might work better, and prescribed me tramadol, but it was the same - the side effects were really horrible. In all honesty, I was avoiding taking it, as it was just swapping the nerve pain for terrible stomach pain.

I asked the doctors if we could try a different option, or if there was anything they could give me to help with the side effects, but they were like, "Nope, that's all we can give you."

This was all before I even received my fibromyalgia diagnosis, and it really felt like the doctor didn't even believe what I was saying. I just felt like I wasn't being listened to, and I definitely wasn't being taken seriously. It didn't seem to matter that I have lived with this for years, and there was a family history of fibromyalgia - It was just a case of "We know what we're talking about. You don't."

At that point, I decided that I needed to go to a proper specialist pain clinic.

And, what care were you offered at the specialist pain clinic?

The doctors there were much more understanding.

This is where I finally got my fibromyalgia diagnosis and was properly listened to. They offered to send a letter to my GP explaining everything, and they started me on pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant used to treat nerve pain.

But, it didn't agree with me either. The side effects were also very unpleasant, and they just felt like 'dirty' drugs, if that makes sense.

At the time, I was living in a remote part of Scotland, so unfortunately, no physio services were available. The pain in my feet was so bad at that point, this is when I got plantar fasciitis, that I could barely walk.

The doctors gave me some insoles for my shoes, prescribed some more painkillers (even though I again told them that I hated taking them), and sent me on my way. I was so disheartened at this point, thinking that I had run out of options while still living with constant pain and struggling to manage my mental health. 

Luckily, it wasn't too long after that when I found Releaf.

How did you first find out about Releaf?

It was through an advertisement on YouTube, but I thought it was a scam at first! 

Once I did a little research and found out that, no, Releaf is a ‘legit’ company, my next thought was, "Oh, it's going to be so much more expensive than what I am paying now, and so hard to access.", but I was totally wrong.

You see, I had already begun self-medicating with black-market cannabis. I had used weed recreationally on and off throughout my adult life, but had only come to see it as medicine once my pain started taking over.

So off I went to the Releaf website, and it all looked so professional and knowledgeable. And what do you know, it was actually cheaper through Releaf than what I was paying on the street.

Not only that, but it's so much more reliable and safer. I went from having no idea what I was buying and putting into my body, to knowing exactly what I was getting and how to use it effectively.

I always hated the idea of using something illegally, and that thought really played on my mind a lot. The last thing I wanted was to get into trouble for trying to manage my own pain. But with Releaf, I am completely legal and have peace of mind knowing that what I am doing is legitimate, safe, and under the supervision of a great doctor who cares about my well-being.

That in itself has made a huge difference to my mental health.

How did you find the sign-up process and your initial consultation?

So easy!

It is quite isolated where I live. I don't drive, so getting about appointments and whatnot is difficult, even if my body is 'playing the game' that day. The idea of travelling to London to see a specialist isn't an option for me.

In the past, if I had an appointment booked with a doctor or specialist that I had to travel to see, my anxiety would flare up. I would be worried about my pain reaching a point where I wouldn't be able to leave the house, but it can be so hard to reschedule or get another appointment, so most times, I would just push through.

The entire process with Relelaf happened online and was so easy to book, which was a real surprise and a huge relief. It was so easy, and it was so nice to just think, "Wow, I don't have to even leave the house. I don't have to worry about how my pain levels are today".

I had my initial consultation with the doctor over video call about a week after first finding the Releaf website, and it took less than a week for my prescription to arrive through the Royal Mail. I couldn't believe that at first—the Royal Mail was delivering my medication. That's new for me because even my day-to-day doctors don't offer that! It's all just so convenient.

It was absolutely lovely. The doctor really made me feel at ease.

He asked me all the right questions. About my medical history, my previous cannabis use, my lifestyle and current pain management routine, and what I was hoping to get out of medical cannabis treatment. He took the time to listen to me with zero judgement.

How has treatment been going so far, and what differences have you noticed? 

The most obvious difference is the lack of heavy side effects and how much more manageable my pain (and anxiety) has become. I'm a lot more relaxed now, and I find it much easier to take on the day.

The pills gave me such bad stomach cramps, and I hated transferring the nerve pain to stomach pain, so in the end, I just wasn't taking them really. Which meant I was back at square one trying to figure out how to get through the day. But now, since starting with Releaf, I'm able to make plans and actually get out and do things again.

With fibromyalgia, there's actually nothing physically causing the pain - it's the nerve endings which are sending signals to your brain telling you "You're in pain!" and it just goes on sending these signals for no reason. So, what cannabis does is that it really helps to quiet those nerves down. It feels like it creates a 'barrier', I guess is the best way to put it. It really dulls the pain, and it also makes it, so I am not focusing on the pain nearly as much.

I used to really struggle with that, focusing on the pain. It was always at the forefront of my mind, and it started to affect my mood quite a bit. I was getting cranky, irritable, and snappy with people because the pain was just so bad. That lead to my depression worsening, because the last thing I wanted to do was socialise when I was in that state.

But since starting with medical cannabis, I've been able to get out and enjoy my days again, and I'm finding enjoyment in life again. I'm laughing a lot more. I mean, I'm just having a lot more fun.

The level of care has been absolutely brilliant from day one. The fact that I now have access to medical cannabis that has been specifically selected for my condition and that I know it's regulated, legal, and safe—it makes all the difference.

I have been prescribed three different medical flower options because some are better for the daytime, and some are better for the nighttime. I am so impressed by the quality and love that my two daytime options don't make me groggy or sleepy, and the other really helps me get my head down at night.

It all feels really tailored to my needs, and I'm so happy that Releaf doesn't just stop at providing a prescription. The ongoing support has been amazing, and with my Releaf+ subscription, I can reach out and book a consultation anytime I need it at no extra cost, which is just so different from what I am used to with healthcare.

To round things out, what are your hopes for the future?

The stigma surrounding medical cannabis has been slowly breaking down, and I truly hope to see it become more widely accepted and prescribed for a variety of conditions. My experience with Releaf has shown me how hugely beneficial it can be, and I just hope that others will have access to this incredible alternative treatment option.

My mum unfortunately passed away a few years ago. She was always against the idea of cannabis, but the last few months were really tough for her. I often think about how much medical cannabis might have helped her, and it makes me sad that it wasn't an option for her at the time.

So yeah, I guess that's my hope for the future - that more people have access to this treatment and can find relief from their conditions. And I'm just so grateful to Releaf for making it possible for me.

For more information about medical cannabis treatments for this condition, please see medical cannabis for Fibromyalgia.

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