
Explore the potential of medical cannabis in pain management with Releaf Cannabis Education. Discover insights and information to better understand its role.

Dr. Susan Jane Clenton


All of our educational content has been written or reviewed by our team of writers, doctors and cannabis experts.

Our clinical team is led by Dr. Susan Jane Clenton, MD

    A guide to cannabinoids for neuropathic pain

    Cannabinoids come in two distinct groups. First up, we have our own endocannabinoids, which are created naturally in the body.  These endocannabinoids act as neurotransmitters, sending signals to receptors throughout the entire human body, including the nervous system.

    Neuropathic Pain

    7 min read

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    Can CBD potentially reduce scoliosis pain?

    Scoliosis is a condition in which a lateral twisting curve develops in the spine. Most often developing in children or teenagers between the ages of 10 and 15 (although it can affect people of any age), scoliosis can cause pain and other symptoms such as back fatigue, decreased mobility, rib cage prominence, and difficulty breathing.


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    CBD for the reduction and control of bladder pain

    Bladder pain. While the causes are multifaceted, and sometimes hard to pin down to one single issue, the resulting pain can range from slightly annoying to totally debilitating. Many of the conventional pharmaceutical treatment options come with a range of unwanted, heavy side effects, leaving patients unhappy with their limited options.

    Bladder Pain

    7 min read

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    Cannabis for migraines treatment

    Migraines are a common neurological condition that is characterised by a severe headache (often on one side), sensitivity to light or sound, and fatigue. Over 6 million people in the UK suffer from migraines. There are over 190,000 migraine attacks per day in the UK, so imagine how much disruption to home and work life this health issue causes. More women than men develop this complex neurological condition. 


    9 min read

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    Cannabis for back pain management

    Back pain. What starts as a small niggle can quickly spiral out of control, leading to a lifetime of chronic discomfort. And while there is a huge range of conventional pharmaceutical options available to help manage and control back pain, the need for new, effective therapeutic allies is ever-present. Opioids are the most commonly prescribed pain relief for chronic back aches, but the potential for addiction and other heavy side effects related to long-term opioid use has led to an increased focus on alternative therapeutic options.

    Back Pain & Sciatica

    7 min read

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    What you need to know: Medical cannabis for arthritis

    Patients battling arthritis often experience chronic pain, and when left untreated, the pain associated with the condition can prevent them from carrying out daily activities and living a normal, healthy, fulfilling life. While cannabis has been shown to produce over 110 cannabinoids, there are two that are really showing promise in therapeutic settings, especially when it comes to the potential reduction of symptoms of arthritis. 


    10 min read

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    Can you get a medical cannabis card for scoliosis in the UK?

    Scoliosis is a musculoskeletal condition characterized by a deviation or curvature of the spine. In the UK, roughly 3 to 4 people out of every 1,000 have scoliosis. It can develop at any age and its severity can vary from mild to severe forms. For many scoliosis patients, constant discomfort is an everyday reality, highlighting the crucial need for effective new complementary therapy options that can enhance their quality of life. Although not a legal requirement here in the UK, some private clinics that offer cannabis prescriptions do provide their patients with a medical cannabis card, and this includes us here at Releaf.


    7 min read

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    Can medical cannabis offer relief for scoliosis patients?

    Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine twists and curves causing pain, and other related symptoms. Scoliosis is typically identified during childhood or early adulthood, often during the growth spurts that occur during puberty. Early therapeutic interventions can effectively halt the progression of spinal curvature and minimize associated symptoms. As scoliosis patients age, there is a possibility of an increase in spinal curvature, leading to further discomfort and potential respiratory risks.


    8 min read

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    Can terpenes offer relief from neuropathy?

    Although most of the clinical research and media attention has focused on cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD), the other compounds found in the cannabis sativa L. plant, such as terpenes, are starting to gain recognition for their potential therapeutic benefits.

    Neuropathic Pain

    7 min read

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    Medical cannabis and endometriosis symptom management

    Although the field of medical cannabis research may still be in its infancy, it is slowly (but surely) proving to be an effective and safe complementary treatment option for a wide range of medical conditions. One such condition is endometriosis, a distressing condition affecting the female reproductive system, characterized by the abnormal growth of endometrial tissue outside its usual location.


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    Can CBD offer relief from back pain?

    Back pain continues to be a prevalent issue not only here in the UK, but globally. While there is a range of both 'over-the-counter' and prescribable pharmaceuticals available, many patients are seeking natural therapeutic options that don’t cause excessive side effects or risk of dependence and can be easily added to a holistic treatment plan.

    Back Pain & Sciatica

    10 min read

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    Can you get a medical card for sciatica in the UK?

    Sciatica is a condition characterised by the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, which extends from your lower back down to your feet. This nerve plays a crucial role in transmitting sensory and motor signals to and from the lower limbs. While most cases of sciatica resolve within 4 to 6 weeks, it is possible for the symptoms to persist for a longer duration. The discomfort experienced can vary from mild to severe, often accompanied by pain, tingling, or numbness along the affected leg. Seeking appropriate medical attention and implementing targeted treatments can help alleviate the symptoms and promote a quicker recovery.

    Back Pain & Sciatica

    9 min read

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    Can you get a medical cannabis card for chronic back pain in the UK? 

    Medical cannabis is an increasingly popular treatment option for people suffering from chronic back pain. But to legally access it in the United Kingdom (UK), you need a physician registered to the General Medical Council Specialist Register to prescribe you cannabis. That means that, more than likely, your current GP won’t be able to help you get a medical cannabis prescription. NHS medical cannabis patients are not provided with a medical cannabis card, as unlike some other countries, it is not a legal requirement to carry a card. Again, if you are looking for the added protection that holding a medical cannabis card offers, then a private clinic is the best way to go.

    Back Pain & Sciatica

    11 min read

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    Is medical cannabis a viable treatment for back pain?

    Despite advancements in understanding back pain, the lack of effective and lasting treatment options remains a significant challenge. Managing non-surgical back pain has been identified as a primary contributor to the current issues surrounding the overprescription of opioids. Additionally, post-operative pain management poses a complex challenge for patients undergoing spine surgery.

    Back Pain & Sciatica

    9 min read

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    The best terpenes for arthritis pain

    The two most often encountered forms of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). Both of these conditions involve the breakdown of joint tissues, leading to inflammation, pain, and stiffness. Certain terpenes are showing great promise in offering arthritis patients a range of therapeutic benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anti-catabolic (slowing the breakdown of muscle tissue), analgesic, and anti-spasmodic properties.


    8 min read

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    Medicinal cannabis for nerve pain

    Thanks to the sweeping changes made to the legality of medical cannabis on the 1st of November 2018 here in the UK, sufferers of nerve pain can now supplement conventional therapies with medicinal cannabis use. Some patients are reporting that medical cannabis offers a pain management solution after years of trial and error with traditional medical approaches.

    Neuropathic Pain

    10 min read

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    Can CBD oil help interstitial cystitis?

    CBD oil has the potential to reduce the inflammation and pain associated with IC and PBS. It may also reduce the pain associated with bladder spasms, a common symptom of both conditions. CBD's anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties have been investigated in numerous studies.

    Bladder Pain

    12 min read

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    Does CBD offer a natural solution for bladder pain?

    Bladder pain, or interstitial cystitis, can be annoying, even sometimes debilitating issue. Sometimes described by sufferers as having a similar feeling to dealing with a never-ending UTI (urinary tract infection), it mostly affects women over the age of 40. With a list of symptoms ranging from the urge to urinate almost constantly with little success, to crippling pelvic pain, it should come as little wonder that sufferers are constantly on the lookout for new additions to their current treatment plan.

    Bladder Pain

    8 min read

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    Does CBD help with reducing migraines?

    You might be surprised to find out that 190,000 migraine attacks happen in the UK every day. With such massive numbers, the need for new treatment options to help complement conventional pharmaceuticals is obvious, especially when many of these medications come with some pretty heavy side effects.


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    Can CBD Oil reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia?

    Fibromyalgia, also sometimes referred to as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a chronic condition that results in pain throughout the entire body. It affects more women than men, and it usually manifests between the ages of 25-55. Up to 10% of the UK population is currently afflicted with fibromyalgia. 


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    Choosing the ideal strength of CBD oil for fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia affects over 1.5 million people in the United Kingdom. It is a poorly understood disorder that causes intense chronic pain, overwhelming inflammation, and heavy fatigue among a range of other symptoms. Although there are various conventional pharmaceutical treatments for fibromyalgia, their effectiveness is sometimes less than satisfactory, and certain options are burdened with significant side effects.


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    Can CBD oil offer symptomatic relief for fibromyalgia?

    Fibromyalgia, a health disorder that affects about 1 in 20 people in the UK. Those affected endure persistent fatigue, chronic pain, and inflammation, among a range of other debilitating symptoms. These physical challenges also have a profound impact on mental well-being, regularly leading to anxiety, depression, and general frustration among fibromyalgia patients. Additionally, cognitive difficulties and insomnia may further exacerbate their condition.


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    How to get a medical cannabis card for fibromyalgia in the UK

    Fibromyalgia is a complex and debilitating chronic pain disorder that affects individuals over the long term. It is characterized by heightened pain sensitivity, inflammation, muscle tenderness, and disruption of sleep patterns. There is an ever-growing body of research that is heavily indicating that medical cannabis is a powerful addition to treatment plans for fibromyalgia, and can provide patients with a few key benefits.


    8 min read

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    The ultimate guide to cannabis for fibromyalgia relief

    Fibromyalgia is a type of chronic pain condition that is thought to affect 1 in 20 individuals and is more commonly seen in women than men. Symptoms can be widespread throughout the body and can vary from person to person. Individuals may report differing symptoms so it can, at times, make diagnosis very difficult.


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    CBD dosage for endometriosis

    Endometriosis is a painful disorder that can range in symptoms and severity. Roughly 10% of women struggle with endometriosis. Common symptoms include pain, fatigue, and inflammation, and symptoms can vary from mild to severe.


    7 min read

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    Can medical cannabis reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a cripplingly painful autoimmune and inflammatory disease that affects around 1% of the population right here in the UK. The pain and inflammation caused by this condition can cause long-term damage to the joints, with symptomatic bouts or flare-ups that can range from relatively mild to dangerously severe.


    10 min read

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    Finding the optimal CBD dose for rheumatoid arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the joints, causing severe pain, swelling, and mobility issues. Although it can manifest in any articulated joint, it most commonly impacts knees, hands, feet, and wrists.


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    What you should know about cannabis for arthritis

    Patients battling arthritis often experience chronic pain, and when left untreated, the pain associated with the condition can prevent them from carrying out daily activities, and living a normal, healthy, fulfilling life.


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    The four best terpenes for pain reduction

    While traditional cannabis-based medicine mainly focuses on the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids (mostly THC and CBD), recent developments in the field have seen terpenes gain more recognition as a major factor in the medicinal benefits of medical cannabis.


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    The science behind cannabinoids and bone regeneration

    The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a role in bone homeostasis and healing, with the CB1 receptor stimulation regulating bone mass and density, while the CB2 receptor is responsible for bone maintenance via stimulating certain cells that build bone. Cannabinoids also interact with other peripheral receptors in the body to further aid in the influencing of boosting bone mass, as well as preventing specific types of cells from degrading the bone.


    6 min read

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    A guide to medicinal cannabinoids for pain

    With the introduction of medical cannabis here in the UK, patients are now able to access cannabis based medical products (CBMPs) in the treatment of pain. And while this is great news for many, the world of CBMPs can be daunting – especially when there are so many cannabinoids at play.


    11 min read

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    Is medical cannabis effective in managing pain?

    If you are looking for a complementary pain management solution to add to your existing treatment plan, you are anything but alone. Right here in the UK, around 34% of the population (that's close to 15.5 million people) are affected by chronic pain. Chronic pain is an unwelcome passenger on the journey for many patients living with long-term medical conditions, and is a common symptom of countless diseases and illnesses.


    8 min read

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