Medical Cannabis

Medical Cannabis

Explore UK-focused medical cannabis articles, including legal updates, patient experiences, treatment options, and the latest research within the British cannabis landscape.

Which rare conditions are treated at Releaf?

Next Friday, it’s Rare Disease Day, an event that takes place every year on the last day in February to act as a day of observance for rare conditions and the individuals they affect. This year, we’ve put together this blog to discuss which of the 83 conditions currently treated at Releaf are classed as rare, and, how frequently patients with these conditions are seen at our service.

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Managing medication side effects: Why more patients are exploring medical cannabis

Medical cannabis has been available in the UK since the 1st of November 2018. Since then, a growing number of patients have shown interest in medical cannabis as an alternative therapy - often due to the undesirable side effects of medications such as opioids, NSAIDs, and SSRIs. Could medical cannabis offer a safe and effective alternative to these conventional treatments?

8 min read
Emily Ledger

MPs show greater support for medical cannabis than the British public

A recent YouGov poll found greater support for prescription cannabis among MPs than the general public, challenging the common assumption that public opinion is more progressive than political sentiment. We take a closer look at the potential factors behind these figures.

5 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Want to contribute to medical cannabis research in the UK?

When research papers say things like ‘1 in 5 MS patients have used cannabis to manage their symptoms’, have you ever wondered who these people actually are, or what their lives are like? Well, if you’re thinking of becoming a Releaf medical cannabis patient, you could be one of these people in the very near future!

6 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

How to request a travel certificate for medical cannabis

The last thing that any of us want when travelling is extra stress. Everyone should have the freedom to feel safe and secure when travelling, no matter what their medical needs may be. Unfortunately, though, this isn't always seamless for medical cannabis patients.

5 min read
Sam North

Top tips for vaping cannabis

For patients just starting cannabis-based treatment, the idea of vaping their prescribed medical cannabis flower may seem intimidating, overwhelming, or even slightly weird. Fair enough - we know that vaping is a pretty new concept for most patients.

5 min read
Sam North

What is cannabidiol? The A-B-Cs of CBD

From Morrisons to medical cannabis clinics, CBD seems to be everywhere – but, what actually is it? For National CBD Day, we explain the A-B-Cs of CBD, from its plant-based origin to its clinical applications – here’s everything you need to know about CBD.

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Unlocking rights: Key housing guidance for medical cannabis patients

Medical cannabis may have been legal in the UK since 2018, but many patients have been left feeling confused about their rights when it comes to taking their medication - both in public and the comfort of their own homes. Recently, the Cannabis Industry Council published further, much-needed guidance regarding medical cannabis and housing.

5 min read
Emily Ledger

Safer Internet Day: How Releaf keep online users safe

At Releaf, we know how critical online safety is. We’ve implemented numerous procedures and protocols to ensure our patients remain safe, and their privacy is protected and secure, throughout every step of their journey. What better time to give a recap of these processes than Safer Internet Day?

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Is my medical cannabis Indica or Sativa?

Starting medical cannabis treatment can feel like learning a new language. Not only is it fairly different to your standard pharmaceuticals, which most of us have grown up around and almost inherently understand, but medical cannabis treatment comes with its own terminology that can feel overwhelming at first.

8 min read
Sam North

Is medical cannabis safe?

In today's continuation of our New Patient series, we'll take a quick but deep look at a burning question on the minds of many - "Is medical cannabis safe?" Yes, medical cannabis is safe, but let's dig a little deeper and see what the science has to say.

4 min read
Sam North

What should I look for in a product, so I know it’s safe?

The UK medical cannabis sector is one of the safest and most highly regulated in the world. This is thanks to the strict procedures and guidelines put in place by regulatory bodies such as the Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the Quality Care Commission (CQC), and NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence). These organisations ensure that the medical cannabis products available to UK patients are safe, effective, and high quality.

4 min read
Sam North

10 top tips for the first month of medical cannabis

We know that starting a new healthcare treatment plan, especially one that has only recently been made available, can feel daunting. When patients first consider trying medical cannabis, many aren’t quite sure of what to expect or know who to turn to for answers to their questions.

14 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Exploring different diets for different health conditions

Diet has been linked to a huge number of health conditions, many of which represent a significant risk of morbidity. Yet, while many of us may make a conscious effort to eat a relatively healthy diet, we may overlook how different diets can benefit or exacerbate certain existing health conditions.

7 min read
Emily Ledger

NHS investment in cannabis-based research

Medical cannabis was legalised in the UK in 2018 following high-profile campaigns by patients and advocates, primarily concerning the use of cannabis-based medicines in the treatment of refractory epilepsy. Over six years on, only a handful of patients have received an NHS prescription for medical cannabis. But could the completion of long-awaited NHS-backed medical cannabis clinical trials help improve access to these medicines in the future?

4 min read
Emily Ledger

Understanding the lingo: medical cannabis terminology

Cannabis-based remedies are mentioned as far back as the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks. In fact, the earliest mention of medical cannabis is believed to date back even further to the time of the Ancient Chinese Emperor Shen Nung - known as the Father of Chinese Medicine - almost 5,000 years ago!

9 min read
Emily Ledger

How to store medical cannabis properly

Storing most medications correctly is essential to not only the shelf life but also the overall efficacy. This is (debatably) even more important when it comes to dried medical cannabis flower, as it is an organic product, unlike most conventional pharmaceuticals.

6 min read
Sam North

What are the most common side effects of medical cannabis?

While cannabis-based treatment options have been shown to offer patients a very favourable safety profile with a wide range of therapeutic benefits - like almost all medical options, there are side effects to consider.

7 min read
Sam North

Time to Talk Day: Personalised care for mental health during menopause

The 6th of February is the UK’s annual Time to Talk Day, an awareness event that aims to kickstart conversations around mental health. In honour of this important date, we’re discussing the importance of awareness of the mental health struggles commonly encountered during menopause. Personalised care is crucial in effectively managing menopause symptoms and achieving adequate relief - and medical cannabis could play a surprising role.

5 min read
Emily Ledger

World Cancer Day: Personalising care with medical cannabis

Cancer affects the lives of millions of people around the world and everyone’s story is different. As a clinic offering personalised medical cannabis treatment, Releaf is embracing the theme for World Cancer Day on Tuesday 4 February and advocating for patients to be front and centre of their care.

7 min read
Sarah Sinclair

One year of Releaf: Your Health. Your Body. Your Choice

365 days ago, on the 1st of February 2024 Releaf medical cannabis clinic officially launched. Ever since then, lives have been changed on a daily basis - and our patient stories attest to this. To celebrate this milestone, and change many more lives, we’re reducing the price of our initial consultations by £60 - offering appointments with specialist GMC registered clinicians for just £39.99. Simply use the code 1YEAR60 at checkout.

8 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

How strong is medical cannabis flower?

When we discuss the 'strength' (or potency) of a given medical cannabis cultivar, it is easy to fall into the trap of simply looking at the THC levels. This is only one part of the picture - but a crucial one, nonetheless.

5 min read
Sam North