Patient StoriesPeter’s story: How medical cannabis helps me manage daily life

Peter’s story: How medical cannabis helps me manage daily life


Joined Releaf:
July 2024

Prescription Type:

For many adults on the spectrum, navigating daily life comes with unique challenges, from processing information to managing sensory overload. Peter, a Releaf patient since June 2024, has found that medical cannabis has helped him approach life with more patience and ease.

Struggling with heavy periods of frustration and heightened focus on small details, Peter discovered that medical cannabis oil provided a sense of calm and helped him step back from overwhelming situations. 

Beyond that, it has improved his mood, strengthened his relationship with his wife, and allowed him to focus on his passion project - launching his new meditation-based weight loss programme.

Peter Last Patient

Can you tell us a bit more about yourself, and how autism affects your daily life?

So I’m technically retired, but I’m launching a new service called Body Light to help people, especially professional women, lose weight through meditation.

I used to be very overweight, but now I’m at the perfect weight for my body. I’ve created guided audio meditations, just 10 minutes each, that people listen to twice a day for a month. The idea is to reach a relaxed state where the body naturally adjusts. I have versions for both men and women, but I’ve found that women tend to be more reflective and open to meditation, which is why I’m focusing there first. Eventually, I’d love for my clients who succeed with it to go on and teach others, creating small local groups. I’m not trying to build an empire, I just want to get it started and let it grow naturally.

The condition that led to me receiving my prescription is autism. I’ve never been formally diagnosed, but I completed a recognised autism spectrum questionnaire and fell somewhere in the middle of the scale. Everything about autism makes sense to me, and I experience many of the traits.

As a child and teenager, autism affected me a lot. In the middle part of my life, it wasn’t as much of an issue, but in the last few years, it has come back in ways I wasn’t expecting. Some people see autism as a gift, and in many ways, I agree. I can process things very quickly, but it also brings everyday challenges that others might not think about.

One of the biggest challenges I have is patience, especially when dealing with technology. If I don’t understand the instructions in front of me, I struggle to push through and end up feeling overwhelmed. I also find that I need things in a clear context. When information comes from outside that context, it’s difficult for me to process.

How did you find Releaf?

I jumped onto the computer, searched for the best medical cannabis clinic in the UK, and that’s when I found Releaf. I looked at patient stories, which were all quite impressive, and a few of the reviews, and decided to check out the eligibility checker.

Releaf just seemed to be the best clinic with the most experienced medical cannabis prescribers I’d come across. The process was straightforward, and I felt reassured that I was in good hands.

How did you start medical cannabis treatment?

I joined Releaf in June last year. I started with a low dose of cannabis oil, and over the past few months, my specialist has worked with me to find a dosage that really works.

One of the things I appreciate most is that I don’t have to smoke it. I used to be a cigarette smoker, but I’ve been smoke-free for years now. Having a medication that is tasteless, easy to take, and from a reliable source has made all the difference.

I usually take half a millilitre around five or six in the evening, then another half at around nine o’clock. That schedule works well for me. Now that I’ve been a legal patient for a few months, it’s hard to imagine not having it. I’d be a bit lost without it, to be honest.

How has medical cannabis helped you?

Cannabis has helped me approach things in a more relaxed way. Before, I would fixate on tiny details, things that wouldn’t matter much to neurotypical people but could completely upend my day. Now, I don’t get stuck on them as much.

It’s also helped me in situations where I’d normally get frustrated. If I’m struggling with something, like understanding new technology, cannabis helps me step back and reset instead of becoming overwhelmed. I stay much calmer, and I can usually find a workaround with much less internal stress.

Beyond that, my general mood and outlook have improved. I’ve become a more gracious person, and my relationship with my wife has got even better 

What has your experience been like with Releaf?

The consultations have been great. I’ve had to call in a few times, and the patient support team has always been quick to get back to me. They’ve never let me down, I can’t fault Releaf on reliability.

The online patient portal is also excellent. It has a well-laid-out interface, is easy to use, and makes managing prescriptions and appointments straightforward. I couldn’t ask for a better system.

Do you talk to others about your treatment?

Not really. My wife knows, and a couple of close friends know, but I don’t talk about it much. I probably wouldn’t talk about any medication in general, but because cannabis has been so stigmatised throughout my lifetime, I prefer to keep it private.

I think it’s important to take the stigma away from this kind of treatment, but I think it will take a real political push to change things in this country. Cannabis treatments have helped me so much, and I think others should know there’s nothing wrong with giving it a try. If it doesn’t work for them, fine, but I’d be surprised if it didn’t help a lot of people.

It’s not a cure-all, but for those it helps, it can make a huge difference. It’s helped me a lot with focus, anxiety, and keeping my energy balanced.

For more information about medical cannabis treatments for this condition, please see medical cannabis for autism.

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