Seizure management medical cannabis treatment
Seizures are caused by uncontrolled, sudden bursts of electrical activity in the brain. They typically last between 30 seconds and two minutes and are commonly associated with epilepsy, however, head injuries, infections and other illnesses can also cause seizures to occur. Most of the time, seizures can be effectively managed using conventional medicines, however, unfortunately these options don’t work for everyone. Now in the UK, medical cannabis has emerged as a new and promising option for those who have yet to find relief with conventional approaches.
Am I eligible?2.8%
In England, during 2020, 2.8% of all ambulance service incidents were due to suspected seizures, and 61% of these calls resulted in a rapid-response ambulance.
According to representative research, 68% of adults in the UK would consider trying cannabis-derived treatments if their doctor recommended them for their condition.
In a small scale British study, children with epilepsy experienced an 86% average reduction in seizure frequency when treated with whole-plant medical cannabis oil.
A review of patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy found convulsive seizures decreased by 51% and total seizures fell by 48% after 12 weeks of CBD treatment.
‘Rising’ feeling in the tummy
Becoming stiff or rigid
Experiencing ‘fits’ or uncontrollable shaking/jerking
Experiencing unusual tastes or smells
Loosing awareness of surroundings
Tingling sensation in arms or legs
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms. Please speak with your GP to find out more.
Treatment options:
Typically, when a person experiences seizures, they are prescribed anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) or anti-seizure medication (ASM) to help them manage their symptoms. In some cases, if they are not experiencing sufficient relief with these options, surgery may be considered to remove a small section of the brain, or insert an electrical device that can help control seizures.
Find out if you may be eligible for medical cannabis seizure management treatments here
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Whether you’re new to cannabis-based medicines, switching from another medical cannabis clinic, or self-medicating, we’ll put you back in control of your health.
A word from our specialist
"Seizure management can be challenging with traditional anti-epileptic medications, due to lack of efficacy, side effects, or both. Cannabidiol (CBD), a component of medicinal cannabis, has been shown in clinical trials to reduce seizure frequency and severity, working through the endocannabinoid system."

Dr Michal Modestowicz
Find out if you may be eligible for medical cannabis seizure management treatments here
Am I eligible?Articles on Seizure management
Can medical cannabis aid seizure management treatments in the UK?
In the UK, medical cannabis is considered an appropriate adjunctive treatment for many patients who have been struggling to manage their seizures with conventional, traditional approaches.
This is because the chemical compounds, or cannabinoids, contained within medical cannabis are able to interact with some of the densely packed receptors in our brains and central nervous system that influence seizure onset.
It's believed that both THC and CBD, the two most prominent cannabinoids found in cannabis, can both play a supporting role in seizure management because of the biological responses they initiate after interacting with these receptors.
However, while research in this area continues, it is important that the medicinal or therapeutic application of cannabis-derived treatments is overseen and monitored by qualified healthcare professionals like those that work for Releaf for safety and efficacy reasons.
To find out if you may be considered eligible for these new options, assess your suitability for cannabis-derived seizure management treatments online now.