Meralgia Paresthetica medical cannabis treatment
Meralgia Paresthetica is a condition that causes pain, or a burning, tingling sensation in the thigh. Although the condition is rarely diagnosed, some believe that it is commonly misdiagnosed as other neuropathic pain conditions because of their similar symptoms. Recently, medical cannabis has emerged as a promising new treatment for managing nerve pain, and those with treatment-resistant Meralgia Paresthetica may be suitable for these options in the UK.
Contact usDisclaimer: The availability of consultations for Meralgia Paresthetica depends on the availability of our specialist doctors. We encourage you to consult with our
patient support team to determine if this treatment option is currently available.3/4 people
Out of every 10,000 are affected by Meralgia paresthetica every year according to diagnosis data
Reduction in neuropathic pain recorded with cannabis-based treatment in placebo-controlled study.
Of UK adults would consider medical cannabis treatments.
Of patients say their cannabis treatments are useful in managing their symptoms, according to survey.
Burning sensation
Groin pain
Numbness in affected area
Pain in the outer thigh
Pain when walking/standing
Sensitive to touch
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms. Please speak with your GP to find out more.
Treatment options:
In some situations, lifestyle adaptations such as losing excess weight and wearing loose clothing can help with Meralgia Paresthetica, and over the counter painkillers are typically used as a conservative measure. If pain lasts for more than two months, you may be offered injections to reduce inflammation, tricyclic antidepressants, painkillers, or surgery in extreme cases.
Pulsed radio frequency
Tricyclic antidepressants
Click here to find out if cannabis-based Meralgia Paresthetica treatments may be suitable for you.
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Whether you’re new to cannabis-based medicines, switching from another medical cannabis clinic, or self-medicating, we’ll put you back in control of your health.
A word from our specialist
"Meralgia paresthetica causes tingling, numbness, and burning pain in the outer thigh due to nerve compression. Medicinal cannabis might alleviate these symptoms by modulating the endocannabinoid system, potentially reducing pain and inflammation."

Dr Michal Modestowicz
Click here to find out if cannabis-based Meralgia Paresthetica treatments may be suitable for you.
Am I eligible?Articles on Meralgia paresthetica
Can medical cannabis be prescribed to treat Meralgia Paresthetica in the UK?
Meralgia paresthetica can occur when the sensory nerve (the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve) that covers the thigh is pinched, or encounters compression. This nerve is often pinched by a ligament called the inguinal ligament that runs from the groin, to the stomach, to the upper thigh, which can happen during an injury, due to a health condition, or even simply by wearing tight clothing.
Meralgia paresthetica can be extremely painful, or may cause the outer thigh to feel numb. It can also be intensified when walking or standing, and therefore, severely impact on people's quality of life, and ability to go about their daily activities. However, recently, medical cannabis has emerged as a potential aid for neuropathic pain and has shown promising results.
Evidence in this area is growing, but existing research suggests cannabis-based treatments may be able to offer neuropathic pain relief when other traditional therapies or medications have failed or caused unwanted side effects.
Specialist doctors in the UK, like those that work for Releaf, can tailor medical cannabis treatment plans to best suit the needs of each individual with Meralgia paresthetica, and are here to guide them through their new treatment journey.