Patient StoriesFor my kids: A proud dad’s battle against anxiety
For my kids: A proud dad’s battle against anxiety
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Joined Releaf:
May 2024
Prescription Type:
Flower, Oil
At Releaf, we know that the suffering caused by chronic illness often extends far beyond the primary patient, and crosses into the lives of our friends, family and co-workers.
Daryl is a young dad who suffers from anxiety and depression. For his kids, he knew he had to find a solution. After conventional medicines only made things worse, Daryl reached out to our clinicians at Releaf and began his journey with medical cannabis.
Can you tell us about your health journey, the conditions you’ve been diagnosed with, and how they affect you on a daily basis?
Around 2010, I started suffering from bouts of anxiety and depression. I found myself unable to work or concentrate, and I was struggling to socialize. I had some time off work, and I was taking sleeping pills at that time. I didn't want to experiment with traditional treatments like antidepressants and things like that because I'd heard they could have nasty side effects.
So, I just kind of limped on.
Cut to 2021, and I had a family. I got to the point where I knew I couldn’t hide my condition any more. It was getting worse. People were noticing, and I could tell I was doing a really terrible job at hiding how bad things were.
I work at a university. I've had that job for many years, but I’ve had long periods of absence—long periods where I've had to only do specific work, long periods where I haven't been able to attend physically and have had to work remotely. The anxiety of going out and delivering a presentation to a live audience became terrifying to me.
Then I finally went to see a doctor.
At that point, I had no idea that you could get medical cannabis in the UK. I felt like I had to try some form of pharmaceutical medication. My doctor prescribed me a couple of different medications and I had terrible reactions to them.
Can you tell us about your first experiences with Releaf?
In my first consultation two months ago, my doctor was absolutely brilliant at explaining the treatment options and what they could do for me. At the time, I thought that CBD and THC were all there was to know about cannabis, but my doctor explained that there is actually a lot more to it.
CBD and THC are only two cannabinoids out of well over 100 others contained in the cannabis plant. Plants that are really low in a certain cannabinoid, but higher in another, can target specific conditions. That was all really informative.
The day I received my Releaf Starter Kit was like Christmas. I was thinking, “Today it's coming! It's definitely coming!” When it arrived, my first impression was that it looked great. It was very nicely packaged and straight away I was impressed.
Vapes have never been my thing, so that was a bit of a learning curve, but I was glad to receive the kit and get started with my treatment. I also received my medical cannabis card, so if I ever need to prove that I am a legitimate medical cannabis patient, I can.
What effects have you noticed since you began medical cannabis treatments?
Not being able to sleep has always been a major issue for me. I fall asleep quite easily, but it’s impossible for me to stay asleep. In my first appointment at Releaf, my doctor recommended an oil option, and this really does allow me to sleep deeply for a good six hours. It’s wonderful to sleep for that long without waking up.
Sleeping well has definitely had a positive effect on my moods and how I feel in the mornings. I have a three-year-old and a baby under one, so in the mornings, I need to be alert and attentive. I don't want the kids to see me acting miserable in the morning—I want to make a fun and exciting day for them. If I have a good night's sleep, I feel better, and that makes my kids happier.
As far as my work life, medical cannabis has given me a much better ability to concentrate. Before I started my treatment at Releaf, I was distracted all the time. It was very easy for me to just drift along instead of completing a project. I would jump from task to task, only concentrating on small details and missing the bigger picture. Now, when I start a project, I work exclusively on one task until I can't go any further. Releaf has made it much easier to organize my work day.
I've also been able to socialize and go out more. I've found that vaping before going out is very useful, because it takes the edge off. I don’t exactly turn into a social butterfly, but at least I can enter a room and participate in the conversation.
It’s also worth mentioning that shortly after starting my treatment at Releaf, my dad was diagnosed with cancer, and my mum had a mini stroke. I’m thankful the treatment came along when it did, because there are going to be many stressful days ahead, and I need to be at the top of my game. I don't want my kids to know that there is anything wrong. I certainly don't want them to think there's something wrong with me.
And, have you encountered any side effects?
I haven't noticed any side effects at all. At first, I was worried that I would get a hangover, or the equivalent of a hangover, after using medical cannabis. But no. Within a minute after waking up, I’m alert and ready to go. It's really no different from waking up from a good night’s sleep.
Read Daryl’s testimonial below.
Have you spoken with friends and family about becoming a medical cannabis patient?
I told my partner, and she's very supportive—she always has been.
We’ve been together for 14 years now, and we've been through everything together. She is happy for me and understands where I'm coming from and what kind of support I need. I also told my parents, and they were also very supportive. They said, “Look, if it works, it works.”
I haven't talked with many friends about it yet because the treatment is so new, but I would be happy to speak to them about it in the future. In fact, I look forward to recommending medical cannabis to friends who might be having trouble sleeping or feeling depressed or experiencing any of the things that I’m dealing with. With medical cannabis, there is very little risk: a low chance of side effects and no chance of withdrawal if they decide the treatment is not for them.
I would say to that friend, “I know where you're coming from, I've been there, and the benefits far outweigh anything else. In the short time that I've been using medical cannabis, it's had a noticeable impact. It’s very safe, and I don't have any concerns about the treatment interfering with my other medications or anything else.
I've only seen positive results.”
Do you sense a social stigma associated with your use of medical cannabis?
Yes. I don't use my vape around the kids.
While I don’t think that I think it will harm them, I don't want them to see me inhaling anything. I don't like that association, but I have no problem using cannabis oil in front of them, because it’s like any other medicine—it’s no different to them.
In public, I don’t use my vape very often because I don't want the attention. I'm not worried about people ringing the police on me, but I don’t want people asking, “Hey, where did you get that from?” That's the kind of thing I want to avoid. But if I was going to a barbecue with my friends, and no one had a problem with it, then I’d happily use my vape. I'd also have no problem discussing it and explaining that it is medicine and not recreational: I have a prescription, I have a doctor, and these are the reasons I’m using medical cannabis.
For me, the separation between recreational use and medical use is the key thing. There is a reason I’m using medical cannabis. It’s not as though I’m just buying it from a guy in the car park.
What are your hopes in terms of your medical cannabis treatment in the coming months?
I'm hoping to keep working with the doctors and adjust my prescription until it’s working at an optimal level. As I said before, my parents need my support right now, and I’m looking forward to being able to go out and do their shopping for them and take them to places. I need to make sure that I'm able to function well enough to help them through such a difficult time. I’m thankful that my treatment came along right now, when my family needs me most.
I want to be the best that I can be.
For more information about medical cannabis treatments for this condition, please see medical cannabis for Anxiety.
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