Ehlers-Danlos syndromes medical cannabis treatment
The term Ehlers-Danlos syndrome encompasses 13 serious and rare connective tissue conditions, with the most common being hypermobile EDS (hEDS), classical EDS, vascular EDS and kyphoscoliotic EDS. Because these conditions are so rare, in the UK there is no specific treatment used to manage symptoms. However, recently, medical cannabis has emerged as an alternative option for managing EDS related pain and insomnia, when other traditional approaches have proven unsuccessful.
Contact usDisclaimer: The availability of consultations for Ehlers-Danlos syndromes depends on the availability of our specialist doctors. We encourage you to consult with our
patient support team to determine if this treatment option is currently available.Number 1
Condition treated with medical cannabis in the UK is chronic pain.
Of patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome experience chronic pain.
Of UK adults would consider medical cannabis treatments
1 in 2500
Around 1 in 2500, to 1 to 5000, are affected by EDS around the world
Clicky joints
Digestive problems/concerns
Fragile or stretchy skin
Increased range of joint movement
Joint or muscle pain
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms. Please speak with your GP to find out more.
Treatment options:
It's very hard to diagnose Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and there are no tests to confirm whether a person has EDS or not. Unfortunately, there are also no specific treatments to cure EDS, but its symptoms can be treated with a number of different medications, or approaches involving strengthening exercises such as occupational therapy and physiotherapy.
Long acting muscle relaxants
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Whether you’re new to cannabis-based medicines, switching from another medical cannabis clinic, or self-medicating, we’ll put you back in control of your health.
A word from our specialist
"Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a group of inherited disorders affecting connective tissues, characterised by joint hypermobility, skin hyperextensibility and tissue fragility. Managing EDS can be challenging due to chronic pain, joint instability and other symptoms including those related to changes in blood pressure and increased heart rate, fatigue, cognitive disturbance and bladder/bowel disturbances. Medical cannabis holds potential as a complementary treatment for pain management, muscle relaxation, improved sleep and reducing anxiety. EDS patients using medical cannabis often report improvements in these symptoms, in addition to improvement in overall quality of life."

Dr Hanna Gul
Find out if you may be eligible for EDS medical cannabis treatments here
Am I eligible?Articles on Ehlers-danlos syndromes
Can cannabis-based treatments help Ehlers-Danlos syndrome symptom management?
Unfortunately, for patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, there are very few clinical trials that investigate how patients with the condition respond to specific treatments, and medical cannabis is no different.
Although there is currently no evidence available from clinical trials investigating EDS patients and their response to medical cannabis, there are a number of studies that investigate the effects of cannabis-based treatments on some of the common symptoms of EDS, like insomnia, pain, and bowel or gut-related concerns which have shown promising results.
It’s believed that medical cannabis can work in a multifaceted nature, and target a number of ‘concerns’ or ‘issues’ at the same time. When cannabis compounds, called cannabinoids, enter the body, they enter a system called the endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for regulating a number of biological responses, including some of the common Ehlers-Danlos syndrome symptoms previously mentioned.
Our specialist doctors can legally prescribe cannabis-based treatments to UK-based patients who have been struggling to manage their EDS symptoms with conventional medicines, and are here to support patients through their journey with medical cannabis. To find out if this course of treatment could be suitable for you, fill out our free online eligibility checker today.