

Explore the complex world of cannabis laws and regulations with Releaf. Keep updated with the latest legal changes affecting cannabis use.

MPs show greater support for medical cannabis than the British public

A recent YouGov poll found greater support for prescription cannabis among MPs than the general public, challenging the common assumption that public opinion is more progressive than political sentiment. We take a closer look at the potential factors behind these figures.

5 min read
Sarah Sinclair

What is cannabidiol? The A-B-Cs of CBD

From Morrisons to medical cannabis clinics, CBD seems to be everywhere – but, what actually is it? For National CBD Day, we explain the A-B-Cs of CBD, from its plant-based origin to its clinical applications – here’s everything you need to know about CBD.

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Unlocking rights: Key housing guidance for medical cannabis patients

Medical cannabis may have been legal in the UK since 2018, but many patients have been left feeling confused about their rights when it comes to taking their medication - both in public and the comfort of their own homes. Recently, the Cannabis Industry Council published further, much-needed guidance regarding medical cannabis and housing.

5 min read
Emily Ledger

Westminster Hall debate: Barriers to accessing medical cannabis in the UK

Jim Shannon, MP for Strangford, led Thursday’s Westminster Hall debate, highlighting critical issues in the medical cannabis industry, with the most apparent being the masses of patients that could benefit from these treatments, yet struggle to access them.

4 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Clearing the Cancard confusion: What Releaf's medical cannabis cards prove.

As the first medical cannabis clinic in the UK to provide their patients with medical cannabis cards, at Releaf we’re often asked ‘what's the difference between Releaf’s medical cannabis cards and Cancard?’ - and, we’re here to clear up the confusion.

8 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

New 'Zero THC' regulation for UK CBD products

The Food Standards Agency (FSA)— the body responsible for the regulation of consumer CBD products in the UK—has hinted at ambitious new targets for CBD products in the UK market, which could see a push for zero detectable THC levels.

7 min read
Sarah Sinclair

FAQ: Is it illegal to smoke medical cannabis in the UK?

In the UK, it is always illegal to smoke cannabis. While medical cannabis can be prescribed to suitable patients in the UK through private healthcare clinics like Releaf, it is only prescribed with the intention, and with strict instructions, of being vaped - not smoked.

5 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Road safety tips for medical cannabis patients

Last week, it was Road Safety Awareness Week, an important annual event that aims to raise awareness around road safety and improve funding and care for victims of road traffic accidents.

6 min read
Emily Ledger

THC edibles and THC gummies: what patients need to know

Cannabis edibles have been a popular product for decades among individuals consuming them for recreational, wellness, and medicinal uses. In markets with legal recreational supply, consumers can buy THC edibles easily from licensed dispensaries, and in other areas, they can often be purchased from illicit sources.

5 min read
Emily Ledger

Can I get medical cannabis on the NHS?

There has been a huge resurgence in interest in plant-based health solutions in the past few decades. Not so long ago, most patients would just take whatever pharmaceutical options their GPs prescribed - but as we mature as a society and our collective understanding of alternative medicine grows, the understanding that plants can offer natural relief from a huge range of symptoms grows.

8 min read
Sam North

Six years of medical cannabis: What does it mean to you?

Friday the 1st of November 2024 marks six years of medical cannabis in the UK. For the last six years, (since November 1, 2018) specialist doctors like those working at Releaf have been able to prescribe medical cannabis flower, and cannabis oil, to eligible patients when traditional treatments have proved ineffective.

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

THC Vapes: the what, the where, the why, and the warning

In this article, we explore the distinction between illegal, unregulated THC vape pens and legally prescribed medical cannabis flower. Understanding the difference is crucial— especially for patients— when it comes to making informed choices about your health.

6 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Medical cannabis, the DVLA and prescribed medicines

Despite medical cannabis being legal in the UK for almost six years, there is still confusion— and mixed messages—around the rights and responsibilities of patients when it comes to driving with their prescription.

10 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Can I use medical cannabis in public?

Although medical cannabis has been legal in the UK for almost six years—and around 35,000 patients now hold prescriptions—there is still a lot of confusion around its legality and what you can and cannot do when using your medication in day to day life. Here we take a look at the things you may need to consider when it comes to consuming your medication in public.

9 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Understanding the differences between CBD flower and medical cannabis cultivars

CBD flower and medical cannabis cultivars are often conflated, but while they may look and smell similar, there are significant differences when it comes to their chemical composition, intended use, regulatory status, and effects.  CBD flower is illegal in the UK, while medical cannabis flower can only be prescribed by a specialist doctor.

8 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Compliance and care: Who regulates medical cannabis in the UK?

Medical cannabis has been legal in the UK since 2018, but the prescription of cannabis-based products for medicinal use (CBPMs) is a strictly regulated and complicated process. Here we’ll take a closer look.

10 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Taking medical cannabis on holiday? Here’s what you need to know

With the summer holidays fast approaching, many of you will be either looking at, or looking forward to, getting away for a much-needed break. But, for those who are prescribed medical cannabis, you may be wondering what protocols are involved when travelling internationally with cannabis-based medicines - but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

10 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

How the law changed: UK legalisation of medical cannabis

On the 1st of November 2018, legislation was introduced that was celebrated by patients, families, and advocates all over the UK. The rescheduling of cannabis meant that cannabis-based medicines could be legally prescribed for a range of conditions, marking a historic moment. But how did the law change come about? And has it lived up to the expectations of those who continue to fight for fair access to medical cannabis?

9 min read
Emily Ledger