Explore medcial cannabis benefits, treatments, and breakthroughs with Releaf's cannabis education series.

All of our educational content has been written or reviewed by our team of writers, doctors and cannabis experts.
Our clinical team is led by Dr. Susan Jane Clenton, MD
Can you get a medical cannabis card for scoliosis in the UK?
Scoliosis is a musculoskeletal condition characterized by a deviation or curvature of the spine. In the UK, roughly 3 to 4 people out of every 1,000 have scoliosis. It can develop at any age and its severity can vary from mild to severe forms. For many scoliosis patients, constant discomfort is an everyday reality, highlighting the crucial need for effective new complementary therapy options that can enhance their quality of life. Although not a legal requirement here in the UK, some private clinics that offer cannabis prescriptions do provide their patients with a medical cannabis card, and this includes us here at Releaf.
7 min read

Can you get a medical cannabis card for Crohn’s disease in the UK?
Crohn's disease is an autoimmune condition that can have a significant impact on your quality of life. It is characterised by inflammation of the digestive tract, which can cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea, weight loss and fatigue. While there is no known cure for Crohn's disease, patients have a range of treatment options available to them here in the UK, with medical cannabis being one of them.
Crohn’s Disease
10 min read

Can medical cannabis help ease the symptoms of depression?
Depression is a debilitating condition that affects about 280 million people around the world. Subjecting patients to what has been described as an overwhelming emotional numbness, extreme sadness or all-consuming hopelessness, depression is a mental health condition that can affect a person’s emotional, physical and social wellbeing. In this article, we aim to explain the evidence available surrounding the application of medical cannabis in depression symptom management, including its short-term effects and potential benefits, as well as the risks associated with taking medical cannabis.
8 min read

Can CBD help ease the symptoms of depression?
CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid derived from the cannabis sativa L. genus, often sourced from hemp cultivars (which are part of the same plant species) thanks to their high CBD and low THC content. It has gained significant attention in recent years for its potential wellness benefits, particularly in the treatment of anxiety, pain, and inflammation. It is also commonly taken as a complementary therapeutic option for the reduction of depression symptoms, alongside traditional treatment protocols.
8 min read

Can CBD stimulate appetite?
The rise of CBD in recent years has sparked a wave of curiosity and enthusiasm for its therapeutic potential, and possible health benefits. However, as with any wellness trend, it’s important to separate the fact from the fiction. Because each of our bodies are unique, the way our appetites work, and the way CBD interacts with and affects our bodies, depend on the individual and this can vary significantly from person to person.
Appetite Disorders
8 min read

A comprehensive guide to cannabidiol and neurological disorders
Neurological disorders. Varied, potentially devastating, and hard to group into one easy-to-digest category. They are essentially diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system conditions and include epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer's disease and dementia, ALS, Bell's palsy, and a huge range of separate neuromuscular disorders.
6 min read

A guide to cannabinoids for neuropathic pain
Cannabinoids come in two distinct groups. First up, we have our own endocannabinoids, which are created naturally in the body. These endocannabinoids act as neurotransmitters, sending signals to receptors throughout the entire human body, including the nervous system.
Neuropathic Pain
7 min read

Can CBD potentially reduce scoliosis pain?
Scoliosis is a condition in which a lateral twisting curve develops in the spine. Most often developing in children or teenagers between the ages of 10 and 15 (although it can affect people of any age), scoliosis can cause pain and other symptoms such as back fatigue, decreased mobility, rib cage prominence, and difficulty breathing.
7 min read

Can cannabinoids improve the symptoms of dementia?
Although there is limited research on cannabinoid treatment for dementia, emerging studies are indicating medical cannabis significantly improved a variety of dementia’s neuropsychiatric symptoms. Dementia is characterised by a progressive decline of brain function that initially affects cognition, but some patients become unpredictable and increasingly restless as their condition deteriorates. Cannabinoids potentially can ease anxiety, frustration, and agitation associated with dementia.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia
10 min read

The current research on CBD oil for skin cancer
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK, with more than 100,000 diagnoses annually. It kills over 2,500 people each year and leaves thousands more needing extensive and invasive treatments.
Skin Cancer
11 min read

A comprehensive guide to CBD and autism in adults
Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition in which a person experiences and perceives the world differently than a neurotypical person. Light, sound, movement, and other sensory stimuli trigger intense mental and emotional responses for those with autism. An increasing number of patients with autism are showing interest in cannabidiol (CBD) to manage autism symptoms.
8 min read

Medical cannabis for the control of epilepsy and seizures
When applied as part of a tailored and managed treatment plan, medical cannabis has been shown to improve the overall control of epileptic seizures. In fact, it is the only non-pharmaceutical treatment option that has been approved by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in England for two exceedingly rare forms of epilepsy.
11 min read

A guide to CBD for rosacea
No one likes turning red in a social situation – it can be embarrassing, hitting your self-confidence where it hurts. But for rosacea sufferers, this is an all-too regular occurrence, reducing their quality of life and making them feel self-conscious. Rosacea may be a pretty common skin condition, but it can also be a distressing one. Relief may be on the horizon, with recent research pointing to the potential effectiveness of CBD as a treatment, throwing patients a possible welcome lifeline.
Rare Skin Conditions
6 min read

A guide to cannabinoids for cancer pain
Cancer pain is a common symptom of cancer or cancer treatment and can manifest in a variety of ways. The level of pain ranges between mild, moderate and severe, and can be in the form of sharp stabbing pains, tingling or burning sensations, as well as a persistent aching in various parts of the body.
Cancer-Related Pain
7 min read

A guide to medicinal cannabis for managing type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is a disease that reduces, or even totally stops, the production of insulin. Insulin is a vital hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. Without insulin, blood sugar can’t enter cells and instead builds up in the bloodstream. A high level of blood sugar can cause a number of complications and is responsible for many of the symptoms of diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes need to closely monitor their blood sugar levels and inject insulin daily, and at set times.
6 min read

CBD for the reduction and control of bladder pain
Bladder pain. While the causes are multifaceted, and sometimes hard to pin down to one single issue, the resulting pain can range from slightly annoying to totally debilitating. Many of the conventional pharmaceutical treatment options come with a range of unwanted, heavy side effects, leaving patients unhappy with their limited options.
Bladder Pain
7 min read

Cannabis for migraines treatment
Migraines are a common neurological condition that is characterised by a severe headache (often on one side), sensitivity to light or sound, and fatigue. Over 6 million people in the UK suffer from migraines. There are over 190,000 migraine attacks per day in the UK, so imagine how much disruption to home and work life this health issue causes. More women than men develop this complex neurological condition.
8 min read

The potential benefits of cannabis for sleep apnoea treatment
It’s estimated that around one billion adults around the world suffer from sleep apnoea, which equates to around 1 in 7 of us, and yet the condition is seldom openly discussed. In fact, many people suffer from the condition without even knowing it, and this could be having an adverse effect on their health.
Sleep Apnea
6 min read

Five ways cannabis can potentially benefit eczema
Eczema can affect many areas of your life – you might cancel plans to go out because you feel self-conscious about the rash, or you could be up half the night because the constant itch is driving you mad. It is a common skin condition, impacting one in five children and one in 10 adults, but sometimes eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis (AD), really can become unbearable.
9 min read

A detailed guide to CBD for IBS
There are over three million people in the UK estimated to be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and its variety of symptoms. More and more treatments for the currently incurable condition are being sought, with one of the increasingly popular treatment options being cannabidiol (CBD).
8 min read

How effective is cannabis for ulcerative colitis?
Ulcerative colitis is a persistent inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) characterised by inflammation in the inner lining of the colon and rectum. This chronic condition has a diverse range of symptoms. These include diarrhoea, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain and general discomfort. The severity of these symptoms can fluctuate significantly.
6 min read

Exploring the potential benefits of CBD for IBD
CBD engages with the body's endocannabinoid system, a vital regulatory system involved in managing numerous physiological processes, such as inflammation and immune response. In the case of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), the immune system erroneously targets the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in persistent inflammation. CBD has shown the potential to influence this immune response and mitigate inflammation within the digestive system.
Crohn’s Disease
6 min read

The potential of medical cannabis for insomnia
We all have trouble sleeping from time to time. Restless nights are at least a semi-common occurrence for most people, but if you find yourself battling through weeks or months-long issues surrounding sleep, there may be more at play.
9 min read

Medical cannabis for depression explained
With rates of depression in the UK steadily rising, and only boosted by the recent pandemic, finding treatment solutions can be a daunting task. Now more than ever, it is important to understand all the potential symptom-reducing options available. One of those options may include adding medicinal cannabis as part of your therapeutic plan.
5 min read

The potential medical cannabis holds for eating disorder treatment
The vast majority of the global population has a healthy relationship with food, but the scourge of eating disorders is on the rise, with millions worldwide facing anorexia, bulimia, and other disordered eating behaviours. In the UK alone, current estimates suggest that around 1.25 million people are affected by some type of eating disorder.
Appetite Disorders
7 min read

Exploring the benefits of cannabis for cluster headaches
The incidence of cluster headaches in the UK, and in the world generally, is quite low. Roughly 27,000 people in the UK suffer from cluster headaches, with a majority experiencing episodic cluster headaches. Looking past the incidence, cluster headaches can be intimidating and traumatic for anyone.
Cluster Headaches
7 min read

Cannabis for back pain management
Back pain. What starts as a small niggle can quickly spiral out of control, leading to a lifetime of chronic discomfort. And while there is a huge range of conventional pharmaceutical options available to help manage and control back pain, the need for new, effective therapeutic allies is ever-present. Opioids are the most commonly prescribed pain relief for chronic back aches, but the potential for addiction and other heavy side effects related to long-term opioid use has led to an increased focus on alternative therapeutic options.
Back Pain & Sciatica
7 min read

What you need to know: Medical cannabis for arthritis
Patients battling arthritis often experience chronic pain, and when left untreated, the pain associated with the condition can prevent them from carrying out daily activities and living a normal, healthy, fulfilling life. While cannabis has been shown to produce over 110 cannabinoids, there are two that are really showing promise in therapeutic settings, especially when it comes to the potential reduction of symptoms of arthritis.
10 min read

The potential benefits of medicinal cannabis for eating disorders
Treatment for eating disorders is usually a lengthy process involving psychotherapy, nutritional advice, and in some cases, medication. But new research is pointing to the possibility of medicinal cannabis as a potential therapeutic option for individuals with eating disorders.
Appetite Disorders
7 min read

What are the best terpenes for PTSD symptoms?
The cannabis plant is a horticultural marvel. Its oil can be used as a salad dressing, its seeds are packed with protein and healthy fats, and its fibres make for a much more sustainable and durable alternative to cotton. What’s more, its stems, leaves, and buds are packed with compounds known to have a range of potential medicinal properties.
6 min read

Can cannabinoids potentially reduce the symptoms of PTSD?
Across the UK, around two and a half million people are affected by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to the charity PTSD UK, around 20% of people who experience trauma will go on to have some form of PTSD. This equates to around 10% of the country’s overall population.
5 min read

The five best terpenes for insomnia, and how they work
Sleep is an absolutely vital component of our mental and physical health. But the unfortunate truth is that many of us are simply not getting enough of it. While many of us experience the odd sleepless night due to the daily stresses of modern-day life, one too many cappuccinos at work, or an oppressively hot and muggy summer evening, an ongoing loss of sleep could be categorised as insomnia.
7 min read

How to take CBD oil for OCD symptom relief
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affects around 1.2% of the UK population, with approximately 750,000 of us affected by the illness at any one time. This mental health condition can be challenging to live with, resulting in extreme anxiety and dread, intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviours that feel necessary to keep these thoughts and anxieties at bay. The condition can be incredibly disruptive to one’s professional, personal and social life, with symptoms proving difficult and sometimes debilitating.
7 min read

Is CBD a viable complementary therapy option for PTSD?
One of the most extreme anxiety disorders is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This condition is extremely complicated and can be debilitating for those affected. Fortunately, there is a substantial and ever-growing body of evidence to suggest that medical cannabis, and specifically CBD, may be an effective complementary therapy option that could help in alleviating the symptoms of PTSD.
7 min read

How to determine how much CBD to take for insomnia
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most abundant cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Lauded for its potential anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and antioxidant effects, it has found great popularity around the world as a health supplement. While cannabis use is strictly regulated in the UK for the consumer market, the law states that CBD products are legal as long as they contain less than 0.2% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) per dose or less than 1 mg per container. This ensures that users can enjoy the health benefits of medical cannabis without the psychoactive effects of THC.
9 min read

Does hemp seed oil help with sleep? Experts explain
Many of us know how it feels to endure a sleepless night. Heat and humidity, noisy neighbours, or the worries and stresses of daily life can all prevent us from finding the restful state needed for good quality sleep. Most of the time, this transient insomnia comes and goes as external conditions become more favourable. Over time, however, a prolonged lack of sleep may lead to chronic insomnia.
7 min read

Understanding the link between cannabinoids and the digestive tract
The cannabis sativa L. plant is one of the most versatile, and potentially therapeutically beneficial types of flora to ever grace this pale blue dot we call home. It is one of the fastest-growing plants, takes less water to cultivate than the vast majority of other crops, and has a wide range of applications due to not only the presence of cannabinoids, but also its true variability in terms of the production of textiles, paper products, and food items.
9 min read

Is CBD a safe treatment option for gut inflammation?
Inflammation is the body’s natural response to harmful stimuli like injuries and infection. It effectively quarantines the site of the injury and infection in order to attack any invading bodies or contaminants. In the modern world, however, there are more negative stimuli that can trigger inflammation than ever, from stressful living and working conditions to processed foods and airborne pollution. These can cause the immune system to attack healthy tissue.
9 min read

How to get a medical cannabis card for insomnia in the UK
Insomnia is a poorly understood and debilitating condition where sufferers find it difficult to either fall asleep, stay asleep for long periods, or get good quality sleep in general. Although there are conventional pharmaceutical treatment options available, most come with some pretty heavy side effects. Patients in the UK are increasingly looking at medical cannabis as an effective complementary treatment option to reduce the symptoms of insomnia.
13 min read

Do Sativa or Indica strains offer better sleep?
Sativa and Indica are the two main types of medical cannabis, and while they are essentially the same plant, they can have vastly different effects on the mind and body. With recent studies suggesting that the differences between the two may be more nuanced than the recreational cannabis market would have you believe, the question of “Do Sativa or Indica strains offer better sleep?” is becoming increasingly relevant.
8 min read

The potential benefits and risks of taking CBD for insomnia
Cannabidiol, otherwise referred to as CBD, is the second most prevalent cannabinoid that medical cannabis produces after THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), and the most dominant in hemp varieties. Over the past decade or so, CBD has become increasingly popular as a natural remedy for many health conditions, including insomnia.
8 min read

How to take medicinal cannabis for insomnia
We all have trouble sleeping from time to time. Restless nights are at least a semi-common occurrence for most people, but if you find yourself battling through weeks or months-long issues surrounding sleep, there may be more at play.
9 min read

Medical cannabis cards for depression and anxiety in the UK
Certain mood disorders including depression and anxiety are on the list of conditions that can be treated with medicinal cannabis, as are a bunch of other physical and psychological issues. A medical cannabis card is an identifying document that verifies an individual’s permission to use medicinal cannabis obtained from a licensed clinic or doctor. In the UK, medical cannabis cards are issued by private clinics and are only available to those over the age of 18, who have been prescribed medical cannabis by a doctor.
10 min read

The potential of terpenes for depression symptom relief
With the rise of depression diagnoses over the past 3 years globally, and also specifically here in the UK, it should come as anything but a surprise that researchers and healthcare professionals alike are keenly interested in finding new ways to help manage depression.
9 min read

The science behind THC oil for depression symptom relief
Diagnoses of clinical depression are at an all-time high here in the UK. The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it a sharp hike in rates of both depression and anxiety – and while that period is, thankfully, slowly passing, life is still fraught with many challenges and uncertainties.
9 min read

The science behind CBD and depression symptom control
Since the 2020 pandemic, global rates of clinical depression diagnoses have risen dramatically, with more than an estimated 280 million people worldwide now suffering from depression. The same has been seen here in the UK, and in early 2021 more than 21% of adults living in the UK experienced some form of depression. That is more than double the pre-pandemic rate of 10%.
9 min read

Can THC and CBD reduce the symptoms of depression?
With rates of depression in the UK steadily rising, and only boosted by the recent pandemic, finding treatment solutions can be a daunting task. Now more than ever, it is important to understand all the potential treatment options available. One of those options may include taking medical cannabis as part of your therapeutic plan.
7 min read

Does CBD cause bloating?
In the past decade, we have all witnessed the meteoric rise of CBD (cannabidiol). From a little-known and poorly understood cannabinoid to one of the most popular therapeutic supplements worldwide, CBD has quickly become a household name. With its potential to help with a range of conditions including anxiety, inflammation, and gastrointestinal issues, it's little wonder so many people are turning to CBD for relief.
Appetite Disorders
6 min read

Can CBD help you lose weight?
In this article, we will dive deep into what the current science has to say about the potential of CBD as an aid for those looking to drop the pounds, and any possible side effects that should be taken into account when considering CBD for weight loss.
Appetite Disorders
7 min read

A beginner guide to CBD oil for eating disorders
Eating disorders (ED) are among the most common mental illnesses, and some of the most debilitating, with an estimated 1.25 to 3.4 million people affected in the United Kingdom alone. Eating disorders most often develop during adolescence, although there are cases where people as old as seventy and as young as six years old have been diagnosed.
Appetite Disorders
7 min read

Medicinal cannabis for eating disorder treatment
While the vast majority of the people living in developed countries have a healthy relationship with food, the scourge of eating disorders is on the rise, with millions worldwide facing anorexia, bulimia, and other disordered eating behaviours. In the UK alone, current estimates suggest that around 1.25 million people are affected by some type of eating disorder.
Appetite Disorders
7 min read

The ultimate guide to cannabis acne treatment
Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point in their lives. It occurs when hair follicles become blocked with oil and dead skin cells, creating a plug and causing inflamed red pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.
5 min read

Why you should use CBD for skin inflammation
Most people will experience skin inflammation at some point in their lives, whether it’s from an insect bite, a rash, a skin disorder such as eczema or dermatitis or an infection. Skin inflammation can cause redness, swelling, dryness, itching and pain, which is irritating at best, but can affect a person’s quality of life at its worst. In recent times, scientists have studied cannabis for its pharmacological uses, discovering it could play a beneficial role in the treatment of skin conditions.
10 min read

Is CBD good for itchy skin?
For thousands of years, people around the world have used cannabis sativa to treat a plethora of different health conditions. The chemical complexity and versatility of this hardy plant, which originated from Central Asia but is now cultivated globally, has huge potential medical benefits for those suffering the misery of itchy skin.
7 min read

How helpful is hemp seed oil for rosacea?
Rosacea is a common skin condition which causes redness. It usually begins with people blushing or becoming flushed more easily. Normally affecting the nose, cheeks and forehead, it’s a long-term condition, with sufferers experiencing periodic flare-ups. Hemp seed oil is widely used in a range of health and skincare treatments. Packed full of essential fatty acids including Omega-3 and -6, it’s said to be particularly beneficial to a range of skin conditions.
Rare Skin Conditions
6 min read

Does hemp cream bring relief for eczema?
Eczema is a common skin condition which can bring misery to sufferers’ lives. The unbearable itch can keep them awake at night, while inflamed red patches of skin can make them self-conscious, affecting socialising and damaging mental health.
7 min read

Cannabis and eczema - Five ways it can help
Eczema can affect many areas of your life – you might cancel plans to go out because you feel self-conscious about the rash, or you could be up half the night because the constant itch is driving you mad. It is a common skin condition impacting one in five children and one in 10 adults, but sometimes eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis (AD), really can be unbearable. It is CBD which is of particular interest in treating eczema because it possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-itch properties.
11 min read

The potential benefits of using CBD for skin healing
For centuries, millennia even, humans have used the Cannabis sativa plant for its plethora of potentially beneficial properties. From clothing and sustainable textiles to pain relief and relaxation, this fascinating plant certainly has many uses. But it’s the emerging medical applications which are attracting the most recent attention, as research increasingly points to their benefits.
8 min read

A detailed guide on THC for cancer pain
According to Macmillan Cancer Support, there are 3 million people in the UK living with cancer, and this is expected to rise to 5.3 million by 2040. On average, someone is diagnosed with cancer every 90 seconds. While there have been huge advances in cancer treatment, it’s still a hugely prevalent and devastatingly destructive disease. Inevitably, patients have looked at ways of managing pain with complementary treatment options, including THC, which potentially has a role to play in long-term pain relief.
Cancer-Related Pain
8 min read

Is hemp oil good for eczema?
Eczema is a common skin condition, but it blights thousands of people’s lives around the world. Characterised by chronically itchy skin which looks red, dry, and inflamed, it can drive people to distraction and keep them up at night.
7 min read

How good is CBD reducing the symptoms of rosacea?
No one likes turning red in a social situation – it can be embarrassing and hit your self-confidence where it hurts. But for rosacea sufferers, this is an all-too-regular occurrence, reducing their quality of life and making them feel self-conscious. Rosacea may be an extremely common skin condition, but it can cause deep and heavy mental anguish. The most recent research pointing to the potential effectiveness of medical cannabis options, and CBD in particular, as a treatment has thrown sufferers a welcome lifeline.
Rare Skin Conditions
6 min read

Is hemp seed oil effective for childhood eczema?
Eczema often appears in the first few months after birth and usually improves as children get older. Traditional treatments for mild cases focus on using cleansers and applying a fragrance-free moisturiser or ointment after bathing. Corticosteroids may also be used to treat inflammation and redness on the skin. Some parents prefer natural treatments over pharmaceutical options or as a complementary treatment, which is where hemp seed oil can be of benefit.
8 min read

CBD oil for eczema explained
Eczema is a common but chronic skin condition that causes suffering to millions of people around the world. It ranges in severity, but at its worst, it is characterised by its maddening and relentless itching of the skin.
8 min read

Five useful tips when applying CBD for skin infections
The skin is the largest organ in the human body with several essential roles to play. It acts as a barrier to stop germs from getting in and protects internal muscles, bones, and organs. It also has a major role to play in temperature control, and is one of our main sensory organs, allowing us to touch and feel.
8 min read

Is CBD cream an effective natural solution for acne?
Acne is an extremely common skin condition, and most people will experience it at some point in their lives – around 95% of young people aged 11-30 will have acne to some extent. Girls most commonly suffer between the ages of 14 and 17, and boys between 16 and 19. For most, it disappears by the time they’re in their 20s -but for about 3%, it continues well into adulthood.
6 min read

Five key CBD skincare benefits
CBD skincare is big news, with hundreds of products hitting the market in recent years. The skin is the body’s largest organ and is responsible for many crucial functions, including keeping germs out and protecting the body’s internal organs from infection. It prevents loss of moisture, protects organs from UV exposure and acts as a sensory organ detecting touch. It also regulates temperature and produces vitamin D, which is critical for building bone.
8 min read

Does medical cannabis offer symptomatic relief for PTSD?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – or PTSD – is an anxiety disorder and complex psychological condition brought on by a distressing and traumatic event. Those diagnosed with PTSD often experience generalised underlying anxiety, flashbacks, panic attacks, and nightmares.
9 min read

How CBD may help people with sleep apnea
Although there are several common treatments for sleep apnoea, in recent years there has been a large amount of research into the potential benefits of CBD for sufferers. Some studies have shown that certain properties of CBD may potentially enhance sleep stability and reduce the symptoms of sleep apnoea by a considerable amount.
Sleep Apnea
10 min read

The potential benefits of cannabis for sleep apnea
Medicinal cannabis-related products, such as those containing CBD, may have benefits for chronic conditions that interrupt sleep. Some studies have shown that both CBD and THC variants, the active ingredient in cannabis, may have the potential to relieve the symptoms of OSA, improving sleep for chronic sufferers of the condition.
Sleep Apnea
5 min read

The science behind CBD for diabetic neuropathy
Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that occurs when diabetes causes damage to the nervous system. The condition can affect a number of different nerves in the body, including in the feet, organs, and muscles. This damage can result in pain, tingling sensations, and numbness. Early medical research is showing that the interaction between CBD and the ECS can produce potentially powerful pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory results for people with diabetic neuropathy.
6 min read

An administration guide on CBD oil for diabetes
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound found in the cannabis sativa L. plant, more commonly known as cannabis or hemp. It is one of more than 110 chemicals known as phytocannabinoids found in this particular species of plant, and one of the most prevalent, along with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
6 min read

Can CBD potentially regulate blood glucose levels?
Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, is the amount of sugar in your blood at any one time. The sugars come from the food you eat, sugary drinks, or they are released from glucose stores in the liver and muscles. Normally, the pancreas releases a chemical called insulin into the blood when glucose levels get too high, which signals to your body to reabsorb these sugars until they return to a normal level.
6 min read

The benefits CBD may offer to diabetes patients
Cannabidiol, or CBD as it’s more commonly known, is a natural compound occurring in the Cannabis sativa plant. The plant contains two main cannabinoids: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Recent research has shown that CBD products (which can legally contain up to 0.2% THC when sold over the counter) can have a number of health benefits and medicinal uses, such as the treatment of chronic pain, reducing anxiety and depression, and helping with addiction.
7 min read

How medical cannabis may ease the symptoms of diabetes type 2
Type 2 diabetes is the most commonly occurring form of the disease. Unlike type 1 diabetes, which results in sufferers being unable to produce insulin, type 2 diabetes causes the body to respond abnormally to insulin, ensuing in insulin resistance. People with type 2 diabetes will see the level of sugar (glucose) in their blood become too high, which, if left unmanaged, can result in serious, long-term health issues.
8 min read

What you need to know about cannabis and diabetes type 1
Type 1 diabetes is a disease that causes the pancreas to make little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. Without insulin, blood sugar can’t get into our cells and instead builds up in the bloodstream. Type 1 diabetes can be managed with a range of complementary treatments and therapies. Some recent studies have pointed to the potential of medical cannabis as an effective additional treatment capable of reducing the symptoms of the disease.
7 min read

Is CBD good for inflammation?
Over the last few years, you may have heard CBD talked about a lot as a potential complementary medical cannabis treatment option. But you might not know exactly what CBD stands for, what it is and what it can be used for. The good news is, you’re not alone. There’s a great deal of confusion and misinformation out there about CBD, which might mean its potential benefits are not being accessed by those who most need them.
11 min read

Six benefits of hemp cream for psoriasis sufferers
Hemp cream is an increasingly popular treatment option for people living with psoriasis. Unlike many psoriasis creams, hemp products don’t contain steroids. Instead, they’re derived from natural sources and work with the body’s systems to help manage the symptoms of the disease.
8 min read

A vital guide to the safe dosage of CBD oil for psoriasis
Psoriasis affects around 2 in 100 people here in the UK and is characterised as a chronic, non-contagious autoimmune disease. It occurs when the body overproduces skin cells, resulting in patches of skin that are anything but ideal. These patches then often take on a dry white or red appearance, which causes itching and discomfort.
7 min read

Can cannabis cream offer relief from psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that’s linked to the body’s immune system. It can emerge at any point in a person’s life but is most likely to develop between the ages of 15 and 25. People living with psoriasis experience increased skin cell production. This results in inflamed patches of skin appearing on the body. These patches are often covered with dry ‘scales’ and can cause irritation and pain to the sufferer.
7 min read

Unlocking the benefits of CBD oil for psoriasis
People living with psoriasis often use a combination of topical and oral treatments, as well as phototherapy, to ease symptoms and cope with the condition. Recent research has shown CBD oil may have a positive impact on psoriasis symptoms. From easing stress to reducing inflammation, CBD products can potentially help to improve the lives of people living with the condition.
6 min read

How to take medical cannabis for cancer pain
Cancer pain is one symptom of cancer that can most negatively affect the quality of life of cancer patients, which is why there is so much research being conducted to find new, complementary treatments. An increasing amount of that research is focusing on the potential benefits of medical cannabis, and the results so far are certainly encouraging.
Cancer-Related Pain
9 min read

The full guide to CBD oil and immunotherapy
Immunotherapy has emerged as a revolutionary approach to cancer treatment, harnessing the power of the immune system to target and eliminate cancer cells. As the field of immunotherapy continues to advance, researchers are exploring new strategies to enhance its effectiveness and improve patients' outcomes. One intriguing avenue being explored is the potential synergy between immunotherapy and medical cannabis. CBD (cannabidiol), a natural compound derived from the cannabis plant, is showing promise in this area.
Cancer-Related Pain
8 min read

Can CBD oil reduce the nausea related to chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) are distressing side effects commonly experienced by individuals undergoing chemotherapy. These symptoms can significantly impact the quality of life, overall health, and treatment outcomes for cancer patients. In recent years, there has been growing interest in exploring alternative and complementary therapies to manage CINV effectively. One such potential option is medical cannabis, and in particular, CBD oil. This is a rich source of cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive compound derived from the cannabis plant.
7 min read

A guide to UK medical cannabis cards for cancer patients
While medical cannabis should never be viewed as a straight-out cure to cancer, it has long been recognised as an effective treatment option, and a powerful addition to any holistic cancer treatment plan to help manage the symptoms of cancer and the side effects of some of its treatments. Holding a medical card is not a legal requirement here in the UK, but it is a great way to ensure that patients are protected and safe from any legal issues.
8 min read

A detailed guide on taking CBD with chemotherapy
CBD is a medical cannabis cannabinoid that does not produce psychoactive effects. It has gained significant recognition for its potential health benefits, such as pain relief, anti-inflammatory properties, and the possible ability to help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. As a result, there is a growing interest in using CBD alongside chemotherapy as a complementary approach to cancer treatment.
Cancer-Related Pain
8 min read

Can cannabis help reduce the symptoms of IBS?
Research has shown that medical cannabis has the potential to help with a variety of ailments and health issues, including the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
8 min read

Can CBD ease IBS-related diarrhoea?
Many people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are seeking out new complementary treatment options, such as cannabidiol (CBD), to treat symptomatic flare-ups. While there are conventional pharmaceutical options, some come with heavy side effects or simply do not bring the level of relief needed.
7 min read

The potential benefits and side effects of CBD for IBS
There is a significant body of research that suggests symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may be treated with medical cannabis, and more specifically, cannabidiol (CBD). Now, along with the increasing availability of CBD products through the NHS and private clinics (like Releaf) to treat certain conditions like IBS, it is worth understanding the benefits of CBD treatment, as well as its potential side effects and correct dosage amounts.
6 min read

Can CBD help with IBS?
There are over three million people in the UK estimated to be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and its variety of symptoms. More and more treatments for the currently incurable condition are being sought, with one of the increasingly popular treatment options being medical cannabis, and one of the major cannabinoids produced by the plant - cannabidiol (CBD).
6 min read

All you need to know about CBD oil for ulcerative colitis
As more research is conducted into the potential therapeutic effects of medical cannabis and CBD oil, more possible benefits are discovered. One such discovery is the potential for CBD oil to help alleviate certain symptoms in people suffering from ulcerative colitis.
4 min read

Is CBD helpful for the symptoms of Crohn’s disease?
Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the gastrointestinal tract, most often the small intestine and colon. Its milder symptoms include diarrhoea and fatigue. More severe cases may cause intense abdominal pain and impaired digestion, leading to potential malnutrition. Crohn's disease can also trigger very distressing complications such as ulcers and fissures.
Crohn’s Disease
7 min read

What you need to know about cannabis and Crohn’s disease
Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the gastrointestinal tract. It causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, weight loss and fatigue. The condition can be difficult to manage, and traditional treatment methods may not always be effective. This has led some people to explore alternative, complementary therapies, such as medical cannabis.
Crohn’s Disease
7 min read

Exploring the potential benefits of CBD for IBD
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a group of conditions that cause inflammation in the digestive tract. Depending on their level of severity, they can be anything from frustrating inconveniences to life-altering health issues with potentially dangerous consequences.
7 min read

Exploring the potential benefits of CBD for PTSD
Living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be a nightmarish existence for sufferers, and often is. While every individual’s experience is unique, the symptoms of this condition can be far-ranging and have a profound impact on daily life.
11 min read

Can CBD help manage OCD symptoms?
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is an often misunderstood and misrepresented mental health condition characterised by symptoms such as extreme anxiety, obsessive intrusive thoughts, and compulsive behaviours. This condition can affect people of all ages and genders, and can have been seen in children as young as six.
7 min read

A beginner’s guide to CBD oil administration for Parkinson’s
Typically administered to manage symptoms of anxiety and depression, or to relieve pain and improve sleep, evidence suggests medical cannabis, and in particular CBD oil, could also potentially aid 10 million people around the world living with Parkinson’s Disease.
Parkinson’s Disease
7 min read

How cannabis may help ease Parkinson’s disease
Every single hour, two people in the UK are diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD), the world’s fastest growing neurological condition that currently has no cure. With an estimated 8.5 million people facing this incurable diagnosis across the world, increasing numbers of Parkinson’s patients are turning to medicinal cannabis to help potentially manage tremors and rigidity, relieve the symptoms of anxiety that can go hand in hand with the diagnosis, and improve their sleep quality.
Parkinson’s Disease
6 min read

The benefits and risks of taking THC for Autism
Medical cannabis is not a cure for autism. However, there is growing evidence that suggests THC, and medical cannabis more generally, may help in managing some symptoms associated with autism when administered in conjunction with other therapies and interventions.
8 min read

Can CBD help improve sleep for people with autism?
Many patients report that cannabidiol (CBD) is effective at promoting relaxation and sleep, and emerging research studies are starting to show data that backs up this anecdotal evidence. CBD is a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis plants, and it’s widely known for its calming effects. It has been shown to interact with the serotonin system, as well as the endocannabinoid system (ECS), both of which are responsible for regulating relaxation and sleep.
8 min read

The science behind medical cannabis for ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that is believed to arise from a complex interplay of genetics, brain structure, and function. While individuals with ADHD often demonstrate high intelligence and creativity, they may encounter challenges in information processing, sustaining attention, and regulating impulsive behaviour.
8 min read

Can CBD help reduce the symptoms of ADHD?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects cognition, perception, attention, and impulsivity. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed neurological disorders. Although pharmaceutical medications are often prescribed to manage ADHD symptoms and behavioural therapy helps patients develop coping strategies, many are seeking alternative treatments.
9 min read

Can CBD help patients with dementia?
There is currently no cure for dementia, but a combination of medication, physical therapy, mental stimulation, and lifestyle changes have been shown to help slow the progression of dementia and help to manage the symptoms effectively. One potential complementary treatment option that has shown promise in recent research is CBD, or cannabidiol.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia
8 min read

A guide to CBD and neurological disorders
A rapidly growing body of research studies emphasises the safety and effectiveness of cannabidiol (CBD) in alleviating symptoms associated with neurological conditions. CBD not only offers general benefits for overall wellness and improved sleep, but it also possesses specific properties that target the symptoms of a wide range of neurological disorders. Consequently, individuals with neurological disorders are increasingly interested in exploring how CBD can enhance their overall health and well-being.
9 min read

Can medical cannabis offer relief for scoliosis patients?
Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine twists and curves causing pain, and other related symptoms. Scoliosis is typically identified during childhood or early adulthood, often during the growth spurts that occur during puberty. Early therapeutic interventions can effectively halt the progression of spinal curvature and minimize associated symptoms. As scoliosis patients age, there is a possibility of an increase in spinal curvature, leading to further discomfort and potential respiratory risks.
8 min read

Can terpenes offer relief from neuropathy?
Although most of the clinical research and media attention has focused on cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD), the other compounds found in the cannabis sativa L. plant, such as terpenes, are starting to gain recognition for their potential therapeutic benefits.
Neuropathic Pain
7 min read

Medical cannabis and endometriosis symptom management
Although the field of medical cannabis research may still be in its infancy, it is slowly (but surely) proving to be an effective and safe complementary treatment option for a wide range of medical conditions. One such condition is endometriosis, a distressing condition affecting the female reproductive system, characterized by the abnormal growth of endometrial tissue outside its usual location.
7 min read

Can CBD offer relief from back pain?
Back pain continues to be a prevalent issue not only here in the UK, but globally. While there is a range of both 'over-the-counter' and prescribable pharmaceuticals available, many patients are seeking natural therapeutic options that don’t cause excessive side effects or risk of dependence and can be easily added to a holistic treatment plan.
Back Pain & Sciatica
10 min read

Can you get a medical card for sciatica in the UK?
Sciatica is a condition characterised by the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, which extends from your lower back down to your feet. This nerve plays a crucial role in transmitting sensory and motor signals to and from the lower limbs. While most cases of sciatica resolve within 4 to 6 weeks, it is possible for the symptoms to persist for a longer duration. The discomfort experienced can vary from mild to severe, often accompanied by pain, tingling, or numbness along the affected leg. Seeking appropriate medical attention and implementing targeted treatments can help alleviate the symptoms and promote a quicker recovery.
Back Pain & Sciatica
9 min read

Can you get a medical cannabis card for chronic back pain in the UK?
Medical cannabis is an increasingly popular treatment option for people suffering from chronic back pain. But to legally access it in the United Kingdom (UK), you need a physician registered to the General Medical Council Specialist Register to prescribe you cannabis. That means that, more than likely, your current GP won’t be able to help you get a medical cannabis prescription. NHS medical cannabis patients are not provided with a medical cannabis card, as unlike some other countries, it is not a legal requirement to carry a card. Again, if you are looking for the added protection that holding a medical cannabis card offers, then a private clinic is the best way to go.
Back Pain & Sciatica
11 min read

Is medical cannabis a viable treatment for back pain?
Despite advancements in understanding back pain, the lack of effective and lasting treatment options remains a significant challenge. Managing non-surgical back pain has been identified as a primary contributor to the current issues surrounding the overprescription of opioids. Additionally, post-operative pain management poses a complex challenge for patients undergoing spine surgery.
Back Pain & Sciatica
9 min read

The best terpenes for arthritis pain
The two most often encountered forms of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). Both of these conditions involve the breakdown of joint tissues, leading to inflammation, pain, and stiffness. Certain terpenes are showing great promise in offering arthritis patients a range of therapeutic benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anti-catabolic (slowing the breakdown of muscle tissue), analgesic, and anti-spasmodic properties.
8 min read

Hemp oil and anxiety - What are the risks & benefits?
Hemp oil is a safe dietary and wellness supplement, and you won’t feel any psychoactive effects from taking it. It contains a wide range of secondary cannabinoids and terpenes, with some hemp oils offering up to 18% CBD (cannabidiol). Hemp seed oil, on the other hand, is extracted from only the seeds of the hemp plant. It may contain trace amounts of CBD, but at such minuscule levels that it has no therapeutic effect. Hemp oil, specifically full-spectrum hemp oil containing CBD, holds promise as a safe and potential dietary additive for reducing anxiety symptoms.
6 min read

Finding the right CBD dose for sleep and anxiety relief
Anxiety disorders and the impact sleep can and does have on them are well-documented. While there are many conventional methods available for addressing these issues, evidence is mounting that Cannabidiol (CBD) could be an effective partner in helping reduce the symptoms of anxiety disorders and improving sleep quality.
7 min read

The terpenes to avoid for anxiety reduction
While you may have not heard of terpenes, you have definitely experienced the impact they have on the world around us. Terpenes are natural compounds that are produced by a massive range of plants (and some animals), cannabis included. They are what give cannabis its distinctive aroma and flavour, but recent research into the exact role they play shows that they may also have an impact on the medicinal qualities of each specific strain.
6 min read

Is CBD or THC better for anxiety relief?
Anxiety issues are the most commonly diagnosed mental health issues in the UK. Each week, one in six of us will be battling through some form of anxiety. And while anxious feelings are a healthy part of the human condition, there is a difference between the occasional worry and serious angst.
6 min read

How long does CBD oil take to work for anxiety?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is just one of over a hundred cannabinoids that have so far been identified in the cannabis plant. Unlike its more famous relative, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not produce any intoxicating effects – and its potential application as a natural medicinal option for a wide range of conditions, including anxiety, is gaining acceptance.
5 min read

How to know if CBD is working for anxiety
CBD (a non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in both hemp and cannabis), has quickly become a popular natural therapeutic option for anxiety sufferers worldwide. Despite the need for further research into the cannabinoid before making any definitive statements regarding its effectiveness in reducing anxiety, the available data suggests that CBD may provide relief for a broad range of anxiety-related issues.
7 min read

How medical cannabis may help reduce anxiety
Anxiety disorders come in many forms, and they all share one thing in common. That is, they are on the rise. With one in six adults in the United Kingdom now diagnosed with some form of anxiety, the need for additional treatment options has never been more pronounced. Below, we will look at what anxiety is exactly, how it can affect you, and the possible ways medical cannabis may be able to help.
7 min read

The science behind CBD for anxiety symptom control
Anxiety-related issues are the most commonly diagnosed mental health issues in the United Kingdom, and the statistics show that they are on the rise. On any given day, 6% of the UK population will deal with anxious feelings that can be overwhelming and, for some, the symptoms can be debilitating.
6 min read

Can CBD help reduce the symptoms of agoraphobia?
Categorised as a complex panic disorder, Agoraphobia is an often misunderstood and misrepresented anxiety condition. While it is most commonly thought of as a fear of open spaces, it actually encompasses much more. One natural remedy growing in popularity among those suffering from agoraphobia is Cannabidiol, more commonly referred to by its abbreviation - CBD.
7 min read

The science behind Sativa - what effects does it offer?
Cannabis strains are split into three main categories: Sativa, Indica, and hybrids (which are a combination of the two), with each particular strain offering its own unique set of effects. And while the current science is pointing towards the fact that cannabis effects may be far more nuanced than the simple Indica/Sativa split, most Sativa cultivars do seem to provide more cerebral stimulation, uplifting energy, and clarity than Indica dominant options. Or at least, that’s what hundreds of years' worth of anecdotal evidence points to, anyway.
6 min read

How cannabinoids may affect mental health
According to the latest statistics, around 1 in 6 adults in the UK suffer from a mental health condition, with a reported 3.25 million individuals accessing NHS mental health or autism services in 2021/2022. Although the study of how cannabinoids affect mental health is still in its early stages, there are a few promising findings that show cannabinoids may be effective in the treatment of anxiety symptoms. This is particularly true for CBD, as its non-intoxicating effects mean it has a lower risk of causing any negative mental health effects.
8 min read

Can medicinal cannabis help sufferers of glaucoma?
While there are many causes that can lead to the development of glaucoma, and diagnosis is never straightforward, it involves damage to the optic nerve, with most cases linked to high pressure within the eye (intraocular pressure). This is usually caused by a fluid build-up that increases pressure within the eye coupled with inflammation, which can damage the optic nerve.
5 min read

Can CBD help manage the symptoms of glaucoma?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the 113 cannabinoids so far isolated from cannabis. Whereas tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is psychoactive, CBD is totally non-intoxicating – with studies showing both these two big names in the cannabinoid sphere offering possible medicinal value.
7 min read

Getting a medical cannabis card for multiple sclerosis
MS is a degenerative, inflammation-based condition that attacks the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. In the simplest of terms, it disrupts the flow of information between the brain and the body and can lead to issues with movement, sensation, and cognition.
Multiple Sclerosis
7 min read

Multiple sclerosis and therapeutic cannabinoid treatment
The medicinal cannabis landscape is shifting in the United Kingdom, and with this shift comes increased options for people suffering from multiple sclerosis. MS, unfortunately, currently has no cure. And as the symptoms are so wide-ranging, the treatment options are focused on managing the different symptoms and attempting to slow down or stop further possible damage. There truly is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to treating MS. Research into both THC and CBD has shown promise when it comes to the reduction of symptoms related to MS.
Multiple Sclerosis
6 min read

Does cannabis offer anti-inflammatory properties?
Often cursed as the underlying issue for a range of health-related issues, inflammation is actually a vital bodily function. An essential piece of the puzzle that is the human immune system – in general terms, inflammation occurs when the body reacts to an assortment of stimuli, releasing biochemical signals that cause redness, swelling, heat, and pain – and in severe cases, it can even lead to a loss of function. Can medical cannabis help reduce inflammation? Let's find out...
11 min read

Does CBD offer potential therapeutic benefits for acne?
Research, which we will go into further down in this article, shows that CBD may be an effective treatment option for acne sufferers and that it could be among the best natural treatment option available right now.
5 min read

A full guide to medical cannabis and cancer
As public interest in medical cannabis continues to grow, so does the number of people intrigued by its potential medical benefits. However, the abundance of information available online can often leave the general public perplexed, even frustrated, particularly when it comes to understanding cannabis as a potential complementary treatment option for cancer.
13 min read

A thorough guide to medical cannabis for MS
While cannabis is still classed as a Class B controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, in November 2018, the laws surrounding medicinal cannabis shifted in the UK. After decades of lobbying by patient advocacy organisations, doctors, and scientists, medicinal cannabis was finally made available on prescription for patients suffering from certain conditions, with multiple sclerosis (MS) making it on the list.
Multiple Sclerosis
7 min read

Medicinal cannabis for nerve pain
Thanks to the sweeping changes made to the legality of medical cannabis on the 1st of November 2018 here in the UK, sufferers of nerve pain can now supplement conventional therapies with medicinal cannabis use. Some patients are reporting that medical cannabis offers a pain management solution after years of trial and error with traditional medical approaches.
Neuropathic Pain
10 min read

Can CBD oil help interstitial cystitis?
CBD oil has the potential to reduce the inflammation and pain associated with IC and PBS. It may also reduce the pain associated with bladder spasms, a common symptom of both conditions. CBD's anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties have been investigated in numerous studies.
Bladder Pain
12 min read

Does CBD offer a natural solution for bladder pain?
Bladder pain, or interstitial cystitis, can be annoying, even sometimes debilitating issue. Sometimes described by sufferers as having a similar feeling to dealing with a never-ending UTI (urinary tract infection), it mostly affects women over the age of 40. With a list of symptoms ranging from the urge to urinate almost constantly with little success, to crippling pelvic pain, it should come as little wonder that sufferers are constantly on the lookout for new additions to their current treatment plan.
Bladder Pain
8 min read

Does CBD help with reducing migraines?
You might be surprised to find out that 190,000 migraine attacks happen in the UK every day. With such massive numbers, the need for new treatment options to help complement conventional pharmaceuticals is obvious, especially when many of these medications come with some pretty heavy side effects.
8 min read

Can CBD Oil reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia, also sometimes referred to as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a chronic condition that results in pain throughout the entire body. It affects more women than men, and it usually manifests between the ages of 25-55. Up to 10% of the UK population is currently afflicted with fibromyalgia.
8 min read

Choosing the ideal strength of CBD oil for fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia affects over 1.5 million people in the United Kingdom. It is a poorly understood disorder that causes intense chronic pain, overwhelming inflammation, and heavy fatigue among a range of other symptoms. Although there are various conventional pharmaceutical treatments for fibromyalgia, their effectiveness is sometimes less than satisfactory, and certain options are burdened with significant side effects.
8 min read

How to get a medical cannabis card for fibromyalgia in the UK
Fibromyalgia is a complex and debilitating chronic pain disorder that affects individuals over the long term. It is characterized by heightened pain sensitivity, inflammation, muscle tenderness, and disruption of sleep patterns. There is an ever-growing body of research that is heavily indicating that medical cannabis is a powerful addition to treatment plans for fibromyalgia, and can provide patients with a few key benefits.
8 min read

The ultimate guide to cannabis for fibromyalgia relief
Fibromyalgia is a type of chronic pain condition that is thought to affect 1 in 20 individuals and is more commonly seen in women than men. Symptoms can be widespread throughout the body and can vary from person to person. Individuals may report differing symptoms so it can, at times, make diagnosis very difficult.
7 min read

CBD dosage for endometriosis
Endometriosis is a painful disorder that can range in symptoms and severity. Roughly 10% of women struggle with endometriosis. Common symptoms include pain, fatigue, and inflammation, and symptoms can vary from mild to severe.
6 min read

Can medical cannabis reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a cripplingly painful autoimmune and inflammatory disease that affects around 1% of the population right here in the UK. The pain and inflammation caused by this condition can cause long-term damage to the joints, with symptomatic bouts or flare-ups that can range from relatively mild to dangerously severe.
10 min read

Finding the optimal CBD dose for rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the joints, causing severe pain, swelling, and mobility issues. Although it can manifest in any articulated joint, it most commonly impacts knees, hands, feet, and wrists.
10 min read

What you should know about cannabis for arthritis
Patients battling arthritis often experience chronic pain, and when left untreated, the pain associated with the condition can prevent them from carrying out daily activities, and living a normal, healthy, fulfilling life.
10 min read

The four best terpenes for pain reduction
While traditional cannabis-based medicine mainly focuses on the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids (mostly THC and CBD), recent developments in the field have seen terpenes gain more recognition as a major factor in the medicinal benefits of medical cannabis.
8 min read

The science behind cannabinoids and bone regeneration
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a role in bone homeostasis and healing, with the CB1 receptor stimulation regulating bone mass and density, while the CB2 receptor is responsible for bone maintenance via stimulating certain cells that build bone. Cannabinoids also interact with other peripheral receptors in the body to further aid in the influencing of boosting bone mass, as well as preventing specific types of cells from degrading the bone.
6 min read

Is medical cannabis effective in managing pain?
If you are looking for a complementary pain management solution to add to your existing treatment plan, you are anything but alone. Right here in the UK, around 34% of the population (that's close to 15.5 million people) are affected by chronic pain. Chronic pain is an unwelcome passenger on the journey for many patients living with long-term medical conditions, and is a common symptom of countless diseases and illnesses.
8 min read