Medical Cannabis for Women’s Health

Medical Cannabis for Women’s Health

Endometriosis and symptoms associated with menopause, are often painfully slow to diagnose and difficult to manage. Our cannabis-based treatments may provide relief from joint pain, stomach cramps, anxiety, or inflammation.

Am I eligible?

Women's Health

Endometriosis affects around 1 in 10 people with a uterus, while 77% experience one or more ‘difficult’ menopausal symptom. Conventional medications such as painkillers or HRT, can be ineffective or come with debilitating side effects. Evidence suggests that more women are turning to alternative treatments such as cannabis-based treatments..

How Can Cannabis-Based Treatments Help?

Medical cannabis may be an effective treatment for symptoms associated with women's health conditions, including insomnia, pain, inflammation, and mood. Following the legalisation of medical cannabis in the UK in 2018, our expert consultants can carefully tailor your treatment plan to your needs and offer a place to start, where conventional stopped.


Of those with endometriosis say it [negatively impacts their wellbeing]


[Symptoms] associated with menopause, some of which can be debilitating.


The [average age] of medical cannabis patients in the UK

Articles on Women's health

25. 04. 2024

How medical cannabis may help endometriosis patients

Endometriosis is estimated to affect around 10% of those with a womb between puberty and menopause, but still, effective treatments, and research into the condition itself, are severely lacking. This can, understandably, be extremely frustrating for those affected.

07. 05. 2024

Ease the Transition: How medical cannabis can help during the menopause

Menopause is a natural process characterised by the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles. It is associated with a number of symptoms that can cause significant disruption to everyday life. Yet, despite perimenopause and postmenopause affecting approximately 13 million people in the UK, there remains a distinct lack of awareness and education about menopause, as well as access to effective therapies.

You’ll be Supported By an Expert Medical Team

The growing awareness that female physiological differences can lead to the misdiagnosis of conditions, highlights the need for clinical approaches that better account for these variations. Other conditions such as endometriosis can take up to seven years to be diagnosed, all the while the patient is passed from pillar to post and started on a plethora of medication in a hope that distress is alleviated. Experience now tells us that medical cannabis is a particularly effective treatment for menstrual related pain conditions.

Dr. Tang discussing medical cannabis treatment options in a professional setting
Dr David Tang

Clinical Director

Common women's health symptoms

Constant pain



Joint pain

Lack of relief from OTC painkillers

Loss of appetite

Low mood

Reduced quality of life

Sleep disruption

It's important to note that these symptoms are general and may not be exclusive to any specific condition. Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plans based on individual needs.

Common women's health conditions
If you’re looking for an alternative to conventional medicine, cannabis-based treatments could be the answer to restore your quality of life. The first step is to find out if you’re eligible.
Am I eligible?