ADHD medical cannabis treatment

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can have a big impact on everyday life. As a neurobehavioural and neurodevelopmental disorder, ADHD typically develops during childhood, causing concentration issues, affecting a person’s attention to detail, their energy levels, mood, and often sleep too. While there are a number of available treatments for ADHD, cannabis-based medicines were made available for patients with ADHD in the UK in 2018. Medical cannabis ADHD treatments are available from Releaf for eligible patients, and they’re becoming increasingly popular.

Am I eligible?

3 to 4%

of the UK population have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and the male to female diagnosis ratio is 3:1.


of adults in the UK are aware medical cannabis can be prescribed to help manage ADHD symptoms, says representative research.

1 in 4

with ADHD found cannabis plays a positive role in symptom management, according to a qualitative analysis of online discussion threads

Over 2/3

of UK adults would consider medical cannabis treatments if their doctor recommended them, according to representative research.


Appearing forgetful

Difficulty concentrating

Feeling fidgety / excessive physical movement




Mood swings

Poor organisation


Short attention span

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you may have ADHD. Please speak with your GP to find out more.

Treatment options:

When treating or managing ADHD, medications can be prescribed to help calm impulsivity, or aid concentration and focus. Different types of therapy can also be recommended, such as psychoeducation to help you cope with the condition, or cognitive behavioural therapy, which may help people to develop the tools they need to alter how they behave in certain situations.


Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)



Methylphenidate (Ritalin)


Find out if you may be eligible for medical cannabis ADHD treatments here.
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A word from our specialist

"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, often severely impacting daily functioning. Emerging research suggests that medicinal cannabis may help manage symptoms by interacting with the endocannabinoid system to improve focus, reduce hyperactivity, and promote calmness, offering a potential complementary approach to traditional treatments."

Dr. Michal Modestowicz


Find out if you may be eligible for medical cannabis ADHD treatments here.
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Articles on Adhd

28. 03. 2024

Understanding medical cannabis and ADHD

An estimated 2.6 million people are living with ADHD in the UK and diagnoses are on the rise as general awareness of neurodivergent disorders grows. At the same time, many patients are reporting benefits from medical cannabis, with ADHD now one of the most common conditions for which it is prescribed.

13. 09. 2023

The science behind medical cannabis for ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that is believed to arise from a complex interplay of genetics, brain structure, and function. While individuals with ADHD often demonstrate high intelligence and creativity, they may encounter challenges in information processing, sustaining attention, and regulating impulsive behaviour.

17. 08. 2023

Can CBD help reduce the symptoms of ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects cognition, perception, attention, and impulsivity. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed neurological disorders. Although pharmaceutical medications are often prescribed to manage ADHD symptoms and behavioural therapy helps patients develop coping strategies, many are seeking alternative treatments.

Can medical cannabis help ADHD symptoms?

When treating ADHD, medications and treatments can be prescribed to help calm impulsivity, or aid concentration and focus. But, most aren’t aware medical cannabis is one of these options. 

From improvements in focus, concentration and productivity, to benefiting associated sleep and mental health concerns, our patient stories use real voices to show the day-to-day differences Releaf patients have noticed since taking medical cannabis for ADHD

While results fluctuate from person to person and have to be monitored carefully for safety and efficacy, medical cannabis cultivars (flowers) and medical cannabis oil can be prescribed by the GMC registered doctors working at Releaf to patients who have found traditional approaches ineffective. 

What does the research say about ADHD and cannabis-based treatments?

Although research into the effects of medical cannabis on those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is still ongoing, cannabis-based treatments have shown promising potential so far. It's believed this is mainly due to their ability to promote relaxation, and a sense of calmness, which can relieve the intensity associated with ADHD. 

For example, one qualitative analysis of around 400 online discussion threads, found 25% felt medical cannabis was an effective and therapeutic tool in managing their ADHD symptoms, citing improvements in their focus and concentration. However, the same analysis found that around 8% disagreed, and said cannabis intensified their symptoms. 

This is why it is important that medical cannabis ADHD treatment plans are supervised and designed by a qualified team of healthcare professionals to each individual, to ensure their treatment is monitored for safety and efficacy. 

Can you get medical cannabis for ADHD (UK)?

Yes. Much like those with chronic pain conditions, because of the way cannabis and ADHD symptoms interact, doctors in the UK can prescribe medical weed for ADHD symptom management. 

Medical cannabis, also known as medical weed, was legalised in 2018 as an alternative ADHD treatment (UK). While these treatments are not yet available on the NHS, medical cannabis is accessible through private healthcare providers, or medical cannabis clinics, and is prescribed by GMC-registered specialist doctors to patients deemed eligible. 

At Releaf, our specialist doctors are well versed in assessing patient's suitability for these treatment plans, and our money-back guarantee ensures you won’t be out of pocket if medical cannabis isn’t considered appropriate for you.  

What is the eligibility criteria for prescribed cannabis for ADHD (UK)?

At Releaf, to be considered eligible for medical cannabis ADHD treatments, patients must: 

  • Hold a formal diagnosis for ADHD, 
  • Have tried at least 2 traditional ADHD medications/ treatment options in the past that have proven ineffective, or have caused unpleasant side effects.
  • Not be pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Pass a free health evaluation that assesses contraindications and potential risks, such as history with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. 

When to consider ADHD cannabis-based treatments

ADHD is a lifelong condition. Its symptoms, their frequency, and severity, can greatly vary over the years, and therefore, ADHD treatment plans need to be versatile, and adjustable. 

It’s highly unlikely an individua with ADHD will stick with the same course of treatment for their entire life, and once they start to become resistant, or build up a tolerance to their ADHD medication, weed, or to use the correct term - medical cannabis - is often considered a suitable alternative, when prescribed and applied appropriately.

Does CBD help ADHD?

The most famous, and thoroughly researched, compounds within cannabis are THC and CBD. ADHD has shown to respond to both of these compounds. 

CBD products are commonly used to help reduce or relieve anxiety and stress, and this can often have a positive effect on those with ADHD. CBD oils, edibles, and drinks are available over the counter in most high street health stores in the UK, meanwhile, cannabis-based treatments that contain both THC and CBD for ADHD symptom management, have to be prescribed by specialist, registered doctors in the UK. 

For those with ADHD, THC can be a beneficial component to treatment when applied appropriately, because of the way it can act as a sedative, helping to calm the racing thoughts that typically accompany ADHD, making it easier to relax, unwind, and ultimately, fall asleep. 

How does ADHD weed work?

We previously interviewed our Clinical Director, Dr David Tang, on how medical cannabis ADHD treatment, or ‘medical weed for ADHD’ works. 

Dr Tang explained: 

“Medical cannabis can help to reduce inattentiveness and anxiety while promoting focus - it can stop all the millions of thoughts racing round from escaping instantaneously - because that is how noisy the ADHD brain is. 

With ADHD, you're always thinking of all these things and you're able to cope with all these different stimuli. But, when you're poorly slept, as many patients with ADHD are, they can start ruling, and it gets really noisy and that can be really frustrating, because you just want to focus on something to get it done.

So medical cannabis, it replenishes the focus. It just keeps you railroaded on the task. If you need to complete a task, complete a spreadsheet, complete a graphic design, complete an article, it can give you that focus, and stop you finding excuses to stopping what you're doing.

I would also say it calms down the anxiety associated with not being able to start or finish a project. A lot of people with ADHD, don't start projects because they know they won’t finish them, or they have this in combination with perfection, and they think there's no way I'm going to be able to do this perfectly within a certain time frame. And so they get this procrastination, which is a hallmark of ADHD.

By evaporating the anxiety, it gives people the confidence they can start a project, and then the focus kicks in and then allows them to finish the project.”

For further information on ADHD and medical cannabis, head over to our blog or education section, or to find out if you may be eligible for cannabis-based treatments, our online eligibility checker can assess your suitability in a matter of minutes.

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