EducationSix benefits of hemp cream for psoriasis sufferers

Six benefits of hemp cream for psoriasis sufferers

8 min read

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Six benefits of hemp cream for psoriasis sufferers

Hemp cream is an increasingly popular treatment option for people living with psoriasis. Unlike many psoriasis creams, hemp products don’t contain steroids. Instead, they’re derived from natural sources and work with the body’s systems to help manage the symptoms of the disease.


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. This causes the skin to build up into bumpy red, purple, or violet patches. These patches are generally covered with white or grey ‘scales’ and can be itchy and painful. Patches normally appear on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back, but can show up anywhere on the body. Psoriasis is estimated to affect between 1.3% and 2.2% of the UK population. It can develop at any age, but is most likely to present before the age of 35.

To help you decide if hemp cream is the right choice for you, we’re taking a detailed look at the benefits of hemp cream for psoriasis.

Understanding hemp cream

Hemp cream is a moisturising product that’s designed to treat a variety of skin conditions including dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis. It’s made from the hemp plant, a cousin of the cannabis plant. However, unlike some forms of medical cannabis, hemp doesn’t contain high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal intoxicating constituent of cannabis.

Hemp creams are often made using hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. These acids have anti-inflammatory properties and can soothe a range of skin conditions.

As well as creams made from hemp seed oil, you can also find a range of products made from hemp derivatives. One of the best-known is cannabidiol, or CBD. Like THC, CBD is a cannabinoid. However, it doesn’t have any intoxicating properties, and can be derived from the hemp plant. For hemp creams to be legal for non-prescription sale in the UK, they must contain less than 0.2% THC.

Topical CBD cream is a popular choice for people with psoriasis, as CBD is known to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) to provide a range of beneficial effects. These effects include pain relief, reduced inflammation, and improved skin elasticity and hydration. It’s possible to find skin creams that contain a mix of hemp oil and CBD.

Though hemp contains very low levels of THC, it’s still often confused with the cannabis plant. THC creams are available through prescription here in the UK and show some therapeutic benefits for psoriasis. 

Hemp cream and psoriasis

Hemp cream is a popular choice for treating psoriasis symptoms because it’s natural and effective. Though it may not help with severe symptoms, it can soothe dry skin and reduce inflammation, itching, and redness.

Hemp’s health benefits stem from the fact that the oil is made almost entirely of essential fatty acids – more than 75% omega-3 and omega-6. A 2011 study suggested that topical skin creams that contain these fatty acids are highly effective in treating the symptoms of psoriasis.

Patients who took part in the research showed clear improvements in their symptoms after eight weeks of daily usage. They saw reductions in scalp lesions and pruritus, erythema, scaling and infiltration, as well as reddening and inflammation. Though the study was too small to draw definitive conclusions, the findings were statistically relevant and indicated that fatty acids could have a real impact on psoriasis symptoms.

Another study, titled “A therapeutic effect of cbd-enriched ointment in inflammatory skin diseases and cutaneous scars”, found that hemp cream options containing CBD may offer patients a safe and effective non-invasive alternative for improving the quality of life in patients with some skin disorders, especially inflammatory skin issues

Benefits of hemp cream for psoriasis

Cream containing hemp seed oil and other hemp derivatives can offer a number of potential benefits to people living with psoriasis. 

Reduces inflammation

Psoriasis causes the skin cells in our bodies to go into overproduction. This results in patches of skin becoming red, inflamed and painful. And as anyone with psoriasis will know, inflammation is one of the main causes of discomfort during a flare-up. Applying hemp cream to these patches can help to reduce inflammation and make sufferers feel more comfortable.

Reduces reddening

Though reddening of the skin in itself doesn’t cause discomfort, it’s highly visible and can make people with psoriasis feel self-conscious about their symptoms. Topical hemp cream can help to reduce reddening and make patches of psoriasis less noticeable. This can help sufferers to feel more confident when they’re out and about.

Improves scalp lesions

Psoriasis lesions commonly appear on the scalp, as well as the knees, elbows and lower back. Scalp lesions can be particularly uncomfortable because dry skin gets caught up in hair and is irritated by shampoos and other hair products. Applying hemp cream to the scalp can reduce the severity of these lesions and make patients more comfortable.

Reduces itching

Patches of psoriasis can be very itchy, especially in the middle of a flare-up. Itching psoriasis patches can make them more painful and inflamed, so it’s important to get this uncomfortable symptom under control. Though hemp cream won’t stop itching altogether, it can ease it, helping sufferers to get some relief and prevent other symptoms from getting worse.

Aids healing

Healing patches of psoriasis as quickly as possible will minimise discomfort and pain for people living with the condition. Hemp cream can aid this process and help the body’s systems to heal red and inflamed patches of skin.

Soothes dry skin

Applying topical hemp cream soothes dry skin. This can provide sufferers with almost instant release during a flare-up. In most cases, hemp cream can be applied multiple times a day to provide moisturising and nourishing relief as needed.

How to choose and use hemp cream for psoriasis

Because hemp has a noticeable effect on a number of skin conditions, it’s an increasingly popular option for topical skin creams. As a result, there are now a number of products on the market.

When choosing a hemp cream for your psoriasis, look for a product that lists its ingredients and concentrations clearly on the label. It’s also important to look for creams that have undergone third-party lab testing. This should indicate that the product is of high quality and contains the correct ratios of ingredients listed on the label.

There are a number of hemp creams available that contain other beneficial compounds like CBD. CBD has been shown to help improve psoriasis symptoms, so picking a cream that contains the compound may offer even more relief. Vitamins D and B12 have also been shown to improve symptoms.

Most topical hemp creams can be applied directly to patches of psoriasis. The skin should be clean and dry before the cream is applied.

If you are looking to start using medical cannabis for psoriasis, then be sure to reach out to Releaf. The medical cannabis sector is subject to far more stringent regulatory oversight than the consumer market. This ensures that all prescribed medicines are of the highest quality and safety standards. 


So, will hemp cream help psoriasis symptoms for everyone? Possibly. This all-around skin cream can help to moisturise, soothe and heal patches of psoriasis. It can also reduce itching and inflammation and make skin appear less red. This makes hemp cream an excellent option for people who want to treat their psoriasis in a more natural way.

Hemp creams containing CBD may also bring great relief from psoriasis symptoms, especially for those who don't want to take traditional medications. CBD has been proven to reduce inflammation and itchy skin lesions on the scalp, knees and elbows. If you’re considering trying a hemp cream containing CBD, please consult your doctor before beginning any new treatment regime.

Remember that while hemp cream can bring relief from psoriasis symptoms, it’s no substitute for proper medical advice. If you’re suffering from psoriasis, please see your healthcare provider to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs. With the right treatment, you can find relief and enjoy life with less discomfort. 

Accessing medical cannabis can be challenging due to the stigma surrounding it. However, Releaf makes it simple with our tailored monthly packages, specialist consultations for medical cannabis, and a unique medical cannabis card for protection, all based on your cannabis prescription.

It is important to seek medical advice before starting any new treatments. The patient advisors at Releaf are available to provide expert advice and support. Alternatively, click here to book a consultation with one of our specialist doctors.

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Article written by the Releaf Editorial Team, a group of seasoned experts in cannabis healthcare, dedicated to enhancing awareness and accessibility in the field through their wealth of knowledge and experience.

Our articles are written by experts and reviewed by medical professionals or compliance specialists. Adhering to stringent sourcing guidelines, we reference peer-reviewed studies and scholarly research. View our editorial policy.

Further reading

The Continental Cannabis Guide: Medical cannabis-friendly countries

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