BlogCan medical cannabis oil help me?

Can medical cannabis oil help me?

9 min read

Sam North

Can medical cannabis oil help me

Medical cannabis has been a legal treatment option in the UK for just shy of six years now. However, it’s only within the past twelve months that the UK media has started to embrace the therapeutic potential of this remarkable plant, and its derivatives. This has recently led to a marked shift in public opinion and understanding of cannabis-based treatments. 

But, as with most emerging treatment options, there is still a certain level of not just stigma but also confusion and misinformation surrounding medical cannabis and the range of conditions it can benefit. Most of us have a decent understanding of medical cannabis flower, but what about medical cannabis oil?

A fundamental pillar of the Releaf ethos is empowering patients with the essential knowledge needed to make fully informed decisions about their personal healthcare choices.

So, could medical cannabis oil help you? Let's find out…


What is medical cannabis oil?

Medical cannabis oil pretty much what it says on the box. It's a medical product that is formulated by mixing a cannabis extract with a carrier oil, with the express intention of delivering the potential therapeutic effects of the Cannabis sativa L. genus in a way that is easy to dose, discreet, and effective for a range of health concerns. 

Of course, there is a little more to say, as the scope of medical cannabis oil options now dwarf those of just a few years ago.

From ultra-potent, high-THC oils designed to provide long-lasting relief for chronic pain patients, to CBD-rich formulations aimed at reducing epileptic seizures, the range of medical cannabis oils are both remarkably impressive and clearly indicative of just how versatile this plant can be when administered safely under specialist supervision.

So, to break it down in simple terms, medical cannabis oil options contain:

  • A Cannabis sativa L. extract containing cannabinoids and terpenes, the plant's two main therapeutically active groups of compounds.
  • A carrier oil, which is used to help with bioavailability and to dilute the extract to make it easier for patients to measure and take their doses accurately.

The balance of the cannabinoids and terpenes included in your medical cannabis oil will be dictated by a range of factors, including the nature and severity of your condition, your desired health outcomes, your medical history, and your own personal preference.

How does medical cannabis oil work?

The main pathway by which medical cannabis oil offers its therapeutic effects is via interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), along with other systems and processes within the body.

What is the endocannabinoid system (ECS)?

The ECS is one of the largest neurotransmitter systems in the human body, and it's responsible for maintaining balance (or homeostasis) throughout most of our major physiological systems. It has a direct impact on our sleep, our perceived pain levels, our appetite, our mood, our immune response (and, by extension, our inflammatory response), and more.

How does the ECS work?

The ECS has three main components:

  • Cannabinoid receptors (which are distributed throughout the central and peripheral nervous system)
  • Endocannabinoids (signalling chemicals produced within the body, also known as "endogenous" cannabinoids)
  • Enzymes that help create and break down endocannabinoids

How does cannabis oil interact with the ECS?

Medical cannabis oil contains phytocannabinoids, which are compounds that mimic the effects of endocannabinoids in the body.

THC has been shown to have a strong affinity to the CB1 receptor, which is mostly found in the central nervous system, while CBD has a weaker affinity for the CB2 receptor (while also reducing the enzymatic breakdown of our own endocannabinoids) and can even act as an antagonist to the CB1 receptors, reducing the intoxicating effects of THC.

For many patients, this makes a combination of both THC and CBD in their medical cannabis oil a great option for managing a range of conditions, offering relief from many symptoms while minimising the potential of unwanted side effects.

What conditions can medical cannabis oil help with?

The list of health issues that medical cannabis oil has been shown to help with is quite extensive, and that reflects the far-reaching effects of the endocannabinoid system and medical cannabis application.

Chronic pain

When it comes to cannabis-based applications, THC definitely leads the way in terms of pain relief, but clinical studies have shown that CBD can also play a key role in reducing inflammatory and neuropathic pain.

Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons for people to seek out medical cannabis treatment, and medical cannabis oil is often prescribed thanks to its potentially longer-lasting effects. When taken sublingually (under the tongue) or ingested, the effects tend to last for several hours, making it an effective option for pain management.

Mental health issues

Rates of anxiety and depression, among other mental health issues, are on the rise. Fortunately, medical cannabis may offer hope for patients struggling with these conditions, when conventional approaches have fallen short.

While there is research to show THC can reduce rates of anxiety for some patients in low doses, the evidence-base for CBD is more robust. It’s largely accepted that CBD may help reduce anxiety and increase levels of the "feel-good" hormone serotonin in the body, which makes it a viable option for those struggling with depression or other mood disorders.

Neurological conditions

The push that got medical cannabis over the legal line here in the UK all started with the case of young Alfie Dingley, who suffered from a rare and severe form of epilepsy. After travelling to the Netherlands to access medical cannabis oil, his seizures were reduced from hundreds per day to just a handful each month.

Since then, researchers have continued to investigate the potential of medical cannabis for managing a range of neurological conditions, and it is now being heralded as a potential treatment for conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and more.

Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders, including both insomnia and sleep apnoea, are cruel afflictions that can leave sufferers feeling constantly exhausted and overwhelmed. Fortunately, there is evidence to suggest that medical cannabis products can offer real relief for patients struggling with sleep issues.

When applied appropriately, CBD has been shown to increase sleep duration and improve the quality of deep sleep, and THC can have a sedative effect. Together, these cannabinoids offer a powerful option for those struggling with getting enough restful sleep, and many patients report feeling refreshed and alert when they wake up the next day.

Gastroenterological conditions

Gut health is increasingly being understood, and as this happens, we are discovering that the ECS is also intricately involved in gut function. IBS, Crohn's, and other gastrointestinal conditions that can have a huge impact on a patient's physical well-being, mood, and quality of life.

But, medical cannabis oil has also shown to help reduce the cramping that is so common in patients with these conditions while also helping to ease nausea, improve appetite, and help reduce the heavy mental toll when other conventional treatments have proved ineffective. 

Women's health

77% of women will have to endure at least one challenging menopausal symptom, and around 10% of all women will be diagnosed with endometriosis. And unfortunately for some, traditional medications like painkillers or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) remain ineffective at meeting their needs, or cause severe side effects.

Women are increasingly turning to alternative treatment options, especially when they find that their current treatments aren't helping, but not everyone is aware prescribed cannabis oil is one of these options. Medical cannabis oil has been shown to offer some women effective relief for a range of symptoms associated with menstrual cycles, menopause, endometriosis, and more.

Cancer support

Medical cannabis is not a cure for any form of cancer, but as our understanding of how it may help manage the symptoms and the side effects of the heavy conventional approaches expands, so too does its potential as a supportive cancer therapy.

Medical cannabis oil has been shown to offer cancer patients a range of benefits. This includes helping to reduce the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, reducing the pain associated with the cancer itself (and some of the conventional treatment options), and increasing appetite. Many patients also report improvements in mood and sleep.

The wrap up

The above breakdown is certainly not a definitive list of conditions that can benefit from medical cannabis oil. In fact, it's only just scratching the surface.

But what is clear is that medical cannabis, and in particular medical cannabis oil, has the potential to help many patients regain control over their health and wellbeing when conventional treatments have fallen short.

With further research and continued advancements in the medical cannabis industry, the future of medical cannabis is bright, and we are proud to be part of it. So, if you (or a loved one) are struggling with a health issue where traditional approaches haven't had the impact needed, it might be time to consider medical cannabis oil as a potential treatment option.

To find out if you are eligible for medical cannabis treatment in the UK, check out our fast and free medical cannabis eligibility checker. It takes less than one minute, and once completed, you will have a much clearer understanding of your options and next steps.

And to learn more, don't miss our full blog and education hub, both of which are filled with resources that UK medical cannabis patients, prescribers, and educators have been asking for. We also have a dedicated New Patient blog series, where we answer all the more frequently answered questions and break down complex medical cannabis topics into easy-to-understand language. 

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Sam North, a seasoned writer with over five years' experience and expertise in medicinal cannabis, brings clarity to complex concepts, focusing on education and informed use.

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All of our articles are written by medical cannabis experts, guided by strict sourcing guidelines, and reference peer-reviewed studies and credible academic research. Our expert clinical team and compliance specialists provide valuable insights to ensure accuracy when required. Learn more in our editorial policy.

Further reading

A break-down of Releaf's prescription process

Here at Releaf, we have taken what some private medical cannabis clinics make into a bureaucratic maze and turned it into a smooth, efficient process that gets the vast majority of new eligible patients from eligibility check to prescription delivery in just five to seven working days.

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Rise in recognition of women's health conditions

Historically, women have faced disproportionate challenges when it comes to receiving adequate and effective healthcare. While there is still a long way to go, there have been significant improvements in the recognition of women’s health conditions and the treatments available. In this article, we’re taking a deep dive into the gender health gap, the progress that has been made over the last few decades, and what still needs to be done.

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