BlogNavigating Releaf's New Patient Portal

Navigating Releaf's New Patient Portal

7 min read

Sam North

Last week, we launched our brand new, built-from-the-ground-up Releaf Patient Portal. We have invested over £2 million into this bespoke piece of tech, and it's been a long time in the making.

All Releaf patients now have access to this new and improved platform, designed to streamline your medical cannabis journey and make managing your health easier than ever before.


What is the Releaf Patient Portal, and how does it work?

Simply put, the Relaf Patient Portal is the area of the website that all patients gain access to once they register with Releaf. It's your personal hub for managing your medical cannabis treatment—no mobile app download is needed.

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To log into the Patient Portal:

  • Head to the top-right corner of the Releaf homepage.
  • Click the "Log in" button.
  • Enter your email and password when prompted.

Once you're in, the Portal is divided into tabs that make managing your Releaf treatment a breeze and give you access to a range of tools and features designed to improve your overall experience.

They are all listed in the cascading menu, which runs down the left-hand side of the Patient Portal area. Let's take a closer look at these sections.

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What sections can you find in the Patient Portal?

Tab 1 - Home

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When you first log in, you will land directly on the Patient Portal homepage - which is the first tab listed on the left-hand cascading menu.

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Here you will find your key patient details at a glance. 

In the "Your prescription" section, you’ll see the current medication/s you have been prescribed. The "Order your prescription" section makes it easy to proceed to checkout with just one click. The "Your plan" section shows your subscription details (Releaf+ or Pay As You Go), like your next billing date and cost, with an option to edit as needed.

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If you scroll down, you will see a "FAQs" area on the left. Click here to be directed to our Help Center, where you will find videos that will answer any questions you might have about Releaf and your treatment, plus a huge list of written and answered FAQs.

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Next to the "FAQs" section, you will see the "Online Shop” section - Click on the "View Our Accessories" button to access the Releaf shop, which offers carefully selected items to make your cannabis-based treatment as effective and enjoyable as possible.

Tab 2 - Prescriptions

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The second section of the cascading menu is the Prescriptions tab. In this section, you will find a list of all your present and past prescriptions, with the option to click the "View Prescription" button for each to access a detailed view.

Underneath the "View Prescription" button is a "Request Repeat" button, which allows you to request a repeat of the prescription in question.

Tab 3 - Book Consultation

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Next is the Book Consultation tab. This is where you can book a consultation with one of the specialists who make up our world-class clinical team, at a time that suits you. You can filter your preferred date and time, with initial consultations taking around 30 mins and follow-ups taking about 15 mins.

Tab 4 - Personal

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The fourth tab from the top of the cascading menu is Personal - where you find five different sub-sections:

  • Billing & Invoices - Where you can manage your payment history, view recent invoices, and update your billing information
  • Medical Records - Where you can view your GP practice information, manage caregiver information and more.
  • Personal Information - Where you update your personal information, manage your password and uploaded documents.
  • Travelling - Where you can generate travel certificates for your prescription and view our informative travel guides.
  • Consultation History - Where you can review your recent consultations, the costs for each consultation, and associated assessments.

Tab 5 - Accessories

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The Accessories tab is where you find our Patient Portal Shop.

Here, you can browse and purchase a variety of products that we have carefully selected to enhance your overall medical cannabis treatment experience, including the Releaf Starter Kit, which includes an Omura Series X dry herb vape, an Omura Home Fill System, two packs of Flowersticks, a Releaf Puck, and a storage jar.

You can also order a replacement Releaf medical cannabis card should you need to.

Tab 6 - Resources

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The Resources tab is where you will find two very useful sub-sections:

  • Prescription Flow - A step-by-step guide showing every step of the process from applying for your prescription to receiving your medication.
  • The Releaf Welcome Guide - This is a beginner’s guide containing all the important information regarding UK medical cannabis, to help you understand exactly what you need to know about Releaf, your treatment options, and our services.

Tab 7 - Refer a friend

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Do you have a friend or family member who is interested in the therapeutic potential of medical cannabis?

This tab allows you to refer them to Releaf and earn £50 in Amazon Gift Cards for each successful referral. Simply share your unique referral link with them, and if they sign up and become a Releaf patient, you'll receive £50 in Amazon Gift Cards as a thank you from us.

Tab 8 - Log Out

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To log out of your Releaf Patient Portal, simply click the last tab on the Patient Portal cascading menu.

The wrap-up

So, there we have it - a full introduction to our brand new Patient Portal. 

With these tools and features, managing your medical cannabis treatment with Releaf is easier than ever before. And with the added convenience of no mobile app download necessary, you can access all of this from any device that can connect to the internet.

Ready to get started?

The first step is to head to our medical cannabis eligibility checker - it takes 20 seconds to complete, and once done, you will have a full understanding of your eligibility for UK medical cannabis treatment with Releaf.

It is important to seek medical advice before starting any new treatments. The patient advisors at Releaf are available to provide expert advice and support. Alternatively, click here to book a consultation with one of our specialist doctors.

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Sam North, a seasoned writer with over five years' experience and expertise in medicinal cannabis, brings clarity to complex concepts, focusing on education and informed use.

Editorial Policy

All of our articles are written by medical cannabis experts, guided by strict sourcing guidelines, and reference peer-reviewed studies and credible academic research. Our expert clinical team and compliance specialists provide valuable insights to ensure accuracy when required. Learn more in our editorial policy.

Further reading

Want to contribute to medical cannabis research in the UK?

When research papers say things like ‘1 in 5 MS patients have used cannabis to manage their symptoms’, have you ever wondered who these people actually are, or what their lives are like? Well, if you’re thinking of becoming a Releaf medical cannabis patient, you could be one of these people in the very near future!

Lucy MacKinnon

Top tips for vaping cannabis

For patients just starting cannabis-based treatment, the idea of vaping their prescribed medical cannabis flower may seem intimidating, overwhelming, or even slightly weird. Fair enough - we know that vaping is a pretty new concept for most patients.

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Unlocking rights: Key housing guidance for medical cannabis patients

Medical cannabis may have been legal in the UK since 2018, but many patients have been left feeling confused about their rights when it comes to taking their medication - both in public and the comfort of their own homes. Recently, the Cannabis Industry Council published further, much-needed guidance regarding medical cannabis and housing.

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