Discover general insights on medical cannabis, including benefits, usage tips, research updates, and expert advice for safe and effective treatment.
Preparing for winter: Seasonal changes and medical cannabis
As we find ourselves ever deeper into the autumn months, the shorter days and colder nights are once again becoming the new normal. However, while most people might notice changes in the weather and their motivation in the colder months, many people living with chronic conditions may also become aware of worsening symptoms.
Exploring Cerebral Palsy: Awareness, treatment options, and medical cannabis
Yesterday (Sunday 6th October) marked World Cerebral Palsy Day, a global movement which aims to raise awareness, and ensure a future in which those with Cerebral Palsy have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.
What is CBG?
It may not be as well known as its fellow cannabinoids CBD and THC, but early research suggests CBG has significant potential in a range of health conditions; from easing anxiety to helping tackle antimicrobial resistance. Here’s everything you need to know.
Why medical cannabis is not prescribed for bipolar disorder
Now that medical cannabis has been legally available in the UK for almost six years, powerful patient testimonials are hitting the press highlighting how medical cannabis has helped people manage PTSD, depression, and anxiety symptoms.
Exploring the effects of medical cannabis for neurological conditions
Cannabis-based medicines can be prescribed to patients in the UK for the treatment of a wide range of conditions. Among these are several neurological conditions, including multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and ADHD. In this article, we take a look at the causes and characteristics of these conditions and assess the evidence for the potential efficacy of medical cannabis.
​​How medical cannabis may be of benefit to breast cancer patients
There’s a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to cannabis and cancer. To mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we want to empower patients with information about their options, and how medical cannabis can play a role as an adjunctive therapy in cancer treatment plans.
Considerations for sports as a medical cannabis patient
For many patients, medical cannabis is the last in a long list of therapies attempted to ease their symptoms. Successful management of their condition can mean being able to return to work, being more present with friends and family, and even rediscovering old passions and hobbies.
Sharing patient voices: My life with medical cannabis
To those looking for inspiration, we hope these testimonial snippets offer the encouragement you need to explore alternative options. Hallmark - take note - some of these stories are truly Oscar worthy!
How to decide if medical cannabis is right for your condition
Patients in the UK have been able to access legal, regulated medical cannabis products for almost six years. Since the legalisation of medical cannabis in 2018, tens of thousands of patients have experienced the benefits of this incredible plant and its derivatives. But how do you know if medical cannabis is a good option for your health condition?
What happens after my initial consultation?
Welcome back to our 'New Patient' series, where we answer all the more frequently asked questions that prospective (and newly signed up) Releaf patients often have. In today's write-up, we will quickly explore what happens directly after you have your initial consultation with one of our world-class clinical team.
What does medical cannabis taste like?
A lot of the content around medical cannabis focuses on its therapeutic benefits (and rightly so) from pain relief to easing anxiety. But for many first-time users, a question that often comes up is: What does medical cannabis taste like?
Exploring the benefits of medical cannabis for sleep disorders
Sleep is an essential process that allows our bodies and minds to repair themselves and function effectively. Getting enough high-quality sleep is therefore vital for maintaining our overall physical and mental health. Yet, research shows that a significant portion of the population is not getting enough sleep - with many suffering from sleep disorders. We’re taking a look at how medical cannabis treatment could be beneficial in treating common sleep disorders from insomnia to sleep apnoea.
How to use the Flowerstick Home Fill System
With a large proportion of Releaf patients choosing the Omura Vaporiser to "heat, not burn" their prescribed medical cannabis flower options, we thought it was about time to quickly discuss how to use the Flowerstick Home Fill System.
Success stories: Medical cannabis to become widely available in France
Patients in France could soon have widespread access to medical cannabis on prescription as a three-year pilot study prepares to come to a close.
UK Savings Week: is medical cannabis affordable?
Much like all other treatment options in the UK, medical cannabis does come with costs. But, here at Releaf we do our best to balance bespoke, specialised care with affordable and accessible treatment plans, and our ever-growing patient numbers and reams of positive reviews on Trust Pilot, show we’re keeping the scales in check.
How does medical cannabis affect daily life
Medical cannabis has become increasingly accessible and accepted in recent years. However, accessing cannabis-based products - even from legal sources - can have an impact on everyday life. From medicating in public or even the comfort of your own home to driving and employment, there are many things to consider when becoming a medical cannabis patient.
When I join Releaf, will my GP find out?
Even though medical cannabis has been a full legal treatment option here in the UK since 1 November 2018, there is still a level of stigma surrounding it. It is anything but a surprise that some patients are worried about how their decision to pursue a medical cannabis prescription may affect their relationship with their general practitioner (GP).
World Suicide Prevention Day: promoting awareness, support, and mental health care
World Suicide Prevention Day takes place every year to tackle stigma and raise awareness of this major global health issue and how it can be prevented.
What's the difference between Releaf+ and Pay As You Go?
Medical cannabis and menopause
Menopause is an inevitability for around half the population. It’s a biological standard and a natural part of ageing that affects around 33 million people - but - that doesn’t mean it’s easy to manage. Recently, interest surrounding alternative therapies has increased, and more women are now making the switch from traditional treatments like HRT to natural alternatives like medical cannabis for menopause symptom management.Â
THC: The ultimate guide to the most abundant cannabinoid
Humans have been reaping the benefits of cannabis for thousands of years, whether for its nutritional value, industrial uses, or its therapeutic potential. Yet, an almost worldwide prohibition of cannabis in recent decades has meant that education around this impressive and complex plant is lacking - even as a growing number of countries continue to re-introduce its medicinal use.
Understanding medical cannabis: a beginner's guide to irradiated and non-irradiated options
Starting your medical cannabis journey with Releaf ensures that you have access to some of the best medical cannabis specialists, treatment options, and patient care/support in the UK, but that doesn't mean you won't still have a few questions.
How quickly can I start medical cannabis treatments?
If you’ve been looking to try a new treatment option to manage your symptoms or health conditions for years and have only just found out medical cannabis is a legal option in the UK, you may be eager to find out how quickly you can start medical cannabis treatments.
Exploring the benefits of medical cannabis for different types of pain
Pain is an extremely complex symptom that can be linked to a wide range of sources and conditions. But while most people experience pain as an occasional and temporary disruption, many experience it as a more significant burden that significantly affects their quality of life. This may be due to the development of certain medical conditions which can be associated with different types of pain.