BlogMedical cannabis and menopause

Medical cannabis and menopause

8 min read

Lucy MacKinnon

What is menopause

Menopause is an inevitability for around half the population. It’s a biological standard and a natural part of ageing that affects around 33 million people - but - that doesn’t mean it’s easy to manage. 

Menopause is often accompanied by a plethora of both mental and physical side effects and symptoms that can drastically disrupt well-being, and unfortunately, at the moment, there are still a limited number of treatment options available for women to try. 

But recently, interest surrounding alternative therapies has increased, and more women are now making the switch from traditional treatments like HRT to natural alternatives like medical cannabis for menopause symptom management. 

But why? 

Well, that’s what we’re here to discuss. Here we’ll go in-depth about medical cannabis and the effects it can have on symptoms of menopause. 


But first, what is Menopause?

When a person’s menstrual cycle ends and their periods stop, menopause starts. This usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, when the bodies' production of oestrogen and progesterone has naturally declined, causing their ovaries to stop producing eggs. 

Symptoms such as sleep disturbances, joint and muscle pain, mood swings, hot flashes, loss of libido and issues with memory are common with menopause, which officially begins one year after a person’s last period, but these symptoms can start earlier, during perimenopause. 

According to data from the American ‘Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation’ (SWAN), around 80% of women experience some of these symptoms during menopause, and, they last for a median of 7.4 years. 

Figures like these, combined with others such as 59% saying menopause has poorly affected them at work, clearly demonstrate why it’s so imperative that there are a range of effective treatment options available for women to try. 

Yet, our own research shows that less than 5% of UK adults are aware that medical cannabis is one of these options. 

So, what is medical cannabis?

Medical cannabis is an umbrella term that is used to describe a range of medicines that contain chemicals naturally produced by the cannabis plant. This includes treatments like cannabis oils and prescribed cannabis cultivars - also known as medical cannabis flower.

The two major chemical components in medical cannabis are the cannabinoids CBD and THC, and they present in varying ratios and concentrations depending on the end product, and its intended use. 

Cannabidiol or CBD, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antianxiety, and anticonvulsant properties, and in 2017 it was found to pose no risk to public health by the World Health Organisation.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, has also shown to similar therapeutic benefits as CBD, as well as demonstrating ability in relieving pain, influencing appetite, and improving sleep. But, THC is also the psychoactive component in cannabis, meaning it is responsible for producing the ‘high’ associated with cannabis. 

Because of this, and a number of research limitations and potential risks associated with THC, medical cannabis usage has to be overseen by a specialist doctor to ensure patient safety, and monitor treatment efficacy. 

Can medical cannabis be prescribed to treat menopause?

Yes, medical cannabis has been a legal treatment option for conditions like menopause since 2018 in the UK. 

Providing traditional treatment options or conventional therapies have been ineffective at meeting your needs or managing your menopausal symptoms, medical cannabis may be considered a suitable treatment option for you. 

Specialist doctors, like those who work here at Releaf, can prescribe medical cannabis flower and cannabis oil, to aid in menopause symptom management because of the way their components interact with one of the bodies integral regulatory networks: the endocannabinoid system. 

How does medical cannabis interact with menopause symptoms?

The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, is responsible for regulating a number of biological processes and functions that are poorly affected by menopause, such as mood, temperature, pain perception, and sleep regulation. 

Because of this interaction, medical cannabis can mimic the natural chemicals our bodies produce to execute these functions ‘normally’ - or homeostatically - and reinstate balance, for example by increasing fatigue to improve sleep. 

This is something Sarah, one of our patients, touched on when got in touch to see how her medical cannabis treatment plan was going. She said: 

"This is my third month with Releaf and getting a good night's sleep. Sleep has eluded me for 5 or 6 years now, since going through menopause. Since starting with the oil, my sleep has improved tenfold." 

So, can medical cannabis help with menopausal mood swings?

Evidence suggests that medical cannabis may be of benefit to those experiencing mood swings, anxiety, or depression caused by menopause, because of its ability to interact with how our bodies respond to stress.

This is because when they enter the bloodstream, cannabinoids like CBD interact with the brains' serotonin production and help to stabilise emotions, relieve anxiety or uplift mood in a dose-dependent manner. 

Similarly, when applied appropriately, THC has shown to relieve stress and promote relaxation - but, when it’s applied in high concentrations, THC can exacerbate anxiety for some, so it’s important these applications are overseen by qualified healthcare professionals.

In 2022 a small-scale Harvard led research study investigated the effects of medical cannabis on menopause symptoms, and gathered patient response surveys to collect real-world data. In their survey cohort, 79% endorsed medical cannabis as an effective treatment for menopause symptom relief, and 46% also commented their overall mood and anxiety had improved with medical cannabis. 

Can medical cannabis help with sleep issues caused by menopause?

As we previously mentioned, sleep is another imperative function regulated by the ECS, but during menopause, this often becomes dysregulated, and this can have a terrible knock-on effect on overall wellbeing. 

But, much like the positive results found with respect to medical cannabis for mood and anxiety, the 2022 Harvard study also discovered that 67% of those who had tried medical cannabis for menopause symptom relief said their sleep had improved as a result. 

Researchers believe medical cannabis can aid in sleep concerns because of its chemical makeup. In low doses, THC can act as a sedative, to increase fatigue, and reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, whilst also lengthening sleep duration. 

Because CBD can alleviate stress and promote a sense of calm, when the two are coupled together in a specific formula, this can help people unwind gently, and have a positive effect on overall quality of sleep. 

Can medical cannabis help with menopause pain?

During menopause, many experience joint and muscle pains or aches. This is caused by the drop in natural oestrogen levels, which in turn affects inflammatory responses. Medical cannabis has shown promising effects on both pain, and inflammation too. 

CBD in particular has strong anti-inflammatory properties, that can help to relieve swelling, and THC is believed to alter a person’s perception, or recognition, of pain and discomfort - so, when combined, they can play a powerful tool in pain management treatments plan. 

So much so, that now in the UK, chronic pain is the most common condition treated with medical cannabis, and the average age for medical cannabis patients in the UK is 52. 

Last year, a similar patient-response study to Harvard’s, was published in Canada - this time with responses from 1,485 women. They found almost three quarters of those who tried medical cannabis said it was effective in managing menopause symptoms, and a third said their aches and pains improved.  

How can I find out more about alternative menopause management solutions?

If you’re interested in finding out more about alternative approaches to menopause symptom management like medical cannabis, there are a number of resources available to you, one of which is an event taking place in Covent Garden next week on the 14th of September, called PAUSE live. 

PAUSE live is an event designed to empower women on their journey through menopause, offering expert insights from specialists in the women’s health field, gynaecology, functional medicine, and so much more - and this year that includes medical cannabis, because we’ll be manning a stand in the education room. 

On this news, Charlotte Body, the founder of PAUSE live, said: 

“We are delighted to have Releaf as an exhibitor at Pause Live this year. Their work on providing medical cannabis as a new treatment option for menopausal women is ground-breaking and one of the many reasons why Pause Live was founded. To make women aware of the different solutions that can help their menopause symptoms.”

And we can’t wait to attend. Hopefully we’ll see you there too! 

For more information on PAUSE live and how to get tickets, head over to their homepage, and for further information about medical cannabis, or how to assess your eligibility for these options, please follow the links provided. 

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With five years of journalism and healthcare content creation under her belt, Lucy strives to improve medical cannabis awareness and access in the UK by producing high quality, credible content.

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All of our articles are written by medical cannabis experts, guided by strict sourcing guidelines, and reference peer-reviewed studies and credible academic research. Our expert clinical team and compliance specialists provide valuable insights to ensure accuracy when required. Learn more in our editorial policy.

Further reading

Ease the Transition: How medical cannabis can help during the menopause

Menopause is a natural process characterised by the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles. It is associated with a number of symptoms that can cause significant disruption to everyday life. Yet, despite perimenopause and postmenopause affecting approximately 13 million people in the UK, there remains a distinct lack of awareness and education about menopause, as well as access to effective therapies.

Emily Ledger