BlogSharing patient voices: My life with medical cannabis

Sharing patient voices: My life with medical cannabis

8 min read

Lucy MacKinnon

Sharing patient voices My life with medical cannabis

In this blog, we’ll share tales of rediscovering old hobbies, reclaiming independence, and revelling in newfound physical or social abilities. These personal experiences perfectly illustrate how medical cannabis is making a difference every single day to people here in the UK.

To those looking for inspiration, we hope these testimonial snippets offer the encouragement you need to explore alternative options. Hallmark - take note - some of these stories are truly Oscar worthy!


Over the past few months, we’ve had the privilege of conducting one on one, in-depth interviews with many of our patients, learning about their personal health journeys and the differences they’ve noticed since choosing Releaf. And, the stories they’ve shared are, quite frankly, nothing short of inspiring. 

So, to empower as many people as possible to explore the alternatives, and amplify the voices of those who have found success, here we shine the spotlight on some of our incredible patients, sharing their authentic experiences with medical cannabis and highlighting its impact on their health, wellbeing, and everyday lives. 

Day to day mobility with medical cannabis 

One of the themes that was consistently mentioned during our patient interviews is the profound impact medical cannabis has had on overall mobility, especially for those managing chronic pain conditions. For many, this newfound freedom has been life-changing, allowing them to reclaim their daily routines and activities with more energy, and more gusto.

Medical cannabis treatment with cannabis plants and products

Take Ryan, for example. After injuring his back over a decade ago, Ryan turned to Releaf to try a new solution for sciatica pain management. And, after just five weeks of medical cannabis treatment, he told us: 

“Before I started using medical cannabis, it was at the point where I could barely walk, and I certainly couldn’t walk for extended periods of time. If I did go on a long walk, I’d honestly be in so much pain, but now that’s not an issue for me. I even walked to work and back the other day, and didn’t think anything of it.”

Hollie’s story echoes this transformation. 

Diagnosed with quadriplegic, spastic cerebral palsy as a child, which eventually led her to need wheelchair assistance, as an adult Hollie has also been battling severe pain caused by endometriosis.

Hollie releaf

But, since starting medical cannabis, she says:

“I've been able to go out [and] I've been able to do more things. I've just felt more alive.

I can be in public and not get too uncomfortable. I have the energy to do more physical things with less pain. I enjoy using the gym, which is improving my physical health, which is, overall, improving everything.”

Rediscovering hobbies with holistic health

And, we’re happy to report, it’s not just Hollie who’s managed to get back to the gym now their health is on a better path. 

Another one of our patients, Josh, is an MMA enthusiast and athlete who underwent surgery in 2022 after tearing his labrum. During surgery and the recovery process, Josh encountered major complications and this resulted in permanent shoulder damage, limited mobility, and severe pain.

But, when we caught up with Josh, he told us how he was able to dip his toes back into the MMA pond, and has made remarkable milestones since starting his holistic health journey. 

Have you experienced any similar side effects with medical cannabis to the medications you were previously prescribed?

Josh said: 

“Just a few weeks back, I was able to do a four-hour mixed martial arts training session, the first long training session since I suffered my injury in 2021, which was massive for me. 

That was a big milestone, and I have been working towards it for a good while now. So, I'm really thankful. It has made a huge difference. I can't say that it is only the medical cannabis. It is just one part of a holistic approach that I have been taking for my recovery.”

And speaking of hobbies, Rhona told us about how her love for gardening and cooking had been put on hold due to her fibromyalgia symptoms. But now, thanks to her new treatment - she’s back at it: 

Rhona Releaf Patient

In her patient story, Rhona said: 

“I have always loved gardening, but for the few years leading up to starting with medical cannabis, I couldn't do it. The pain was too much, and my grip strength was almost non-existent. Same thing with cooking. I hadn't cooked in a good few years, my husband and I would just eat out. The fun of cooking was gone, replaced by pain and frustration….

Now I'm back in the kitchen and the garden and loving it! I even mowed the whole lawn a few days ago, and felt great. I haven't been able to do that for years……

The difference has truly been life-changing!”

Freedom and independence with medical cannabis

For many of our patients, finding a treatment option that works for them has been empowering, and throughout our series of patient interviews themes of reclaiming independence, or feeling free, repeatedly came up. And Helen’s is the perfect example. 

Helen Lifestyle Change using Medical Cannabis

Helen, who manages fibromyalgia, agoraphobia, and PTSD, told us since joining Releaf, she’s not only found an effective treatment for her chronic pain - but also her agoraphobia, which has in turn boosted her mood, quality of life, and also, her confidence. 

She said: 

“At first, I was just driving around and coming home, but I eventually found the courage to actually go into town, park my car and go into shops. I haven’t done that in two or three years! 

It really works. It works with PTSD, the pain, and all my other conditions.” 

Lauren, who also battles fibromyalgia and anxiety, shared a similar experience:

Smiling woman holding jar of medical cannabis for treatment

Lauren told us:

“To put it bluntly, I probably wouldn't be able to leave the house at all without the help of medical cannabis. 

The difference it is making in my life is massive. It has helped a lot with my pain, I am sleeping and eating much better, my anxiety and depression are more manageable, and I can now work without feeling overwhelmed at the time or super apprehensive beforehand.

I am back to travelling for work and able to spend time doing the things I love without worrying about my symptoms getting in the way, at least for the most part. Honestly, it has just made my life so much easier and so much better.”

Thriving and focused with medical cannabis

Although many other powerful anecdotes and everyday differences were noted in our patient stories collection, we only have time to discuss one more at present: the impact medical cannabis has had on Releaf patient’s ability to work, focus or concentrate. 

This is something Simon, a retired filmmaker who suffers from chronic pain, mentioned when we spoke to him, and, it’s one of his favourite things about his new treatment.  

Simon told us: 

Simon Releaf Patient“Here is the most important thing about the cannabis oil: it doesn't affect my work life. 

I write. I'm retired, but I still write. While using my cannabis oil, I can still go to meetings; I can focus on my work and function absolutely normally. I really appreciate that aspect of the oil: it doesn't affect my cognitive ability at all. It just makes me feel better.”

And a similar sentiment was reiterated in James’ patient story. 

James told us about how he’s previously found running his own business challenging because of his insomnia and restless leg syndrome, but now, thanks to medical cannabis, that’s much less of a concern.

James at work

James said:

“I really value the ability to sleep. If I don't sleep, I don't get to earn money. Now, I can get up and get to work, and I’m productive. 

I’m no longer hoping that the meds work tonight, or coping with two hours sleep and being grateful for it. I've got control of the situation now, and I'm focused on my business, so I can be successful financially. “

Sharing patient voices

These experiences, shared by just a handful of our patients, show just how much medical cannabis is making a difference to everyday lives here in the UK and, they highlight its potential to help so many more. 

If this blog has inspired you to explore alternative options, head over to our eligibility checker to find out how Releaf may be able to help, or to find out more check our condition-specific content on our blog or education section. 

If you’re already a Releaf patient, we’d love to hear your story too. 

We know that many prospective patients look at Trustpilot reviews and patient stories to gain confidence when approaching a new healthcare provider, and sharing your journey may help inspire others to explore alternative treatments at Releaf. 

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It is important to seek medical advice before starting any new treatments. The patient advisors at Releaf are available to provide expert advice and support. Alternatively, click here to book a consultation with one of our specialist doctors.

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With five years of journalism and healthcare content creation under her belt, Lucy strives to improve medical cannabis awareness and access in the UK by producing high quality, credible content.

Editorial Policy

All of our articles are written by medical cannabis experts, guided by strict sourcing guidelines, and reference peer-reviewed studies and credible academic research. Our expert clinical team and compliance specialists provide valuable insights to ensure accuracy when required. Learn more in our editorial policy.

Further reading

Accessing medical cannabis in Northern Ireland

Patients across the UK are facing significant challenges when it comes to healthcare, from long waiting lists, to an increasing prevalence of mental health issues and complex, chronic conditions. This blog aims to answer some common questions about accessing medical cannabis treatment in Northern Ireland and walk you through it step-by-step.

Sarah Sinclair

How Releaf’s approach to UK medical cannabis branding sets a new standard

Releaf clinicians can prescribe from a carefully curated range of medical cannabis flower and medical cannabis oil products. While Releaf does not have control over the branding of a portion of the medicines we source from international medical cannabis suppliers, we have worked tirelessly to make sure that our branding, packaging, and external product selection aligns with UK medical standards.

Sam North