Discover answers to common questions about the Releaf Refer-a-Friend Scheme, including eligibility, rewards, and how to participate.
The Scheme rewards you with a £50 Amazon.co.uk Gift Card when you refer a friend or family member to Releaf, and they successfully register, are prescribed medication, and make a purchase.
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Any existing Releaf patient with an active online account can refer a friend.
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Log into your Releaf online account and generate your unique referral link. Share it with individuals you know personally and who consent to receiving it.
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Your friend must: ● Use your unique referral link to register. ● Book and attend a consultation with a Releaf clinician. ● Be prescribed medication and purchase the prescription through Releaf.
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Yes, your friend must not have been a Releaf patient in the last three months before registering through your link.
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You will receive a £50 Gift Card for every friend who completes the qualifying steps. Your friend will also receive £50 off their initial consultation when they sign up through your referral link.
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Gift Cards are emailed up to three months after your friend has purchased their prescribed medication.
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No, self-referrals or creating multiple accounts will result in disqualification from the Scheme.
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If your friend cancels their consultation or fails to purchase their prescription within 90 days, the reward will be cancelled.
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Yes, there is no limit to the number of referrals you can make.
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The reward will be emailed to the address linked to your Releaf account. Make sure your email is up to date.
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Amazon.co.uk Gift Card terms apply. For more details, see www.amazon.co.uk/gc-legal.
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Yes, Releaf reserves the right to modify or terminate the Scheme at any time.
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Visit the Releaf website to view or download the full Terms and Conditions.
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