Explore the potential benefits of medical cannabis for arthritis-related pain with Releaf Cannabis Education. Discover its therapeutic possibilities for effective pain management.

All of our educational content has been written or reviewed by our team of writers, doctors and cannabis experts.
Our clinical team is led by Dr. Susan Jane Clenton, MD
What you need to know: Medical cannabis for arthritis
Patients battling arthritis often experience chronic pain, and when left untreated, the pain associated with the condition can prevent them from carrying out daily activities and living a normal, healthy, fulfilling life. While cannabis has been shown to produce over 110 cannabinoids, there are two that are really showing promise in therapeutic settings, especially when it comes to the potential reduction of symptoms of arthritis.
10 min read

The best terpenes for arthritis pain
The two most often encountered forms of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). Both of these conditions involve the breakdown of joint tissues, leading to inflammation, pain, and stiffness. Certain terpenes are showing great promise in offering arthritis patients a range of therapeutic benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anti-catabolic (slowing the breakdown of muscle tissue), analgesic, and anti-spasmodic properties.
8 min read

Can medical cannabis reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a cripplingly painful autoimmune and inflammatory disease that affects around 1% of the population right here in the UK. The pain and inflammation caused by this condition can cause long-term damage to the joints, with symptomatic bouts or flare-ups that can range from relatively mild to dangerously severe.
10 min read

Finding the optimal CBD dose for rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the joints, causing severe pain, swelling, and mobility issues. Although it can manifest in any articulated joint, it most commonly impacts knees, hands, feet, and wrists.
10 min read

What you should know about cannabis for arthritis
Patients battling arthritis often experience chronic pain, and when left untreated, the pain associated with the condition can prevent them from carrying out daily activities, and living a normal, healthy, fulfilling life.
10 min read