Releaf Blog
Discover helpful insights on health, wellness, and medical cannabis in our blogs. Explore practical articles covering general medical cannabis info, tips for staying well, and how medical cannabis can assist with specific health conditions.
What to expect in your first six months as a UK medical cannabis patient
The first six months of any new treatment regime come with a mix of queries, adjustments, milestones, and sometimes, a couple of small roadblocks. But for most patients just starting down the path towards better health with UK medical cannabis (where the treatment option has been so heavily stigmatised for far too long) the learning curve can feel a bit steeper. We’ll cover it all to make sure you feel comfortable and confident during your first few months as a Releaf medical cannabis patient.
Seeing the possibilities: Glaucoma and medical cannabis treatments
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month - a time to raise awareness and support for those living with glaucoma, the world’s leading cause of blindness.
Releaf’s research recap: UK medical cannabis facts
At Releaf, one of our core commitments is to provide accurate, reliable and relevant information about medical cannabis treatments here in the UK, and in order to do this we’ve conducted our own research on numerous occasions.
Why medical cannabis is never prescribed in resin form
Cannabis-based medicinal products (CBMPs) are now prescribed in a variety of forms in the UK. But one product type you won’t find in the formulary is cannabis resin.
FAQ: Is it illegal to smoke medical cannabis in the UK?
In the UK, it is always illegal to smoke cannabis. While medical cannabis can be prescribed to suitable patients in the UK through private healthcare clinics like Releaf, it is only prescribed with the intention, and with strict instructions, of being vaped - not smoked.