How to request a travel certificate for medical cannabis
5 min read
Sam North
The last thing that any of us want when travelling is extra stress. Everyone should have the freedom to feel safe and secure when travelling, no matter what their medical needs may be. Unfortunately, though, this isn't always seamless for medical cannabis patients.
Although the UK has had fully legal access to cannabis-based treatments since 1 November 2018, the almost century-long campaign of propaganda and demonisation against cannabis is still heavily ingrained in our society and laws.
So, to help ease your worries and make sure you can travel with your medical cannabis safely and legally, we have put together this quick guide on how to request a travel certificate for your Releaf prescribed medical cannabis.
But first..
Can you legally travel with your medical cannabis anywhere you like?
The short answer is no.
There are still many countries where cannabis is illegal regardless of whether it's used medicinally or recreationally, and in countries where cannabis is permitted for medical purposes, there are often strict laws and regulations centred around tourists entering the country with prescribed, controlled drugs like medical cannabis.
Within the UK, it is legal for UK medical cannabis patients to travel with medical cannabis from country to country, but there are some rules that need to be followed. This is also the case if you are planning to travel overseas to a destination that does allow you to travel with your prescribed medical cannabis.
To learn more about the legalities surrounding travelling with medical cannabis, both here in the UK and abroad, check out our recent New Patient travel blog.
How do Releaf patients request a travel certificate?
We have recently launched our brand-new Patient Portal, where Releaf patients can access a wide range of services and resources, including the option to request a travel certificate.
- We advise patients to allow two to five working days for the certificate to be processed, if a printed copy is requested. Digital copies are available for download instantly.
- Patients can only request a travel certificate if the date of departure is no later than 1 month after the last prescription shipping date, and after their prescription has gone through the ‘processing’ stage. This ensures that their legally prescribed medical cannabis is within the expiry period.
Log in to your Releaf Patient Portal account
To access the Patient Portal, simply log in by clicking the "Log in" button at the top right corner of the Releaf homepage using the email and password you used to create your Releaf account.
Click on the 'Personal' tab
Click the image to enlarge
Once you have logged in, you will see a cascading menu running down the left-hand side of the Patient Portal. Click on the 'Personal' tab of the menu, which is the fourth from the top.
Click the 'View Travelling Info' button.
The 'Personal' tab is split up into five sections. The 'Travelling' section can be found on the second row on the left-hand side.
Click the image to enlarge
To enter, click the 'View Travelling Info' button.
Click the image to enlarge
Add your travel details into the travel certificate application form
You have now reached the page where you can request your travel certificate. To do so, please enter your passport number in the designated field, followed by your forename/s and surname.
Click the image to enlarge
Next, add the details of your journey.
Click the image to enlarge
If you are travelling to more than one destination, click the "Add another journey" button. You can do this as many times as necessary to add all of your destinations.
Click the image to enlarge
Request your travel certificate
Once this form is completed, you have two options.
The first is to click the “Request Printed Certificate” button. Please allow 2 to 5 days for delivery if you choose this option.
Click the image to enlarge
The second option is to instantly download your travel certificate, which you can then print - just click the “Digital Download” button, then select which folder you would like to save your downloaded travel certificate.
Click the image to enlarge
And that’s it, you have successfully requested your Releaf travel certificate.
What does a Releaf medical cannabis travel certificate look like?
Below is an example of a Releaf medical cannabis travel certificate that includes one destination.
Click the image to enlarge
Final thoughts
Requesting a Releaf medical cannabis travel certificate is as straightforward as logging into your Releaf account, following a few short steps, and choosing between a digitally downloadable copy (which you can print) or a printed certificate delivered to your door.
Interested in finding out if you may qualify for medical cannabis in the UK?
Head to our fast and free medical cannabis eligibility checker - it takes less than 30 seconds to complete, and you'll find out if you potentially qualify for a medical cannabis prescription in the UK instantly.
Start your journey to better health today with Releaf.
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Sam North, a seasoned writer with over five years' experience and expertise in medicinal cannabis, brings clarity to complex concepts, focusing on education and informed use.
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