Dr. Farrah Ayob

Dr. Farrah Ayob

-- GMC#: 6159297

Dr Farrah Ayob

Dr. Farrah Ayob

-- GMC#: 6159297

Dr Farrah Ayob is an Anaesthetic and Pain Management Consultant qualified in Kings College London in 2007. She has trained across major London training hospitals, and has Fellowships in Advance Pain Training ( Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists) and more recently she gained the prestigious Fellowship of Interventional Pain Practice - World Institute of Pain (USA). She has vast experience in prescribing medical cannabis in the UK since 2019. Dr Ayob specialises in most conditions within chronic pain including complex spinal and joint pain, neuropathic pain conditions, pelvic and abdominal pain, Fibromyalgia, pain in specific conditions (Ehler’s Dahnlos, Endometriosis, IBS and inflammatory bowel diseases) and cancer related pain. She has international experience in establishing a Pain service in the Middle East, collaborating with established Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Specialists within the region. Her interests include interventional therapies for chronic pain and cannabinoid therapies for managing chronic pain conditions.