BlogThe True Potential of Hemp: What the Future Holds

The True Potential of Hemp: What the Future Holds

9 min read

Sam North

The True Potential of Hemp What the Future Holds

From the very start of cannabis stigmatisation and prohibition, hemp was unfairly lumped into the same category as 'marijuana,' 'weed,' or even the evocative 'ganja,’ due to prejudice and misunderstanding, and this in turn has cast a long shadow over hemp’s reputation. We are here to help change that.


Could hemp be the UK’s next cash crop?


A plant genus so fascinating, versatile, eco-friendly, and historically important that it's almost unfair to the rest of the botanical world. But, hemp is also a plant hat has been severely misunderstood, even demonised, over the past century or so.

From the very start of cannabis stigmatisation and prohibition, hemp was unfairly lumped into the same category as 'marijuana,' 'weed,' or even the evocative 'ganja,’ due to prejudice and misunderstanding, and this in turn has cast a long shadow over hemp’s reputation.

It has been an uphill battle ever since, trying to untangle fact from fiction, ignorance from understanding, and stigma from science. But now, with more than 6 years of UK medical cannabis legality under our belt and public sentiment slowly but surely shifting, the future of hemp in the UK looks brighter than it has done for a long, long time.

Could hemp be the answer to sustainable agriculture and modern farming challenges? Is it time for the powers that be to seriously consider the potential of hemp?

Its versatility, sustainability, and profitability might just be the answer - especially given the uncertainty facing British farmers right now.

The rise and fall of hemp in the UK

Hemp shaped pre-industrial Britain, there are no two ways about it.

But, we, as a species, tend to have a bit of issue with recency bias.

"Surely, everyone who lived in the past century or so must be a little more clued in than those who came before, right?"

Well, when it comes to sustainable farming practices that safeguard our soil, economy, and future, a lot can be learned from our farming forebears. Before the mass production of cotton became the norm (and before it wreaked so much havoc on our planet both ecologically and socially), hemp was the standard crop grown for fibre (and so much more) in the UK and Europe.

It first reached UK shores thanks to the Vikings sometime in the 9th or 10th Century and was a mainstay right up until the early 1900s. By 1533, as naval dominance became a global (or at least European superpower) obsession, hemp had become such a vital part of British agriculture that King Henry VIII enacted a law mandating its cultivation. Any farmer with over 60 acres of land who failed to dedicate at least 1/4 acre to hemp was fined. His daughter, Elizabeth I, was even more adamant about the plant’s importance, going so far as to decree that 1/6th of all farmable land must be used for hemp cultivation.

While hemp was a casualty of the 'war on drugs' era, during WWII, the UK government simply couldn't afford to not grow it. For a time during the late 1930s/early 1940s, hemp was again used for parachutes, ropes, and other essential supplies when traditional materials were scarce.

But as soon as the war was over, back to prohibition it went. In 1971, the Misuse of Drugs Act really put the nail in hemp’s coffin when it classified all cannabis plants as a Class B drug and effectively ended any significant production in the UK.

But that could be changing, and hopefully sooner rather than later.

The incredible versatility of hemp

Imagine a crop that:

  • Can be grown in almost any climate or soil type
  • Requires less than half the water of cotton
  • Yields twice the pulp for paper production per hectare than other crops
  • Can be used to make a truly astounding number of products, from renewable fuel and plastics to textiles and building materials
  • Is naturally resistant to pests, heavily reducing the need for ecosystem destroying pesticides
  • Absorbs more CO2 than trees, helping combat climate change
  • Acts as a natural soil cleanser, removing toxins and regenerating depleted soil
  • Has a cultivation time of less than 100 days from seed to finish
  • Can produce four times as much paper per acre than other crops

The above is anything but an idle fantasy - this is exactly what hemp offers.

A plant so wildly versatile that it borders on the ridiculous, and one that may sprout forth solutions to some of our most pressing dilemmas - carbon-neutral building materials, biodegradable plastics, environmentally friendly fuel, and more.

Hempcrete and carbon-neutral building

Hempcrete, a lightweight and durable construction material made from lime and hemp hurd, is one of the more exciting products currently being produced with this plant. It is carbon-neutral and has incredible insulating and weight-bearing properties, making it ideal for both residential and commercial structures.

The beauty of hempcrete is that it sequesters carbon dioxide while it grows, during the curing process, and once the building is standing, it also acts as a humidity regulator, reducing the need for additional ventilation. It effectively 'breathes' and helps control temperature changes naturally.

Will we see hempcrete overtake traditional building materials in the near future?

Unfortunately, not in the near future. But with increased investment and support for hemp cultivation here in the UK, the future is looking decidedly more green and less grey.

Hemp-based biodegradable plastics

It's kind of mind-blowing to think that we have had plastic for less than 100 years, especially when you look at the scale of the global problem it has created in such a short time. According to National Geographic, 18 billion pounds of plastic waste flows into our oceans every year from coastal regions alone. And while recycling does make a difference, it is far from a sustainable solution.

Enter hemp-based biodegradable plastics.

Made from the oils found in its seeds or fibres, this biodegradable, compostable, surprisingly sturdy alternative is an incredibly exciting prospect. And unlike traditional plastics, hemp-based biodegradable plastics have no toxic by-products, are CO2-neutral, and break down completely without damaging the environment.

Hemp bio-diesel

Vehicles running combustion-driven engines are being slowly phased out, but the switch to full electric is still decades away. Hemp biofuel is a clean-burning and carbon-neutral alternative that can be used in existing diesel engines with little to no modification.

Made from the oils found in the seeds and stems, this bio-diesel is biodegradable, safe to handle, and can easily be produced on a commercial scale. Is it going to take over from regular diesel overnight, or at all?

No, but it's just one more step in the right direction.

The future of UK hemp

So what does the future hold for hemp here in the UK?

Well, we are already lacking compared to our European neighbours. The UK definitely needs to play catch-up in terms of hemp production if it is to have any significant positive impact on our economy, consumer choices, and sustainability in general.

But things are beginning to change. In 2019, an amendment was made to the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 that allowed for hemp production and the use of seeds and fibre for commercial purposes. This means that hemp can no longer be classified as a controlled drug, theoretically making it (slightly) easier for farmers to obtain licences and start cultivating the crop again.

But one of the big issues right now is that it is illegal for UK hemp farmers to harvest the flower, which is where a large chunk of the plant's current economic potential lies. Hemp flower (otherwise referred to as CBD flower) is in high demand globally, but here in the UK, its sale is still prohibited.

Changes in UK CBD classifications

There are changes afoot when it comes to CBD products generally in the UK. 

CBD oil products with less than 0.2% THC (or 1 mg per container) have been legal for 'over-the-counter' sale since 2016. In 2020, the FSA (Food Standards Agency) announced that all CBD products will be legally required to have a Novel Food licence before being sold to the public. This is to ensure consumer safety, as well as regulate an industry that is currently quite murky in terms of standards.

But a recent FSA board meeting, held on 11 December 2024, included a discussion around setting limits on permitted THC levels, with several experts suggesting that the regulator could be moving towards a ‘zero THC’ approach

Will this hurt the UK hemp industry?

Not necessarily. With advances in technology and selective breeding, the tiny levels of THC have been essentially bred out of many hemp cultivars - and with hopes that the UK CBD flower industry may be legalised in the distant future, we will just have to wait and see.

To unlock hemp's true potential, the UK needs to consider rethinking some of the current restrictions on cultivation and legal sale options. This would go a long way towards creating a more sustainable and diverse agricultural landscape for the future.

The wrap-up

Hemp is anything but just another plant - it's the crop of the future, in some ways even more important than it was historically. With its incredible versatility, environmental benefits and potential to create sustainable solutions for a range of industries, it's no wonder that more and more people are looking towards this plant with awe.

We have only briefly touched on a few of hemp's potential applications, but with a little more research and investment and a little less stigma and red tape, the possibilities are huge.

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Sam North, a seasoned writer with over five years' experience and expertise in medicinal cannabis, brings clarity to complex concepts, focusing on education and informed use.

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