Inspirational stories for International Women's Day: Taking back control with medical cannabis
9 min read
Lucy MacKinnon
On Saturday the 8th of March, International Women’s Day is celebrated. Dedicated to recognising the achievements, resilience, and strength of women around the world, International Women’s Day is something we’re proud to take part in here at Releaf. This year, we’ve decided to celebrate by sharing five inspirational stories from women in the UK accessing medical cannabis through our services.
We treat thousands of women across the UK, each of whom have a unique story. Many have spent years struggling to access the right kind of healthcare or treatment for their specific needs and circumstances, but they all have one thing in common: they haven’t backed down.
This year, we’re celebrating International Women’s Day by highlighting five incredible women who reached out to Releaf for further support. From managing endometriosis and ADHD, to sleep concerns, chronic pain and the daily struggles associated with menopause, these five women shared their stories candidly, and we hope they inspire others to advocate for themselves.
Today we share snippets of their stories, not only to celebrate their strength, but to raise awareness for alternative options and highlight how they’re making a real difference to real women here in the UK.
So without further ado, let’s dive in:
Carla’s Story: Medical cannabis and endometriosis
Meet Carla, a passionate musician from Liverpool.
Carla first began experiencing the symptoms of endometriosis at the age of 12, and it took a gruelling 17 years to receive a formal diagnosis. By that time, Carla’s endometriosis had progressed to stage four.
Now in her forties, Carla told us about how she’s always felt as if she’s had to fight to be heard by healthcare professionals, and advocate for the right treatments for her as an individual. She’s been through multiple surgeries and tried a laundry list of treatments, but Carla knew she needed something more holistic. That’s when she came to Releaf, and her transformation has been truly inspiring.
Since starting treatment with medical cannabis, Carla says she’s noticed improvements in her mood and anxiety, and she’s finding it much easier to manage the debilitating chronic pain that accompanies endometriosis.
Carla also spoke highly of the care and support she’s received since joining Releaf in her patient story, saying:
“Every time I have had a phone call or sent an email, everything is sorted by the next day. They're really helpful. The doctors are great. You're not judged in any way. They're just really nice. They put you at ease, which, when you start a new type of treatment, especially something as new as medical cannabis, you can feel really anxious about it.”
Mary’s Story: Medical cannabis and sleep concerns
Next, we’d like to introduce you to Mary, who joined Releaf in her eighties seeking treatment for a spinal condition that has limited her mobility for decades causing significant discomfort, chronic pain, and, tremendous fatigue.
Over the years, Mary had tried a number of conventional medications that just didn’t meet the mark in terms of managing her needs, and was intrigued when a family member suggested medical cannabis.
Since beginning treatment with Releaf, Mary says she’s noticed improvements in her sleep, and this in turn has made her feel less tired and much more productive.
And it’s a good thing too, because as well as being an active grandparent and regular at Aquasize, Mary fills her day studying for her Master’s Degree in History, tending to her rose garden, and helping her children with the family business.
Commenting on the differences she's noticed, Mary said:
“I'm not looking at my garden and thinking, “Gosh, I am not going near those roses! Not today, maybe tomorrow!” Now, I just get to work.
This has made a huge difference to me.
I really was exhausted with all the pain, constantly thinking, “Oh gosh, I can't do that today.” That’s an awful feeling. Of course, the pain is not gone completely, but I didn’t expect that it would. The main thing is that I am not so tired.”
Isabelle’s Story: Medical cannabis and ADHD
We also recently spoke with Isabelle, a 21-year-old IT consultant from the Midlands.
Isabelle was formerly diagnosed with ADHD in 2023, but admits she first started to notice differences between herself and her peers when she started high school. When she did go to her GP to speak about this, she was told it was likely to be anxiety or depression and she was prescribed conventional mental health medications for symptom management.
But, after a chance conversation with a friend, Isabelle found out that medical cannabis was a legal treatment option for ADHD, and it could be something she was eligible for. So, she reached out to Releaf.
Since then, Isabelle says she’s noticed big changes in her day to day life and believes the majority of this is down to her ability to focus and think more clearly. She’s felt more motivated with her daytime prescription, and finds winding down at night much easier now.
In her patient story, Isabelle said:
“If you’re not fully relaxed, it’s hard to recharge properly. You might think you’re relaxing, but if your mind isn’t at peace, you won’t really recover.
Medical cannabis might not work for everyone, but if someone thinks it might help them, it’s worth giving it a shot. It’s working great for me and my ADHD, so it might make a big difference for others too.”
Jodie’s Story: Medical cannabis and menopause
Jodie is another Releaf patient we’d love to celebrate this International Women’s Day.
After battling breast cancer a decade ago, Jodie, a Reiki Master Practitioner, faced a number of health complications. As well as being diagnosed with Lupus, Jodie’s chemotherapy and cancer treatment triggered premature menopause, leaving her with chronic pain, insomnia, and anxiety.
Matters were made worse when Jodie was told she couldn’t be treated with conventional HRT treatments due to her history with cancer and, as a long time professional in alternative treatments, Jodie didn’t want to take strong pain medications - so she just dealt with her symptoms as best she could.
That is, until around six months ago when she discovered Releaf. Now in her fifties, Jodie says since starting treatment she has gone from getting four hours of sleep a night if she was lucky, to getting six or seven hours almost every night.
To make things even better, she says she feels clearer and calmer the next day, and her pain dissipates quite quickly after she takes her controlled cannabis dose.
“I have no problem telling anyone about my medical cannabis treatment, especially if it’s a person who I think could be helped by it. People are really interested, because they can see the difference in me over the last six months, and they are also blown away by how accessible it is. I don’t think many people are even aware that it is a legal treatment in the UK.”
Amber’s Story: Medical cannabis and chronic pain
The last inspirational lady we’re going to touch on today is Amber, who was actually one of the first patients to join Releaf after our official launch in January 2024.
Amber has a complex health history, and suffers with chronic connective tissue disorders that cause intense pain, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and low mood. She also told us about her gastrointestinal symptoms and hormonal imbalances, and how she tried a number of conventional treatments to manage her symptoms to little avail.
As a 41-year-old working mum of three, Amber knew she needed something to change, she was even struggling with simple tasks like zipping up her children's jackets, and so she sought out alternative relief.
Now a year into treatment with medical cannabis, Amber has noticed improvements in her sleep, pain levels, mood, and the symptoms associated with her gastrointestinal concerns, and she says it’s been life-changing in ways she didn’t even expect.
In her patient story, Amber said:
“Having a prescription and being able to actually carry medical cannabis with me on holiday is also an unexpected benefit. I love to travel, but I get a lot of anxiety due to my general health. I have one flower that is mostly CBD, and it just curbs that anxiety immediately, which in turn calms my body.
Often, when I travel, I get really sick, and then I'm unable to eat and can't leave the hotel room. Now, I know I can just have a quick vape to get me through those moments.”
Share your story this International Women’s Day
If you would like to share your experience with Releaf medical cannabis to help inspire others too, why not consider leaving a Trust Pilot review, or reach out to our team directly to share your patient story.
Or, if these stories have sparked your curiosity, or inspired you to consider alternative therapies, why not head over to our blog or education section for further reading?
Our eligibility checker is available 24/7 to give you an indication of whether you may be eligible for medical cannabis, and our patient support team are on hand to answer any further questions you may have.
Whatever you chose to do this International Women’s Day, we hope it’s filled with celebration and success.
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With five years of journalism and healthcare content creation under her belt, Lucy strives to improve medical cannabis awareness and access in the UK by producing high quality, credible content.
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