

Stay updated with the latest trends, news, and developments in the UK medical cannabis industry, from regulations to market growth and innovations.

Think our grass could be greener? Here’s how to switch to Releaf

Are you a medical cannabis patient in the UK that’s unhappy with the service your current clinic provides? Discover Releaf’s seamless transition process and experience UK-grown prescribed cannabis options, extensive clinical expertise, and an innovate all-in-one patient focused platform by making one simple switch.

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

A UK first for medical cannabis patients: Releaf and Glass Pharms join forces to solve supply issues sustainably

Announced in The Sunday Times, Releaf have made history with the launch of a range of domestically, UK-grown medical cannabis cultivars. Releaf patient Chloe Durrington became the first person ever in the UK to receive prescribed medical cannabis flower that was grown here in the UK, by Glass Pharms®, just 200 miles from her home. Want to be among the first people in the UK to receive UK-grown medical cannabis on prescription? Check your eligibility here or speak to your Releaf clinician.

9 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

How the law changed: UK legalisation of medical cannabis

On the 1st of November 2018, legislation was introduced that was celebrated by patients, families, and advocates all over the UK. The rescheduling of cannabis meant that cannabis-based medicines could be legally prescribed for a range of conditions, marking a historic moment. But how did the law change come about? And has it lived up to the expectations of those who continue to fight for fair access to medical cannabis?

9 min read
Emily Ledger

Green living: Simple eco-friendly changes for better health

As the health of our planet begins to deteriorate, the importance of adopting a greener way of life has never been more apparent. But could making some simple eco-friendly changes be just as beneficial for our own health? In the latest instalment of our Wellness Wednesdays series, we explore the health and environmental implications of adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

9 min read
Emily Ledger

Behind the scenes: The approval process for UK medicines

Have you ever read the list of side-effects for a newly-prescribed medication and wondered whether it’s really safe to consume? Rest-assured that the drug has been through a lengthy and strict approval process before making its way to your local pharmacy.

10 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Medical cannabis and hayfever - friend or foe?

Longer days, lush green leaves—and a streaming nose; all sure-fire signs that spring is finally here in abundance. But is your medical cannabis prescription a help or a hindrance?

9 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Update on Ukraine: legalising medical cannabis, one by law at a time

Ukraine’s President signed off on Law 3528-IX, also known as The Medical Cannabis Law, back in February. This kickstarted the legalisation of medical cannabis, designed to offer relief to those suffering from conditions like chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the continued war with Russia. Here we take a look at some of the updates and amendments that have been made to accommodate for the legalisation of medical cannabis in Ukraine.

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Understanding medical cannabis: A guide for Fibromyalgia patients

Fibromyalgia is an incurable chronic pain condition and one that can be pretty complicated to treat. It affects around 2 percent of the UK population, more women than men, and while it does sometimes develop in children, it is more often picked up in middle age.

9 min read
Sam North

A summary of the statistics: Perceptions and awareness of medical cannabis in the UK

In November 2018, medical cannabis and cannabis-derived medicines were legalised as prescription only medicines in the UK. This means they can now be prescribed by specialist doctors to patients who have a condition that is known to respond to cannabis, if they have been unable to find success with conventional or licensed approaches.

10 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

5 common medical cannabis myths and misconceptions debunked

It has now been almost six years since the legalisation of medical cannabis came into effect in the UK, but still, prevalent misconceptions/myths about these treatments options persist today. Because these are often fuelled by stigmatisations or a lack of knowledge on the subject, we think debunking these common medical cannabis misconceptions can play an important role in improving the current education and awareness of cannabis-based options in the UK. And so, that’s exactly what we’ve done!

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

The complexities of medical cannabis clinical trials

Successful clinical trials are paramount in advancing modern medicines and care. They ensure efficacy and safety, raise the profile and awareness of these new treatment options, and ultimately, if their findings are positive, improve access to the therapy being trialled.

9 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

How medical cannabis may help endometriosis patients

Endometriosis is estimated to affect around 10% of those with a womb between puberty and menopause, but still, effective treatments, and research into the condition itself, are severely lacking. This can, understandably, be extremely frustrating for those affected.

9 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Eco-friendly aspects of the medical cannabis industry

Earth Day (22 April) is an annual celebration of our natural environment — and more important than ever amid the global climate crisis. How can those entering the emerging medical cannabis industry ensure they adopt eco-friendly practices from the off?

9 min read
Sarah Sinclair

The ins and outs of prescribed cannabis oil

We are living through what can only really be described as a health-care revolution. Cannabis, long seen by the UK 'powers that be' as nothing more than a recreational drug, now has the spotlight squarely aimed at its medicinal and therapeutic properties.

13 min read
Sam North

10 top tips for the first month of medical cannabis

We know that starting a new healthcare treatment plan, especially one that has only recently been made available, can feel daunting. When patients first consider trying medical cannabis, many aren’t quite sure of what to expect or know who to turn to for answers to their questions.

14 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Are you medicating with Dispenseree?

With millions of people thought to be self-medicating with cannabis in the UK, websites like Dispenseree have become increasingly popular despite their illegality. But there are numerous risks when it comes to buying cannabis online, especially when it's for medicinal use.

8 min read
Sarah Sinclair

The World Health Organisation's involvement in medical cannabis

World Health Day is upon us once more, and with it comes the opportunity to reflect on how the World Health Organisation (WHO) has helped shape recent global medical cannabis policies, changed public perception towards this intriguing plant, and continues to lead the way in promoting health and well-being for all.

8 min read
Sam North

Sativa vs Indica: What’s the Difference, Effects & Benefits

The terms indica and sativa are widely used when talking about different types of medical cannabis, with each previously thought to have its own distinct therapeutic effects. But with little evidence to support this, experts are calling for a new, science-backed approach to classify products more accurately.

12 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Experts explain: How GPs play a pivotal role in ongoing medical cannabis treatments

In the UK, General Practitioners sit on the forefront and frontline of healthcare, and they are typically a person's first port of call when something arises with their health. But, unfortunately, in the UK, GPs cannot issue a prescription for cannabis-based treatments to a patient who has never received them before. They can, however, assist in shared care agreements, hold follow-up appointments, and issue repeat prescriptions for medical cannabis. 

9 min read
Lucy MacKinnon