BlogWhat is the triage process for medical cannabis?

What is the triage process for medical cannabis?

3 min read

Sam North

What is the triage process for medical cannabis

At Releaf, we have streamlined the triage process to ensure our patients receive the highest quality care and treatment in the shortest possible time, including prescription delivery.


What is the triage process for medical cannabis?

Once you have completed our free and easy eligibility checker, the Releaf triage process then involves the following:

  • Accessing your medical records (you can provide a copy, or we can contact your GP on your behalf)
  • Evaluating your health questionnaire answers
  • Sitting down for your initial consultation with a specialist
  • Conducting an MDT (Multidisciplinary Team) review.

Our multidisciplinary team of experts, including specialist doctors, nurses, and patient support staff, work together to evaluate each patient's unique needs and provide personalised treatment plans.

If everything is in order, the approved script is then released to our pharmacy (Xeal dispensary). You will receive an email and an SMS notifying you that your prescription is ready for payment. Once payment has been processed, the experienced pharmacists begin preparing the medication, which will then be sent out for delivery.

What happens during the initial consult?

The initial consultation is the first step in determining whether cannabis-based medicine is the right treatment for your condition. Instead of following a rigid set of questions, our specialists will engage in an open dialogue. They will review your medical history and records and ask a range of questions. This thorough conversation allows the specialist to make a well-informed decision about the suitability of medical cannabis for your individual needs.

Why do you access my medical records?

Accessing your medical records is a crucial step in our triage process. This lets our specialists fully understand your medical history, current medications and health issues, and any potential medication contraindications.

Why is there an MDT review?

The MDT review is an essential step in our triage process. It involves a team of experts reviewing your case as a whole and discussing the best possible treatment options for you. This collaborative approach ensures that all aspects of your health are taken into consideration and that the most suitable treatment plan is recommended for your specific needs.

Every specialist, nurse, and patient support staff member in our MDT is highly trained and knowledgeable about the application of medical cannabis, and they all bring different perspectives and expertise to the review process. This holistic approach allows us to provide comprehensive and personalised care for each patient.

How long does the medical cannabis triage and delivery process take?

Supply chain issues have plagued the UK medical cannabis industry, and many patients have experienced long waiting times for their medication. That's why we have recently partnered with Glass PharmsⓇ .

Glass Pharms has produced the first UK-grown medical cannabis available to UK patients, heavily reducing the delivery time. We no longer need to be reliant on overseas medical cannabis supplies, and patients can receive their medication quickly after approval.

It is important to seek medical advice before starting any new treatments. The patient advisors at Releaf are available to provide expert advice and support. Alternatively, click here to book a consultation with one of our specialist doctors.

Elevate your wellness with medical cannabis

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Sam North, a seasoned writer with over five years' experience and expertise in medicinal cannabis, brings clarity to complex concepts, focusing on education and informed use.

Our articles are written by experts and reviewed by medical professionals or compliance specialists. Adhering to stringent sourcing guidelines, we reference peer-reviewed studies and scholarly research. View our editorial policy.

Further reading

Understanding the differences between CBD flower and medical cannabis cultivars

CBD flower and medical cannabis cultivars are often conflated, but while they may look and smell similar, there are significant differences when it comes to their chemical composition, intended use, regulatory status, and effects.  CBD flower is illegal in the UK, while medical cannabis flower can only be prescribed by a specialist doctor.

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