BlogTHC edibles and THC gummies: what patients need to know

THC edibles and THC gummies: what patients need to know

5 min read

Emily Ledger

THC edibles and THC gummies

Cannabis edibles have been a popular product for decades among individuals consuming them for recreational, wellness, and medicinal uses. In markets with legal recreational supply, consumers can buy THC edibles easily from licensed dispensaries, and in other areas, they can often be purchased from illicit sources. But are THC edibles such as THC gummies an option for medical cannabis patients in the UK?

We’re taking a look at everything you need to know about these popular cannabis products as a medical cannabis patient.


What are THC edibles?

Cannabis edibles are food products - though this term often also includes cannabis beverages - that contain derivatives of the cannabis plant. This most commonly refers to THC edibles or CBD edibles, however, they may also include a range of other cannabinoids and terpenes. Common types of cannabis edibles include THC gummies, baked goods, chocolates, and drinks. 

This form of cannabis product has become increasingly popular, particularly within jurisdictions with legal recreational cannabis markets. Consumers of cannabis and THC edibles favour their ease of administration, discretion, and of course, their effects. 

What are the effects of edibles with THC?

Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol - known more widely as THC - is the main psychoactive component of cannabis. It is responsible for the “high” associated with cannabis use and is therefore popular among recreational users. Unlike smoked or inhaled cannabis which triggers effects almost immediately, the THC in cannabis edibles takes longer to take effect as they pass through the digestive system. It can take anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours for THC edibles to “kick in”. 

When the effects do eventually become apparent, the intoxicating effects of THC can also last much longer. Many users also describe the effects of THC edibles to be more sedating than other types of cannabis products.

Are THC edibles legal in the UK?

CBD wellness has boosted the consumption of cannabis edibles in the UK. These products contain primarily CBD - a therapeutic cannabinoid that is non-intoxicating. CBD edibles may contain trace amounts of THC; however, THC edibles that exceed current limits remain illegal. Nonetheless, they remain popular among recreational consumers who may make their own THC edibles from cannabis flower or oil or source them directly from the black market.

Can I get THC edibles on my medical cannabis prescription?

Medical cannabis is legal in the UK and can be prescribed for a wide range of conditions. However, edibles are not generally available through prescription. Most medical cannabis clinics like Releaf offer flower and oil products that are suitable for the treatment of many conditions and symptoms. However, some clinics may also offer additional products such as oral mucosal sprays, capsules, or pastilles.

Medical cannabis pastilles are similar to THC-infused edibles. They are small, medicinal “sweets” that are designed to be dissolved in the mouth. They are made from a thick liquid that has solidified, giving them a jelly-like consistency that resembles that of THC gummies. However, these medical products are not to be confused with recreational THC products. 

Medical cannabis pastilles vs THC edibles

Unlike THC gummies and other edible products available on the black market, medical cannabis pastilles undergo stringent testing to meet strict regulatory requirements. This ensures they are safe to consume and contain the advertised levels of cannabinoids and other compounds. As such, medical cannabis pastilles can only be prescribed by a licensed medical professional.

Despite being illegal, it is possible to find THC edibles online and from illicit suppliers. However, it is hard to know how much THC is in edibles sourced from the black market. Furthermore, these products are not safety tested and can be contaminated with other compounds, making them potentially unsafe.

What medical cannabis products are available at Releaf?

At Releaf, we prescribe cannabis flower and oils exclusively due to existing regulatory frameworks for medical cannabis in the UK. This allows us to ensure our prescription medical cannabis products meet the highest regulatory standards and gives our patients peace of mind over the quality of their medication. 

Cannabis flower and oils can be used alone or in combination to meet a variety of clinical and dosing requirements. For example, different cannabis cultivars may be prescribed based on their cannabinoid (CBD and THC) content, and the needs of the patient. These flower-based products are prescribed for inhalation using a vaporiser device for ease of administration and optimal bioavailability. 

For some patients, however, medical cannabis oils may be a better option. These are administered sublingually (under the tongue), where they are absorbed. Overall, we find that cannabis flower and oils are suitable for the vast number of medical cannabis patients, thanks to their versatility and ease of administration. 

Our extensive formulary of cannabis cultivars and oils allows us to design a bespoke treatment plan for every patient that aims to both meet their clinical needs and suit their personal preferences and lifestyles.

Final thoughts

THC edibles, including THC gummies, are illegal in the UK and are not generally prescribed as medicinal products. If you are interested in the medicinal potential of THC and medical cannabis in general, it is crucial to seek professional medical advice. Speaking to a registered clinician can help you to gain a better understanding of whether medical cannabis could be a suitable option for treating your condition, and will allow you to source regulated products, such as cannabis flower and oils, from compliant manufacturers. 

It is important to seek medical advice before starting any new treatments. The patient advisors at Releaf are available to provide expert advice and support. Alternatively, click here to book a consultation with one of our specialist doctors.

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Emily, an accomplished content writer with a specialisation in cannabis and alternative health, leverages her five years in the sector to enhance education and diminish stigma around medicinal cannabis use.

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All of our articles are written by medical cannabis experts, guided by strict sourcing guidelines, and reference peer-reviewed studies and credible academic research. Our expert clinical team and compliance specialists provide valuable insights to ensure accuracy when required. Learn more in our editorial policy.

Further reading

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