BlogFrom curiosity to care: Releaf’s reach and online presence.
From curiosity to care: Releaf’s reach and online presence.
6 min read
Lucy MacKinnon
In December 2024, Releaf’s website attracted 9510 daily visits and nearly 1,000 page views an hour. In this blog we break down the data, and evaluate why thousands trust our reliable content about medical cannabis in the UK.
In the 21st century, the internet can be a blessing or a curse. While it’s essential to make sure you’re only accessing reliable sources, it's undeniable that the internet has had a transformative impact on the way people learn about health.
Think about it. When people want to learn more about a condition they’ve been diagnosed with, or one they think they might have, or, they want to learn more about particular treatments, or healthcare services in their area, where do they turn?
More often than not: the internet.
Well, as well as ease and speed, search engines like Google offer a feeling of privacy and anonymity that other forms of information gathering, such as checking a book out of the library, or phoning a healthcare service to ask questions, do not.
It could be argued, in turn, this has allowed people to become more curious.
And, considering we’ve published content on all of the above, we wanted to see just how curious people are about Releaf, or, how frequently they’re visiting our website to fulfil their curiosities.
So, we took a look at the data:
Releaf’s reach: December 2024
As a business, we regularly monitor our online performance with various analytical tools including, but not limited to, Google Analytics, Ahrefs and Similarweb, and in December, our analytics displayed some incredible results.
Regardless of which pages are being viewed, these numbers represent thousands (almost tens of thousands) of instances in which individuals are accessing credible and reliable, cannabis-based content on a daily basis.
Wondering where all these visits or views came from? Well, 46% of the traffic we received in December was organic - meaning users who came from the organic results of search engines like Google. For example, they may have entered a particular search term like ‘medical cannabis’ and then clicked on one of the pages that appears for Releaf.
Meanwhile, 15% of our traffic in December was direct, meaning users visited our site without being referred from another website, i.e. they typed our URL directly into their browser.
Similarly, our paid social media efforts were responsible for around 14% of this success, and paid search contributed around 13%. The remaining 12% was made up of other sources such as email, SMS, referral, organic video, and organic social.
How is Releaf’s organic traffic so high?
Well, we’ve got over 22,000 keywords ranking on Google.
2,500 of these appear on the first page, and 10% of our published articles have featured snippets on Google too, according to data provided by Ahrefs.
In fact, Similarweb shows we’re even in the top 100 most popular lifestyle websites here in the UK, sitting at a respectable number 74 - all thanks to our commitment to consistently producing reliable, relevant and engaging medical cannabis content.
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What does this data show?
To learn more about what these figures represent, we spoke to SEO expert of over 20 years and Releaf’s Head of Growth Jon Dunn.
Jon explained:
"Releaf’s digital impact is no accident—it’s the result of a world-class team, a bespoke HealthTech platform, and a relentless focus on patient-first marketing. From technical SEO and content strategy to multi-channel growth and CRO, every element is designed to drive real impact.
It’s not just about numbers—it’s about ensuring patients feel informed, supported, and confident in their journey. This success comes from hiring the best talent, executing data-driven strategies, and staying committed to improving patient outcomes. And the results speak for themselves."
Continual growth: Comparison to November 2024
We have previously touched on findings generated from Google Trends on our blog, and in fact, just one month before this dataset was collected, our CEO Tim Kirby was featured in The Business of Cannabis, speaking again on digital behaviours.
In this article, ‘The rise and rise of Releaf’, Similarweb data from November 2024 was evaluated, and showed received 233,621 monthly visits and 680,690 page views in November.
This equates to 7,787 visits a day, or 945 page views per hour - and, when compared to the data from December, represents a 26% increase in just one month. This shows not only continual growth, but sustained interest in Releaf.
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Final Thoughts
When it comes to treatments that have been through periods of stigmatisation like medical cannabis, the internet represents a space that can be accessed without a fear of judgement - and it appears, we’re providing that virtual shelter and support to thousands on a daily basis.
From our educational articles and blogs, to FAQ and eligibility checker, every click represents a step in an individual's journey to explore medical cannabis, and we’re proud to play a part in so many adventures.
It is important to seek medical advice before starting any new treatments. The patient advisors at Releaf are available to provide expert advice and support. Alternatively, click here to book a consultation with one of our specialist doctors.
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With five years of journalism and healthcare content creation under her belt, Lucy strives to improve medical cannabis awareness and access in the UK by producing high quality, credible content.
All of our articles are written by medical cannabis experts, guided by strict sourcing guidelines, and reference peer-reviewed studies and credible academic research. Our expert clinical team and compliance specialists provide valuable insights to ensure accuracy when required. Learn more in our editorial policy.
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