BlogClearing the Cancard confusion: What Releaf's medical cannabis cards prove.

Clearing the Cancard confusion: What Releaf's medical cannabis cards prove.

8 min read

Lucy MacKinnon

As the first medical cannabis clinic in the UK to provide their patients with medical cannabis cards, at Releaf we’re often asked ‘what's the difference between Releaf’s medical cannabis cards and Cancard?’ - and, we’re here to clear up the confusion. In this blog, we give a clear overview of what each respective card proves, how they’re accessed, and, who can access them.


Although cannabis has been used to aid a number of health concerns for millennia now, the UK only legalised these options relatively recently, and in certain circumstances. So, unsurprisingly, some are hesitant to try these options just in case others mistakenly assume they are acting illegally. 

For some, proving they have a legitimate need for these treatments may even be the deciding factor on whether to use them or not, and so, medical cannabis licences, cannabis exemption cards and medical cannabis cards have emerged to attest to this reasoning. 

But, this in turn, has created some confusion. Confusion we’re here to clear up. 

The law: medical cannabis cards UK 

In the UK, there is no law or legal requirement that says patients using medical cannabis should hold a license, or cannabis card, to access their medication, or prove its legality - although this is the case in some other countries. 

If a patient is ever questioned about their use of medical cannabis in the UK, the best way of proving its legitimacy is by showing a copy of their latest prescription, and carrying their medication in the prescription container it was dispensed in. 

But, many feel having a medical cannabis card can provide extra peace of mind. However, questions remain. For example, in the UK, which ones are actually valid, and, what do they actually prove?

What is Cancard?

In 2020, two years after cannabis-based treatments were legalised in the UK, Carly Barton launched Cancard as an initiative for individuals who are using illicit cannabis for medicinal reasons to ‘prove’ their reason for possessing or consuming cannabis. 

According to the guidance submitted to the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) ‘Cancard holders medically and legally qualify for a private prescription, and the ID is proof that they should be accessing one’. 

So, how do Cancard verify this?

In order to assess suitability for their cards, Cancard request individuals submit a copy of their GP’s records, or SCR, to verify they have been diagnosed with a condition known to respond to cannabis based medicines.

While SCRs do contain information relating to any diagnosed conditions, allergies and current treatments, they act as a simple snapshot or an overview of one’s health, and do not contain in depth information about a particular health condition, such as the previous treatments, medications, or prescriptions a person has received in order to treat said condition. 

While these records can prove an individual may be eligible for cannabis-based medicines, in the UK, it’s common practice to have tried at least two traditional or conventional treatments, and it’s essential for doctors to ensure individuals have no contraindications , before cannabis is considered an appropriate alternative to try. This is something Cancards do not evidence. 

Cancards can also be accessed without any kind of doctors note, recommendation, or suggestion that cannabis-based treatments could benefit the patient in question. 

So, what do Cancards prove?

To put it simply, the Cancard scheme allows adults in the UK to pay £29 in exchange for a card that says their motivations, or intent, for using cannabis is therapeutic. 

But, they do not in any way prove that the cannabis in question has been legally prescribed, or that a healthcare professional has endorsed or recommended this particular treatment route, or that the person in question is not committing a crime under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971/ Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001. 

Instead, according to the NPCC guidance, ‘Cancard exists to assist front-line police officers when dealing with medicinal possession cases which do not fit into the scope for the diversion or arrest, and where the officer may be considering the use of discretion’.

What is a Releaf medical cannabis card?

Our medical cannabis cards go a few steps further.  

Releaf’s medical cannabis cards evidence that the individual in question is not only eligible for cannabis-based treatments, and using them for therapeutic reasons, but that they’re accessing legal, GMP compliant controlled medications that have been prescribed to them by an experienced, qualified healthcare professional - and are, in no way, committing a crime by simply being in possession of them. 

What do Releaf’s medical cannabis cards prove?

Unlike other cannabis exemption cards, or cards that are intended to represent a person’s intent - our medical cannabis cards offer a number of benefits. This includes:

  • Releaf’s medical cannabis cards are issued by an authorised, CQC compliant prescribing clinic in the UK - proving a patient is using legitimate, legal services to care for their health. 
  • Releaf’s medical cannabis cards prove the individual holds a legal prescription for cannabis based products for medicinal use (CBPMs), and that these have been recommended by a qualified healthcare professional. 
  • Releaf’s medical cannabis cards show the prescribed cannabis has been supplied by a reliable, GMP compliant manufacturer. 
  • Releaf’s medical cannabis cards supply detail about the prescribing doctor,  and the quantity, concentration, and formulation these medicines have been prescribed in, as well as how long this prescription should be expected to last. 
  • Releaf’s medical cannabis cards are password protected, meaning patients have to give permission to anyone requesting their personal health information, providing a greater level of security. 
  • Releaf’s medical cannabis cards provide a recap of UK medical cannabis law when scanned, clarifying the rights legal medical cannabis patients in the UK are entitled to. 

How do Releaf medical cannabis cards work?

As well as featuring an image of the patient, along with their full name, patient ID number, and a statement to say this individual has been legally prescribed medical cannabis to treat a specific health condition, Releaf’s medical cannabis cards contain a unique QR code. 

When this QR code is scanned, patients are sent either an SMS or email that allows them to enable one time access to see their latest prescription issued by Releaf, as well as other supporting documentation - such as previous prescriptions, and a breakdown of the laws that relate to medical cannabis in the UK. 

While our medical cannabis cards do not provide complete immunity from arrest, they do offer an extra layer of legal protection when carrying, or administering, prescribed medical cannabis.

It's important that prescribed CBPMs are always carried in their original packaging that displays the patient's name, and the information pertaining to the prescription itself, so the information on their card and prescribed medication can be cross-checked for verification. 

How to get a Releaf Medical Cannabis Card

The only way to get a Releaf medical cannabis card is to receive medical cannabis through Releaf.

At Releaf, our free online eligibility checker can indicate whether medical cannabis may be appropriate for you in a number of minutes. After this, a simple health questionnaire is issued for you to fill out, and after you’ve given permission, we can reach out to the NHS on your behalf to request copies of your health records for review. 

If after reviewing this data it appears medical cannabis may be a suitable option for you to try, you’ll be invited to book in for a consultation with one of our expert, specialist doctors who can discuss matters with you further, and begin to curate a bespoke, personalised treatment plan just for you. 

Our medical cannabis cards are automatically sent out free of charge within three working days of an individual has become a registered Releaf patient, and these typically arrive around the same time as their first medication order to ensure patients feel protected right from the very start of their journey with medical cannabis. 

To find out if these options could be suitable for you or a loved one, fill out our online eligibility checker today. 

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With five years of journalism and healthcare content creation under her belt, Lucy strives to improve medical cannabis awareness and access in the UK by producing high quality, credible content.

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Further reading

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