

Limonene is a one of the 400 or so terpenes that cannabis strains produce, and one of over 20000 terpenes found in nature. It's known for its distinct citrus aroma and is commonly used as a flavouring agent in food and beverages, as well as in perfumes and other cosmetics.

Limonene is one of the 'major' cannabis terpenes, often present in high concentrations alongside myrcene, beta-caryophyllene, and humulene. Terpenes are aromatic compounds that give plants their unique scents and flavours, but recent research is showing they may also hold great therapeutic potential.


What does limonene smell like?


Limonene offers a lemon/lime/citrusy aroma, hence its name.


What possible health and wellness effects does limonene offer medical cannabis patients? 


There is a growing body of research that shows limonene is an effective anti-bacterial, anti-inflamatory, and anti-depressant. Additionally, limonene has been found to have anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties, but it is not a cure for cancer.

When combined with cannabinoids like THC and CBD, it can activate the 'entourage effect.


What is the 'entourage effect'?


The entourage effect is the idea that all of the compounds in medical cannabis work together to enhance each other's effects, boosting the therapeutic potential of all of the plant's compounds. This can lead to more effective relief for patients.

To find out more about limonene click here

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