

Discover how cannabis contributes to wellness. Learn about its role in holistic health and lifestyle balance.

Nourish to flourish: Balancing diet in today's world

When you’re suffering from health issues, the first thing that should be considered is diet. Eating food doesn’t just stop us from feeling hungry, as I’m sure you are all aware. It was the founding father of modern medicine, Hypocrites, who said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” That quote is from around 2,400 years ago, but it still rings true today.

8 min read
Editorial Team

Sweet dreams, Sound health: Unraveling the secrets to better sleep

Earlier this month, Self Care Week was celebrated all over the UK - but we think its importance rings true all year round. That’s why we’ve launched our latest blog series: Wellness Wednesday; to take a look at alternative, natural and holistic approaches to improving our wellbeing.

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon