Medical Cannabis

Medical Cannabis

Explore UK-focused medical cannabis articles, including legal updates, patient experiences, treatment options, and the latest research within the British cannabis landscape.

What is cannabidiol? The A-B-Cs of CBD

From Morrisons to medical cannabis clinics, CBD seems to be everywhere – but, what actually is it? For National CBD Day, we explain the A-B-Cs of CBD, from its plant-based origin to its clinical applications – here’s everything you need to know about CBD.

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

What is a terpene profile?

Cannabis is an incredibly complex plant that contains thousands of active compounds. While the most well-known compounds may be cannabinoids - and of these, CBD and THC enjoy the most coverage - another class of compounds contribute significantly to the potential benefits of this incredible plant: Terpenes.

6 min read
Emily Ledger

How to store medical cannabis properly

Storing most medications correctly is essential to not only the shelf life but also the overall efficacy. This is (debatably) even more important when it comes to dried medical cannabis flower, as it is an organic product, unlike most conventional pharmaceuticals.

6 min read
Sam North

Can I use medical cannabis in public?

Although medical cannabis has been legal in the UK for almost six years—and around 35,000 patients now hold prescriptions—there is still a lot of confusion around its legality and what you can and cannot do when using your medication in day to day life. Here we take a look at the things you may need to consider when it comes to consuming your medication in public.

9 min read
Sarah Sinclair

A day in the life of a medical cannabis Clinical Director

Welcome to a day in the life of a Medical Cannabis Clinical Director in the UK! We spoke to our very own Dr David Tang about his role and responsibilities as Releaf’s Clinical Director to lift the curtain on what happens behind the scenes in the UK’s fastest growing medical cannabis clinic in the UK.

8 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

Everything you need to know about medical cannabis and arthritis

The cannabis plant has been used as a therapeutic aid for thousands of years. Despite an almost global ban on the plant throughout the 20th century, more and more countries are once again acknowledging the medicinal potential of this versatile plant. Cannabis-based medicines can now be prescribed in the UK for a wide range of conditions, including arthritis. 

7 min read
Emily Ledger

Sciatica and medical cannabis: A promising path for pain relief?

Up to 40% of the population are thought to be affected by sciatica, which can cause a number of debilitating symptoms. But where other treatments have failed, medical cannabis may hold promise for reducing pain and improving patients’ overall wellbeing.

8 min read
Sarah Sinclair

How medical cannabis can play a role in palliative care

Decisions surrounding palliative care are something that almost all of us will face at some point in our lives, whether for ourselves or for someone we care deeply about. But before that time comes, it's a subject that is often avoided or at least slightly misunderstood.

10 min read
Sam North

Schizophrenia Awareness Day: Understanding the exclusions in medical cannabis treatments

Every year, the 25th of July commemorates National Schizophrenia Awareness Day - an event established by mental health charity, Rethink Mental Health. The day aims to shine a spotlight on the everyday challenges faced by the millions of people living with schizophrenia and the stigma and discrimination that still remain around this diagnosis.

6 min read
Emily Ledger

Why are different cannabis cultivars different prices?

In today's write-up, we will explain all the factors that can and do affect the price of medical cannabis cultivars. Here at Releaf, we want to ensure that our patients are well-informed about their medication options, including the pricing factors.

5 min read
Sam North

Plastic free July: Releaf's eco-friendly packaging

In the last two decades, global plastic production has doubled, with 400 million tonnes of plastic waste now produced every year. As one of the only UK clinics to provide medical cannabis flower in eco-friendly packaging, Releaf is committed to finding more sustainable solutions this Plastic Free July and is taking steps towards a plastic-free future.

7 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Understanding the lingo: medical cannabis terminology

Cannabis-based remedies are mentioned as far back as the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks. In fact, the earliest mention of medical cannabis is believed to date back even further to the time of the Ancient Chinese Emperor Shen Nung - known as the Father of Chinese Medicine - almost 5,000 years ago!

9 min read
Emily Ledger

How long does medical cannabis take to work?

People who are considering adding medical cannabis to their treatment routine usually have a few pressing questions, which is more than understandable.

5 min read
Sam North

Compassionate care for the loneliest cancer: Medical cannabis and sarcoma.

There are 100 different subtypes of sarcoma, and collectively they account for fewer than 2% of all cancer diagnoses in the UK. But still, each and every day 15 people in the UK receive the news that they’ve been diagnosed with sarcoma, also known as the loneliest cancer.

11 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

What is titration, and why do medical cannabis patients need to know about it?

With so many active compounds, medical cannabis products can be extremely complex when it comes to finding the appropriate dosing regime. Finding the right cannabis-based medicine for each patient can depend on a number of factors, including your condition, the product used, and the most effective dose - the latter of which is best found through titration.

7 min read
Emily Ledger

What's in the Releaf Starter Kit?

Starting medical cannabis treatment can be somewhat overwhelming, especially for new patients who have very little experience with cannabis-based treatment products. And that's totally understandable. It's not just the medication itself that can be foreign to new patients, but also how it is administered.

4 min read
Sam North

Medical cannabis and the gender pain gap

The vast majority of patients experiencing chronic pain are women, yet one in two say they have had their pain “ignored” or “dismissed”. We take a close look at the gender pain gap.

9 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Understanding the differences between CBD flower and medical cannabis cultivars

CBD flower and medical cannabis cultivars are often conflated, but while they may look and smell similar, there are significant differences when it comes to their chemical composition, intended use, regulatory status, and effects.  CBD flower is illegal in the UK, while medical cannabis flower can only be prescribed by a specialist doctor.

8 min read
Sarah Sinclair

Think our grass could be greener? Here’s how to switch to Releaf

Are you a medical cannabis patient in the UK that’s unhappy with the service your current clinic provides? Discover Releaf’s seamless transition process and experience UK-grown prescribed cannabis options, extensive clinical expertise, and an innovate all-in-one patient focused platform by making one simple switch.

7 min read
Lucy MacKinnon

What is the triage process for medical cannabis?

At Releaf, we have streamlined the triage process to ensure our patients receive the highest quality care and treatment in the shortest possible time, including prescription delivery.

3 min read
Sam North