

Hydroponic cultivation is an often employed method of growing medical cannabis, and for good reason. This technique involves growing plants in a controlled environment without soil, suspending the roots of the plants in a nutrient-dense liquid. This is done for a few key reasons.

Why is medical cannabis often grown hydroponically?


There are several benefits to growing medical cannabis hydroponically.

First, it allows for faster plant growth, thanks to the direct access to nutrients and water

Second, it lets the growers have more control over the growing environment, resulting in healthier plants with higher cannabinoid levels.

Third, hydroponic cultivation reduces the risk of pests and diseases that are often found in traditional soil-based media, and also means that rectifying any potential nutrient or pest issues is much easier.


How does hydroponic cultivation work?


Hydroponic cultivation relies on the use of a nutrient solution that is circulated to the plants' roots, providing all necessary nutrients for growth. The solution is typically made up of various minerals and elements, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

The grower can also adjust the nutrient levels as needed depending on the stage of growth that the crop is in.


Is all medical cannabis grown hydroponically?


No, hydroponic growth is not a set regulation, but it is a popular choice among medical cannabis growers. Some may prefer traditional soil-based methods, while others may opt for aeroponics or other growing techniques.

To find out more about hydroponics, click here

If you are interested in learning more about cannabis-based medicine options in the UK, Releaf is here to help.