

Kief, also referred to dust or dry sift, refers to the loose trichomes that fall off dried medical cannabis flowers, often when they are ground up. This powdery, dust-like substance can be a green or brown colour depending on the variety of cannabis.

Kief is the name given to the resin glands (trichomes) which contain the highest concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes, giving it its high potency. When medical cannabis is dried and the ground up in a grinder, a percentage of the dried trichomes separate from the plant matter and collect in the bottom chamber of the grinder.


I have a build up of kief in my medical cannabis grinder. What should I do with it?


Kief is made up of trichomes, which is where the cannabinoids are produced. This means that kief can be much more potent than your prescribed medical cannabis flower. You must be very careful when taking kief and adjust your dosage accordingly.

Speak to your prescribing specialist before taking kief. They have the knowledge required to help you decide whether kief is right for your medical condition and can provide guidance on dosage.


How do I take kief?


Kief can be vaporised just like dried medical cannabis flower.


To find out more about Kief, click here

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