
Licensed Medicines

Licensed medicines are pharmaceutical products that have been approved and granted licences by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

Medicines can be granted licences after being thoroughly investigated and proven to be effective and safe during clinical trials. The licensing process is done by the MHRA and the EMA, and once approved these medications can be made available for wider use.


Are there any licensed medical cannabis medicines in the UK?


Yes, but not many.

In the UK, Nabilone, Sativex and Epidyolex are the only licensed cannabis-based medicines. 


Can Releaf legally prescribe non-licensed medical cannabis products?


Yes, all prescribing specialists working with private medical cannabis clinics in the UK have the legal ability to prescribe patients non-licensed products if deemed necessary for their treatment.

The NHS will only offer patients prescriptions to the three licensed cannabis-based medicines mentioned above. However, if a patient is not responding well to these treatments, they may be referred to a private clinic for alternative options.


What are some examples of non-licensed medical cannabis products?


Non-licensed medical cannabis products can include dried cannabis flower, CBD oil, THC oil, and various other forms of cannabis extracts. These products have not been granted licenses by the MHRA or EMA, but patients may still find relief using them under the supervision of a specialist.

To find out more about licensed medicines, click here

If you are interested in learning more about cannabis-based medicine options in the UK, Releaf is here to help.