
GMCCP: Good Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation Practice

The GMCCP is a set of industry designed standards that was created by Bedrocan to ensure high quality cultivation practices in the medical cannabis industry.

The Good Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation Practice was established by Bedrocan, a global medical cannabis supplier, and was designed to further, or expand on, the existing Good Agricultural and Collection Practices in specific relation to the cultivation of medicinal cannabis. 


What are the specifics of the GMCCP?


The Good Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation Practice (GMCCP) outlines detailed guidelines for the production of medicinal cannabis, including cultivation, harvesting, and processing. It covers all aspects of cannabis cultivation from seed selection to final product packaging.


Why was the GMCCP created?


The GMCCP was developed due to a lack of specific global medical cannabis cultivation guidelines and regulations.

To find out more about GMCCP, click here

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