
Epidyolex / Epidiolex

Epidyolex is a cannabis-based medicine that can be legally prescribed in the UK for two rare and drug-resistant forms of epilepsy - Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and Dravet Syndrome.

Epidyolex is an unlicensed CBD medicine that in the UK can be prescribed to help in the treatment and management of two types of severe drug resistant forms of epilepsy (Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and Dravet Syndrome). This oral solution is classed as a schedule 2 controlled drug, and has strict restrictions around its prescription. 


Why does this drug have two similar names?


In the UK, this cannabis based treatment option is known as Epidyolex, while in the US it is called Epidiolex. 


What cannabinoid does Epidyolex contain?


Epidyolex contains a purified form of cannabidiol (CBD), one of the many active compounds found in the cannabis plant. 


Who can be prescribed Epidyolex?


In the UK, Epidyolex can only be prescribed by a specialist doctor for patients with severe forms of epilepsy that have been resistant to other treatments. Patients must also meet certain criteria, such as being over 2 years old and experiencing at least 4 seizures per month. They also must have a formal diagnosis of one of the approved conditions for which Epidyolex has been shown to be effective in treating.

To find out more about Epidyolex, click here

If you would like to learn more about medical cannabis in the UK, Releaf is here to help.