

A clone is a genetic replica of an organism. In medical cannabis cultivation, clones are extremely common, as they allow growers to produce large quantities of consistent, high-quality plants that all share the same cannabinoid, terpene, and flavonoid percentages.

Clones of cannabis plants are used in both commercial and medical cannabis facilities to produce uniform and consistent crops that all share the same DNA.


How are cannabis clones produced?


The process of cloning a cannabis plant is very simple. A 'mother plant' is forced to stay in the vegetative growth phase by keeping it growing under a specific light cycle (18 hours of light per day). This plant will be used to create the clones. A branch is then cut from the mother plant, and after being exposed to a rooting powder or gel, it is planted in a growing medium. The branch will form roots and grow into a new plant that has the exact same genetic makeup as the mother plant.


Are clones commonly grown in the medical cannabis field?


Yes, clones are mostly used in the medical cannabis industry. This is because they allow for consistency and quality control, which are crucial factors in the stringent regulatory oversight of UK medical cannabis.


What are the benefits of growing clones in medical cannabis production?


Clones offer several advantages. Apart from the ease of producing crops that are consistent in terms of cannabinoid, terpene, and flavonoid levels, clones also allow for a faster turnaround time compared to growing from seeds. As the new plants have the same genetic makeup as the mother plant, growers can ensure that each batch of medicine has the same potency and medicinal properties.

To find out if you are eligible for medical cannabis treatment in the UK, check out our fast and free medical cannabis eligibility checker

If you would like to learn more about medical cannabis in the UK, Releaf is here to help.