

In the medical cannabis industry, the term administration refers to the way CBPMs are taken or given to a patient. This can include inhalation, oral ingestion, topical application, and sublingual absorption.

With medicinal cannabis products, there are several administration techniques that patients may come across, depending on what type of CBPM they are prescribed. Most cannabis-based products for medicinal use are designed to be administered in a specific way, and your prescribing specialist will advise you on the best method for your specific condition and medical cannabis product.


What are the common methods of administering medical cannabis?


Common methods include inhalation (vaporising dried cannabis flower or cannabis oil), oral ingestion (capsules, oils, edibles), sublingual absorption (placed under the tongue), and topical application. The best method varies based on your condition and product administered. Your prescribing specialist will advise you on which method is best for your specific health needs. 


How does the method of administration affect the effects of medical cannabis?


The administration method affects onset time, intensity, and duration of cannabis effects. Inhalation acts quickly, oral ingestion takes longer for the effects to be felt but lasts longer, sublingual administration is fast and long-lasting, while topical application has a slower onset but provides localised relief. 


Can you switch between different methods of administering medical cannabis?


Yes, switching methods is possible, but must be done under medical guidance. Different administration methods can alter the drug's effectiveness and potential side effects. Always consult with your specialist before changing your approach. 


Is it legal to smoke your medical cannabis in the UK?


No. The UK government currently only permits the administration of medical cannabis in forms other than smoking, such as vaping, oils, capsules, and tinctures. 


To find out more about administration, click here.