Explore the potential benefits of medical cannabis for anxiety with Releaf's Cannabis Education series. Discover its therapeutic possibilities for psychiatric well-being.

All of our educational content has been written or reviewed by our team of writers, doctors and cannabis experts.
Our clinical team is led by Dr. Susan Jane Clenton, MD
Hemp oil and anxiety - What are the risks & benefits?
Hemp oil is a safe dietary and wellness supplement, and you won’t feel any psychoactive effects from taking it. It contains a wide range of secondary cannabinoids and terpenes, with some hemp oils offering up to 18% CBD (cannabidiol). Hemp seed oil, on the other hand, is extracted from only the seeds of the hemp plant. It may contain trace amounts of CBD, but at such minuscule levels that it has no therapeutic effect. Hemp oil, specifically full-spectrum hemp oil containing CBD, holds promise as a safe and potential dietary additive for reducing anxiety symptoms.
6 min read

Finding the right CBD dose for sleep and anxiety relief
Anxiety disorders and the impact sleep can and does have on them are well-documented. While there are many conventional methods available for addressing these issues, evidence is mounting that Cannabidiol (CBD) could be an effective partner in helping reduce the symptoms of anxiety disorders and improving sleep quality.
7 min read

The terpenes to avoid for anxiety reduction
While you may have not heard of terpenes, you have definitely experienced the impact they have on the world around us. Terpenes are natural compounds that are produced by a massive range of plants (and some animals), cannabis included. They are what give cannabis its distinctive aroma and flavour, but recent research into the exact role they play shows that they may also have an impact on the medicinal qualities of each specific strain.
6 min read

Is CBD or THC better for anxiety relief?
Anxiety issues are the most commonly diagnosed mental health issues in the UK. Each week, one in six of us will be battling through some form of anxiety. And while anxious feelings are a healthy part of the human condition, there is a difference between the occasional worry and serious angst.
6 min read

How long does CBD oil take to work for anxiety?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is just one of over a hundred cannabinoids that have so far been identified in the cannabis plant. Unlike its more famous relative, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not produce any intoxicating effects – and its potential application as a natural medicinal option for a wide range of conditions, including anxiety, is gaining acceptance.
5 min read

How to know if CBD is working for anxiety
CBD (a non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in both hemp and cannabis), has quickly become a popular natural therapeutic option for anxiety sufferers worldwide. Despite the need for further research into the cannabinoid before making any definitive statements regarding its effectiveness in reducing anxiety, the available data suggests that CBD may provide relief for a broad range of anxiety-related issues.
7 min read

How medical cannabis may help reduce anxiety
Anxiety disorders come in many forms, and they all share one thing in common. That is, they are on the rise. With one in six adults in the United Kingdom now diagnosed with some form of anxiety, the need for additional treatment options has never been more pronounced. Below, we will look at what anxiety is exactly, how it can affect you, and the possible ways medical cannabis may be able to help.
7 min read

The science behind CBD for anxiety symptom control
Anxiety-related issues are the most commonly diagnosed mental health issues in the United Kingdom, and the statistics show that they are on the rise. On any given day, 6% of the UK population will deal with anxious feelings that can be overwhelming and, for some, the symptoms can be debilitating.
6 min read