Discover the potential benefits of medical cannabis in addressing inflammation Learn & explore with Releaf's Cannabis Education series.

All of our educational content has been written or reviewed by our team of writers, doctors and cannabis experts.
Our clinical team is led by Dr. Susan Jane Clenton, MD
CBD dosage guide for inflammation
Inflammation is part of the body’s normal reaction and defence against injury and infection, playing a crucial role in our overall health. But the beneficial effects are only short-term, and inflammation that occurs over extended periods can have severe health consequences, especially when it occurs in healthy tissue. In fact, inflammation is believed to be a contributing factor to almost half of all deaths worldwide each year.
6 min read

A detailed guide on cannabinoids and inflammation
Anecdotal evidence and early research suggest that cannabinoids may certainly help to ease chronic and acute inflammation around the body. However, more clinical studies are needed to fully understand the link between cannabinoids and inflammation before scientists can say for certain how these compounds impact our bodily responses.
6 min read

Is CBD good for inflammation?
Over the last few years, you may have heard CBD talked about a lot as a potential complementary medical cannabis treatment option. But you might not know exactly what CBD stands for, what it is and what it can be used for. The good news is, you’re not alone. There’s a great deal of confusion and misinformation out there about CBD, which might mean its potential benefits are not being accessed by those who most need them.
11 min read

Can cannabis cream offer relief from psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that’s linked to the body’s immune system. It can emerge at any point in a person’s life but is most likely to develop between the ages of 15 and 25. People living with psoriasis experience increased skin cell production. This results in inflamed patches of skin appearing on the body. These patches are often covered with dry ‘scales’ and can cause irritation and pain to the sufferer.
7 min read

Does cannabis offer anti-inflammatory properties?
Often cursed as the underlying issue for a range of health-related issues, inflammation is actually a vital bodily function. An essential piece of the puzzle that is the human immune system – in general terms, inflammation occurs when the body reacts to an assortment of stimuli, releasing biochemical signals that cause redness, swelling, heat, and pain – and in severe cases, it can even lead to a loss of function. Can medical cannabis help reduce inflammation? Let's find out...
11 min read