Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

New, natural treatments for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a long term condition that causes the immune system to attack the digestive system, which in turn causes inflammation. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are the most prevalent inflammatory bowel disease conditions in the UK, and both have shown promising results when treated with natural, plant-based IBD treatments.

Am I eligible?

10 million

people around the world are believed to live with inflammatory bowel disease


of survey respondents said IBD symptoms improved with plant- based treatments

Over 3/4

of respondents said natural alterative IBD treatments improved abdominal cramping


of IBD patients have used natural aids for symptom relief, shows survey of over 200.

“The Releaf+ subscription simplifies the entire process of my plant-based treatment.“

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Nigel, Releaf Patient

October 2023

Am I eligible?

Tummy pain

Persistent diarrhoea

Blood or mucus in your poo

Bleeding from your bottom

Unintentional weight loss


If you are suffering from any of these symptoms speak with your GP to find out more.

Treatment options:

In the UK, inflammatory bowel disease symptoms are conventionally treated using prescribed anti-inflammatories and steroids. In some extreme cases surgery is recommended to physically remove parts of the bowel, but this can be costly, and the recovery process can take a long time.

5-aminosalicyclic acids




Find out if you may be eligible for IBD plant-based treatments here
Am I eligible?

A word from our specialist

“The growing awareness that female physiological differences can lead to the misdiagnosis of conditions, highlights the need for clinical approaches that better account for these variations. Other conditions such as endometriosis can take up to seven years to be diagnosed, all the while the patient is passed from pillar to post and started on a plethora of medication in the hope that distress is alleviated. Experience now tells us that medical cannabis is a particularly effective treatment for menstrual-related pain conditions.“
Dr David Tang

Clinic Director

How can alternative, plant-based products relieve inflammatory bowel disease?

Natural, plant-based IBD treatments typically target the inflammation caused by an inflammatory bowel disease, and influence the typical responses the immune system initiates. 

In some cases this may be decrease the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the gut, which is believed to contribute to the development of Crohn's disease, whilst in others it may reduce inflammation in the colon and rectum, which can alleviate some of the painful symptoms associated with IBD like diarrhoea and rectal bleeding. 

Other evidence suggests plant-based treatments can help decrease the perception of pain, which may make IBD less of a hindrance when going about daily routines and activities, and self-reported quality of life scores also tend to improve after patients start natural, herbal treatments. 

Plant-based treatments are considered a suitable treatment option for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases in the UK if they have been unable to manage their symptoms with conventional or traditional options. To find out if these natural alternatives may be able to help you, fill out our free online eligibility checker today. 

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