Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa new, plant-based treatments

Anorexia Nervosa is classed as both an eating disorder and a mental health condition, and it can have devastating effects on a person’s overall health and wellbeing if left untreated. Recovery from anorexia is possible, but the path to recovery is different for each individual, and there are many different approaches to treatment. Since 2018, a percentage of those who have been struggling to manage their symptoms with conventional approaches have turned to natural, plant-based anorexia treatments for relief.

Am I eligible?

1.25 Million

people in the UK have an eating disorder


of the UK’s population are thought to have Anorexia Nervosa.


reduction in anxiety reported with plant-based treatment in this online survey.

Over ⅔

of UK adults surveyed would consider natural alternative treatments.

“Having a medical cannabis card makes me feel better - and that counts“

Client image mobile

Daisy, Releaf Patient

October 2023

Am I eligible?

Avoiding food

Excessively exercising




Avoiding social situations

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you may have Anorexia Nervosa. Please speak with your GP to find out more.

Treatment options:

Talking therapies are usually the first line of treatment for people with anorexia in the UK, and medications can be prescribed alongside these to help manage anxiety or mood. Because comorbidity is high amongst those with anorexia, other medicines, such as bisphosphonate, may be prescribed to treat physical symptoms such as low bone strength.

Talking therapies





Find out if you may be eligible for natural, alternative anorexia treatments here.
Am I eligible?

A word from our specialist

“There is now good real-world evidence that medical cannabis provides excellent mood-uplifting effects as well as reducing the crippling effects of anxiety. When prescribed in a controlled manner in a clinical setting such as here at Releaf, patients have a clinical touch point with a Consultant so that, should their mental health deteriorate whilst in receipt of a prescription, their condition may be expertly managed without undue delay.“
Dr David Tang

Clinic Director

How do natural, alternative anorexia treatments work?

People with Anorexia Nervosa have very complicated relationships with food, and they take extra measures to keep their weight down. For most this is by avoiding eating or excessively exercising, and it is often accompanied by feeling an intense anxiety around the subject of food. 

For some with anorexia, alternative plant-based treatments may be of benefit because of the natural compounds they contain, which have demonstrated certain potentials, such as stimulating appetite, and relieving anxiety.  

These natural, plant-based treatments can be particularly useful for those who are on their recovery journey, and may be able to combat the severity of reaction when they encounter a trigger, or increase their appetite, and improve their overall quality of life. 

These treatments are available from private healthcare and wellbeing clinics in the UK, like Releaf, and are only usually considered once other conventional treatments options have failed to meet the needs of the patient. 

Learn how Releaf works