Lydia Kariuki


Master of Arts in English, Western Connecticut State University.

Lydia Kariuki is a qualified medical nurse and journalist with a diploma in clinical research and medical writing. Her mission is to make peer-reviewed scientific clinical literature accessible to the public. Lydia has had the privilege of interviewing leading experts in the field of cannabis. With a Master of Arts in English from Western Connecticut State University, Lydia brings a strong command of language and communication skills to her work. Her expertise lies in translating complex scientific information into understandable content for a wider audience. Lydia is dedicated to bridging the gap between scientific cannabis research and public understanding. Through her academic background, Lydia strives to provide accurate and engaging information about cannabis to promote awareness and education. Her commitment to delivering clear and insightful content showcases her passion for disseminating knowledge to benefit the public.

Releaf articles

Exploring the benefits of cannabis for cluster headaches

The incidence of cluster headaches in the UK, and in the world generally, is quite low. Roughly 27,000 people in the UK suffer from cluster headaches, with a majority experiencing episodic cluster headaches. Looking past the incidence, cluster headaches can be intimidating and traumatic for anyone.  

The CBD market growth - UK Trends and projections

The increasing legalisation of CBD plus the discovery of its vast potential in possibly enhancing health and wellness is expected to drive the growth of the CBD market even further. This article examines CBD trends in Europe and the projections that have been made for the CBD industry.

What does THC do to the brain?

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a psychoactive molecule present in cannabis that affects key functions of the brain such as the state of consciousness, mood, memory, attention, learning, reaction time, and possibly even the formation of new brain cells. Traditionally, THC has been associated with the intoxicating, euphoria-inducing effects of cannabis, leading many to believe that it lacks therapeutic potential.