ConditionsPainRyan’s Story: Taking strides treating sciatica with medical cannabis

Patient Stories

Ryan’s Story: Taking strides treating sciatica with medical cannabis


Joined Releaf:
May 2024

Prescription Type:

One of our core values at Releaf is pushing patient voices to the forefront, and to continue our commitment to doing so, this week we spoke to Ryan, a 31-year-old Brightonian who recently took the plunge, and became a Releaf patient. 

For over ten years, Ryan has been struggling to manage his sciatica and was even forced to take a step back from his favourite pastime: walking. But, within just five weeks of medical cannabis treatment, Ryan is back planning his next adventure - this time to Eastbourne! 

While his first-hand account goes beyond the current clinical evidence, Ryan’s story, below, offers insights into how medical cannabis has given him a new lease of life, and you can discover the personal advice he’d give to others in a similar situation…

Can you tell us a little about your medical history, and what treatments you’ve previously tried to manage your health conditions?

I’ve got sciatica, which is a chronic pain condition, and I also get chronic migraines. The sciatica mainly affects my back, and the medication that I was prescribed was so strong it just made me sleep all the time, and, if I wasn’t asleep, I’d feel really drowsy - which of course wasn’t nice. I even tried having an injection in my back to neuter the nerve, but that didn’t work. 

I experienced bad side effects from the migraine tablets too. It felt like they’d almost switched something off in my brain that usually made me respond to anything good in life, and I was just hating the world for no real reason - it was crazy. I didn’t care about anything. 

I’m also awaiting a diagnosis for autism and ADHD and I think the medications I was being prescribed for pain management were also impacting, or intensifying, the neurodiverse symptoms I was experiencing. I mentioned this to my therapist, and she advised I stop taking them and see if it helps things improve - and they have. 

About two weeks later, I received my first prescription for medical cannabis, and I haven’t had a problem since. 

So how did you first come across medical cannabis, and why did you decide to give it a try?

I’ve been to Amsterdam I think six or seven times now, and I tried self-medicating with cannabis when I was over there, and that’s when I realised how well it can work. I’m usually quite a hyperactive, scatty person, but when I used cannabis in Amsterdam, or now when I take my prescribed oil, I don’t feel like that, and I don’t get headaches. 

I first came across medical cannabis, or should I say found out it was a legal option in the UK, online, watching a YouTuber called Drew. I was actually really shocked and almost disappointed that it has been legal since 2018, and I hadn’t found out sooner because it could have saved me a lot of bother!

So, I looked around online for a clinic that would suit me best, and I came across Releaf. The reviews looked good and everything seemed positive, so I booked in for an appointment, probably within about two weeks of finding out it’s legal.

How did your first ever medical cannabis consultation with Releaf go?

I felt really comfortable in my first appointment, which was really nice, I felt like I was genuinely being listened to. It was almost weird not feeling uncomfortable during the appointment, because that’s how I’ve felt most of the time when I speak to doctors, but the staff at Releaf were quite honestly amazing. 

I felt like I could ask all the questions I wanted to ask, and the process was so simple. I think I’d filled out the eligibility checker within 10 minutes, and I had my first appointment 4 days later and within two weeks, I was taking medical cannabis. I also had my first follow-up appointment last week, and that went really well too, so I’ve received my second prescription. 

What was it like receiving the Releaf Welcome Box?

When my welcome box arrived, I was so excited, it was like being a teenager again getting a new bit of kit. It gives you everything you need, and it all comes with instructions for anyone who isn’t sure on how everything works.

Most of what came in the box I didn’t already have, and it surprised me how good the vaporiser is. It makes the cannabis so flavourful, and it tastes much better than when you smoke it because you can taste the terpenes and their individual notes. 

I think the glass storage jar is also really useful, and the grinder is awesome quality, so I’m really pleased that I got it all for free! 

Can you tell us about the effect medical cannabis has had on your everyday life, for example, has it made a difference at work?

Well, I work for Beryl bikes. I spend my days fixing up the bikes or cleaning them down, and of course tracking them down to wherever they’ve ended up!  Before I started my cannabis prescription, at work I used to be so on the go I’d overwork myself and forget to take a break, and I think that’s probably linked to ADHD, but that would also impact my pain. 

Now, my mind isn’t racing as quickly, I feel much more chilled. I’m able to focus better, and I’m not as anxious or frantic to get things done like I was before, so that has been really good for me, just knowing I’m not going to burn out. 

Somebody at work actually commented on this the other day, and said, ‘you’re so much calmer nowadays’. I told them it was because of medical cannabis, and I don’t think it was the answer they were expecting, but after that another colleague even went out and bought some CBD. I explained it's not the same thing so it wouldn’t have the same level of effect, but it does go to show that people are pretty open to the idea. 

In terms of everyday life, I’m also sleeping much better, and I’ve got a much better appetite than I used to when I was using my other medications, so that's a massive positive. It really has had a knock on effect.

And what about hobbies or plans for the future, is there anything you’re looking forward to now you’ve started treatment with medical cannabis?

Definitely. Probably about ten years ago, before my back got really bad, I loved walking and being out and about in the greenery and amongst nature. I did Brecon Beacons in five days, and I’ve walked all over the country really, but when the pain started to get so intense I just had to stop. 

Before I started using medical cannabis, it was at the point where I could barely walk, and I certainly couldn’t walk for extended periods of time. If I did go on a long walk, I’d honestly be in so much pain, but now that’s not an issue for me. I even walked to work and back the other day, and didn’t think anything of it. 

So I’m really looking forward to getting back into it. I might even walk to Eastbourne soon, but I will allow myself to get the bus back! 

Is there anything that concerns you now, or that you were unsure of before starting medical cannabis?

Since starting with Releaf, I don’t think I’ve had one concern. 

I feel like having the card gives me a bit of power, or back-up I guess. I can prove I’m not doing anything wrong or acting illegally, I’m literally just taking a medicine that has been prescribed to me. 

I actually find it quite empowering. In reality, there’s not that many legal medical cannabis patients in the UK - even though I’m sure it could help so many more - and I’m so glad to be one of these ‘lucky few’. I’m just glad I started this journey, really. 

Have you faced any stigma or concerns from others?

I wouldn’t say I’ve faced any stigma since becoming a medical cannabis patient, but I also don't really care about what strangers think because I know how much better it has made me. 

I think the most common question I get, or the thing my family were probably most concerned about when I told them I’m now using medical cannabis, was how that could impact my driving. But, once I explain it's just like a lot of prescribed medications, and that so long as I’m not drowsy or impaired in any way, I’m fine to drive, they understand. 

How have your family and friends responded to the news?

My friends and family have been able to see the difference too, and so they’re being supportive. Really, I’ve found everyone to be quite understanding. 

My dad actually wants to try medical cannabis now, but he has had a stroke and can’t talk. My mum is open to the idea of him trying it too, but we’re unsure how we’d be able to facilitate it consent-wise considering my dad can’t really speak or explain things for himself. 

It’s something I’d like to look into more because I think it could be helpful for him. I think I’ll speak to Releaf about this. 

Finally, what advice would you give to others with similar conditions who may be on the fence about this kind of treatment?

If I was talking to someone, and they were unsure about medical cannabis, I’d advise them to just try it, and see how it affects them. Personally, I’ve felt a lot better, and it's really convenient because it comes straight to your door, there’s no trips to the pharmacy or anything like that. 

I think some people may be wary of the price. But, I now know that Releaf have now got their own, UK-grown medical cannabis which helps bring the price down, and it’s really high quality so it is worth the cost. And I guess, the more common this becomes, the more the price will go down.

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